
Crossover Chronicles: Unveiling the Land of Errors

A young man emerged from an underground labyrinth, possessing extraordinary strength unlike ordinary people. Qi Shaoyun, who worships power, simply chose to push his attack power to the limit, paying no attention to defense or agility! With the power of Lv1, he kills opponents of higher levels. "Xing! You have to trust me!" "Aren't you afraid of trouble from the Loki Clan for blatantly using their powers?" ... The story belongs to its rightful owner. I am providing a translation of the content and do not claim ownership.

ItamiH · Anime et bandes dessinées
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17 Chs

Chapter 10: Blessings from the Gods

West Street, Hostess of Fertility.

"Huh? Mr. Qi is back so early, meow."

Just as Qi Shaoyun approached the hotel, a cat-eared girl named Anya Fromel, who was standing at the entrance, warmly greeted him.

Although Qi Shaoyun had spent very little time at the Hostess of Fertility in the past week, he had become familiar with the maid girls in the establishment.

"Miss Anya, loitering at the entrance again, I see." Qi Shaoyun responded familiarly to Anya's greeting.

Upon hearing him nonchalantly expose her intentions, Anya raised her small head disdainfully, hands on her hips, and her cat tail swaying behind her as she tried to retort.

"Hmph, I'm just trying to attract customers for the inn, meow!"

"But you, Mr. Qi, didn't venture into the dungeon today. Could it be that your enthusiasm lasted only three minutes, meow?"

Qi Shaoyun smiled slightly and didn't directly answer.

"Actually, I came back to pack my things and bid farewell to all of you."

"What?!" Upon hearing this, Anya exclaimed, "Mr. Qi, you're not really leaving Orario, are you?!"

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

As Qi Shaoyun passed by the cat-eared girl, he reached out and ruffled Anya's head firmly, as if petting a real cat.

"Just after receiving the approval of Lady Hestia, I have joined the Hephaestus Familia. I'm just preparing to move there, that's all."

"No way! No way! No way!"

"Mr. Qi, a battle maniac like you, choosing to join the Hephaestus Familia?!" Anya's face was filled with shock and disbelief upon hearing that Qi Shaoyun had joined the blacksmith familia.

Every time Qi Shaoyun returned from the dungeon, he was always covered in wounds, which led Anya to perceive him as a "battle maniac."

With his back turned to the cat-eared girl, Qi Shaoyun waved his hand without answering and headed upstairs.

After a few minutes.

When Qi Shaoyun came down again, he had a qilin bow, a short sword, a quiver filled with iron arrows, and a moderately sized bundle.

He walked leisurely to the counter and took out 1500 valis.

"Aunt Mia, this is yesterday's accommodation fee."

Mia Grand nodded as she accepted all the valis in her big hand. She looked up at Qi Shaoyun and spoke only three words, "Do well."

"I will!" Qi Shaoyun smiled and turned to walk towards the door.

Anya, who was leaning against the hotel door, couldn't help but ask as he came out, "Chloe and Ryu went out to purchase this morning. They should be back soon."

In response, Qi Shaoyun ruffled her head vigorously once again.

"I'm just changing my place of accommodation, not leaving Orario."


Two hours later, Hephaestus Familia.

Under the arrangement of Captain Tsubaki, Qi Shaoyun officially moved into the Hephaestus Familia. Now he stood in front of the main god's door.

After calming himself down a bit, he raised his hand and lightly knocked on the door.

"Knock, knock, knock..."

"Lord God, it's Qi Shaoyun."

As soon as he finished speaking, Hephaestus's voice came from inside the room.

"The door isn't locked, come in."

With the permission of the main god, Qi Shaoyun pushed open the door and entered.

His gaze briefly swept across the entire room. It appeared to be a three-bedroom apartment design, and Hephaestus was sitting deep in the living room, behind a desk positioned in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.

"Shaoyun, take off your top and lie on the sofa for a while."

"Alright, Lord God."

Familiar with the process of bestowing divine blessings, Qi Shaoyun unbuttoned his shirt without hesitation and directly took it off, lying on the sofa.

