
Crow's Lost Memories

Corvin is a boy who grew up with dreams of changing the world. Humanity is in the brink of civilization changing revolutions. As the waves of turmoil create change, he gets the chance and connections to lead the change of his homeland along with his friends. Will he be able to change the world in the way he wants during the industrial revolution of his planet, or will he fail as he uncovers the truth about reality and his real identity? A/N: This is my first work, and just a simple hobby of mine but I do take it seriously. I want to keep some parts of it different from the rest like how the magic works, and I know it may turn out more complicated than classic game-esque magic, I still like that kind of worldbuilding. I appreciate constructive criticism. Currently 1 chapter per week because I am busy with uni exams. Will be back to 2 per 3 days after everything is over, which will take about three months.

chicken_soldier · Fantaisie
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109 Chs

C76- Reload (4)

Blood dripped from his nose as Corvin pushed himself further. The ringing in his head drowned out the echoing of the explosions. The Twin Peaks of Aos shook as the nest started to crumble apart completely under it's own weight.

After a few minutes of flying, they finally reached a giant familiar room with walls covered by honeycombs and broken stone platforms. The many bugs that used to rest in the room had left to help the Queen, and by now, most of them were probably dead under a the mountain.

Corvin flew as fast as he could while avoiding the rocks that fell from the broken bridges that fell apart again because of the explosions. He quickly flew towards the familiar corridor where he fought with the giant cockroach.

More minutes passed while everyone was being carried by Corvin's magic, and finally they saw some light at the end of the corridor they were flying in. Corvin shone dark green as he used the last of his mental power to shoot everyone outside quickly. His vision darkened as they flew outside of the nest and he lost consciousness.

A few seconds after they got out of the nest, another explosion shook the mountain under them. Noah, who was still playing his violin changed his melodies. After Corvin lost consciousness, he used his violin to carry everyone away from the mountain with magic, but because the magic was cast with haste, it wasn't really strong. As a result, it couldn't carry everyone, and they fell to the ground from a couple of meters high.

After groaning in pain for a bit, they got up and started to run away in unison without communication. No one had to tell the other how dangerous it was to stay near a mountain that was about to fall down on itself. Kharon swiftly picked up the unconscious Corvin and carried him while they all ran in the same direction, furthest away from the mountain.


Felyp got out of the Vyolor mansion in Demice city.

"Apperaently, Noah didn't tell anyone where they were going to. Jack, go and tell the guards on the mountain to start searching for clues about where Noah and Corvin could be. Return to Corvin's village when you are done."

"Yes, Sir."

As the tall man got down from his horse and flew away quickly, Felyp turned back to the rest of his friends.

"Let's go to Corvin's home before him. Maybe his mother knows where they might be. Knowing him, Corvin probably told her with excitement."

Olivia, Clark and Dennis all nodded and they started riding their horses again. After an hour on road, they reached the Tarlen village.

Knock! Knock!

Felyp knocked on the door of Corvin's house. A few seconds later, Sally opened the door slowly while carrying Luna.

"Oh! Margrave Vyolor! What brings you here? Do you want to come in?"

"Thanks, but I am in a hurry. Maybe some day else when I have time."

The friendly smile on Sally's face faded a bit and she asked.

"Is there really a war that's about to happen?"

"Corvin didn't tell you?"

"He told me about some machines they were playing with but not much else."

"Did he tell you why they came here?"

"They were looking for a cave in the mountains, if I am not mistaken..."

"Do you know where they started looking for them?"

"I think they were going to start searching from the mountains closest to here..."

"I see... Thanks."

"Is he in trouble again?"

"I don't know yet."

"Sigh~, I wonder when he will stop making his mother worry..."

"That's how boys are. You just need to get used to it."

As Felyp finished his sentence, Jack came from above and landed next to him.

"Then, take care, Miss Sally."

"You too, Margrave Vyolor."

Felyp got on his horse and started riding towards the south. After they got out of the village, he said.

"Let's go to the Twin Peaks and start searching for them there. Ignore any monster on the way, and just focus on finding a clue."

After a bit of riding, they got to the Werga Mountains. After some searching on the mountains, Felyp finally encountered one of those pink bugs again. And then another one, and one more. A few seconds later, Felyp suddenly stopped.

"Weird... They are all coming from the same direction. It's like they are running away from something.", said Dennis.

"Sir Vyolor? What happened?", asked Olivia.

"...Something... I can feel a lot of energy. But it's weird. It is all coming from underground. It feels like an... explosion?"

"Huh? Explosion?"

Rumble! Rumble!

Soon after, the ground beneath them shook, enough to almost knocked them off from their horses.

"An earthquake?"

"No. This is not a normal earthquake... Let's go to where the energy I feel is coming from."

As they got closer to the Twin Peaks, the tremor of the ground got strong enough to make the horses scared, and they decided to get a bit further away from the mountains. They were in the outskirts of the Twin Peaks, when they saw the mountain get shorter.

"The mountain is falling apart! Jack, quickly go and alert the guards again. Evacuate the nearby villages!"

"Yes, Sir!"

As Jack got off his horse and used his magic to fly away, Olivia suddenly turned to her right.

"Sir Vyolor."


"There is a group of people coming towards here."


"They will be here in about a minute... One of them has really weak vitals."

"Get ready to give treatment."

After waiting for a minute, Felyp saw a giant and bald man carrying an unconscious boy with him, running away from the mountain.

'Who is that... That's Corvin!'

Felyp quickly went up to the running man and sheathed his sword.

"HEY! You! What are you doing to that child!"

"I don't know who you are, but get lost! I need to find treatment for the kid!"

"Answer my question!"

"I neither have the time, nor the willingness to do that right now. The kid is in a bad state."

"Do you know the kid?"

"Yes. He saved my life."

"What is your name?"

"Why should I tell you?"

"Because that boy is my disciple."

"Huh? Disciple... Ah! Are you the master he told me about?"


"Oh! So you are Noah's dad! Do you have someone here who can help him?"

"Olivia there can use biological magic."

"Great. He needs immediate treatment. He used too much magic, he might have internal bleeding. His eyes were about to bleed as well."

"Okay. But you have to tell me what happened and why the mountain is falling down."

"Of course."