With nothing to do, he decided to ask a question.

"Lord God, what are you looking at?"

Considering that the concept of a familia being like a family had already become common knowledge, Hephaestus didn't see Qi Shaoyun as an outsider. She answered straightforwardly, "I am reviewing a large batch of weapons forged by the Loki Familia. The quantity is immense, so I need to personally examine them."

"Loki Familia?" Qi Shaoyun expressed his surprise.

Sensing his confusion, Hephaestus explained, "It's probably in preparation for the next expedition."

"Expedition... So, how far has our familia ventured into the dungeon?"

"Our familia is quite unique. Familias like Loki's always seek our cooperation for expeditions because they consume equipment extensively."

"Therefore, our familia's expedition progress is basically on par with the forefront familias in Orario."

Upon hearing Hephaestus's explanation, Qi Shaoyun seemed to have an epiphany.

In the spin-off of 'DanMachi' called 'Sword Oratoria,' the perspective focuses on Loki Familia, and indeed, they cooperate with Hephaestus Familia in subsequent expeditions.

After chatting for a while, Hephaestus finally finished her work and then walked over to Qi Shaoyun.

When she saw his back, which had many fresh wounds but no old scars, she knew for certain that he had recently arrived in Orario.

"When we form the contract later, your body may experience some changes. Don't resist it."


After the preliminary reminder, Hephaestus bit her fingertip.

Fresh blood flowed from the wound, forming a drop of blood that fell onto Qi Shaoyun's back. Subsequently, a faint blue glow formed a hammer-shaped emblem on his back, gradually illuminating the entire room.

When the light reached its brightest moment, Hephaestus picked up a specially prepared piece of paper for imprinting status values, which was laid flat on his spine. She then gently pressed her jade-like hand onto the paper's surface.

Soon, the blue glow disappeared. When the paper was lifted again, Qi Shaoyun's divine status was imprinted on it.

Hephaestus, who could understand the divine language, could directly read the status values. However, she preferred to imprint them and read later.



Upon seeing Qi Shaoyun's initial status, even Hephaestus, who had spent a long time in the Lower World, couldn't help but widen her beautiful eyes, expressing her astonishment on the spot.

Sensing that the imprinting was complete, Qi Shaoyun stood up from the sofa and curiously approached Hephaestus from behind, taking advantage of his height to look at the imprinted paper in her hand.

[Name]: Qi Shaoyun

[Level]: Lv.1

[Strength]: |S-932|

[Endurance]: |I-99|

[Dexterity]: |I-99|

[Agility]: |I-99|

[Magic Power]: |I-0|


『Unknown Identity』

Mysterious and unknown.

『Total Concentration』

The more focused the concentration, the stronger the attack power.

By channeling all mental energy, the next attack will be greatly enhanced, with a maximum increase of up to 5 times.

Upon seeing his own status printed on the paper, Qi Shaoyun wasn't particularly surprised by the five basic attributes. The skill "Total Concentration" was expected, given his years of practicing archery.

However, when he saw the skill "Unknown Identity," his heart skipped a beat. He knew very well that it should be his System, but because divine arts couldn't recognize it, it appeared as "Unknown Identity."

While feeling anxious in his heart, Qi Shaoyun frantically thought about how to explain this skill. But in the next moment, he realized that such thoughts were unnecessary.

"Shaoyun! Your strength attribute has actually reached S-rank!"

Hephaestus pointed at the strength attribute on the printed paper, her excitement evident in her face. She completely disregarded the skill aspect and couldn't contain her joy.

"Do you know what this means?! You will break the record for the fastest advancement from Lv.1 to Lv.2 in Orario!"

"I remember the current record holder is the Sword Maiden of the Loki Clan, who took only one year to advance from Lv.1 to Lv.2."

Seeing his own Goddess pacing back and forth and suddenly bursting into laughter, Qi Shaoyun could only silently comment in his heart.

If he were to allocate the remaining two free attribute points entirely to strength, surpassing the S-rank limit for strength, Hephaestus would probably wake up laughing even in her dreams.