
Police in Los Angeles

In a stitched-together world of episodic American TV dramas, we are invited to step into the protagonist's shoes and rescue characters who were unceremoniously written off. The aim is to rationally amend the absurd plot twists concocted by capricious screenwriters. This includes, but is not limited to, shows such as The Rookie, Castle, and Hunter. Future additions may encompass Person of Interest, Knight Rider, Bones, and even various police-themed movies. Excluding the protagonist's "System", there are no supernatural elements. All cases and narratives serve the novel's storyline, with some creative modifications. Readers are advised not to take these changes too seriously.

Mutter · TV
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140 Chs

Chapter 30: The Serial Killer Must Die

In the chaotic backyard, Tim tossed a shovel to Jack and pointed to several patches of ground where the soil was darker and weeds grew more densely.

"Carefully dig those areas up and take a look."

Jack took the shovel, already having a hunch about what he might find. After digging less than half a meter down, he indeed noticed something unusual. Carefully removing the top layer of soil, he uncovered a highly decomposed body, accompanied by a foul stench.

"Fucking bastard," Jack muttered in Chinese, stopping his actions.

Tim also halted his digging. He had discovered another body, this one already reduced to bones.

"Now it's up to forensics. There are at least four bodies buried here. They have their work cut out for them."

Jack couldn't read any emotion on Tim's poker face, but the anger in his eyes was unmistakable.

"Jack, can I trust you?"

Tim turned off their body cams before speaking.

Jack felt relieved. This was the TV drama world he was familiar with, where things weren't always black and white.

"Actually, I was just about to ask you the same thing."

"I don't believe in letting him rot in prison. I believe in God's judgment."

Tim seemed pleased with Jack's answer and continued, "Then let's send him to meet God. This bastard has disgraced the Marines!"

As a retired Marine, Tim was deeply enraged.

"Let's bring John in. He's not a stubborn saint, just lacking the right opportunity. I don't want to see him harmed by his own kindness someday," Jack suggested.

Tim hesitated. "Does he know when to keep his mouth shut? I still have fifteen years to go before I can collect my full pension."

"Let's talk to him and find out," Jack shrugged, a gesture he was becoming more adept at.

They walked back into the house, finding the others gathered around a photo Hannah was holding.

Jack cleared his throat to get their attention. "We found at least four unidentified bodies buried in the backyard."

"Fuck!" Angela, the most hot-tempered of the group, spat out a string of expletives.

Seeing the two rookies' confused looks, Tim signaled everyone to turn off their body cams before explaining.

"This means that even if we catch that bastard, the DA might strike a deal to avoid the death penalty in exchange for identifying the victims."

Jack noticed John's eyes widen in disbelief, as if he couldn't comprehend what Tim was saying.

Honestly, Jack himself didn't fully understand the quirks of plea bargaining in the USA.

Angela explained, "Although California hasn't abolished the death penalty, the Green River Killer avoided execution by making such a deal."

"Notorious 'Grim Sleeper' Lonnie Franklin was sentenced to death but never executed, dying of natural causes in prison."

Tim, sensing the need to stoke the group's anger further, added, "Then there's Richard Ramirez, the Night Stalker. Sentenced to death in 1989, he lived in prison until 2013, even getting married to a fan."

Hannah tossed the photo to Tim and started to walk out, but Jack quickly grabbed her. Angela and Tim were testing the rookies' attitudes, not trying to upset Hannah further.

"So, we just let this happen?" John looked shattered.

Tim nodded. "If that bastard is smart, he won't give us the chance to kill him."

Hannah struggled but couldn't break free. "I will never let him surrender," she hissed.

Tim looked at the photo Hannah had thrown, showing a small cabin with a low mountain in the background. He examined it closely, unable to decipher anything. "What did you find?"

John, clearly understanding the implications, spoke up. "This is the south side of Baldwin Hills, on the edge of Kenneth Hahn State Park."

Swallowing hard, he continued, "I visited this area when I first arrived in Los Angeles. It's secluded. We suspect the suspect might be hiding here."

Angela confirmed, "I've already checked with the command center. The suspect does own a cabin in this area."

Tim pocketed the photo, scanning the group. "This conversation never happened. Jack, Hannah, you're coming with me. The rest of you stay here and wait for forensics."

"Hey!" Angela protested. "Why am I being left out? Don't you trust me?"

"You're about to become a detective. Don't get yourself in trouble."

Tim's stern look also silenced the eager Lucy, who reluctantly stepped back.

Ah, Tim's unique form of care, even when it meant being the hardest on his colleagues. Jack released Hannah, keeping an eye on John, who seemed deep in thought.

"Take me along. I know the area, and I know what I'm doing," John said without hesitation.

"Then let's go."

As they left the suspect's residence, Tim reported via radio, "7-A-21, we're heading to Kenneth Hahn State Park to check the suspect Angus Lucius's cabin. Please mark it."

"7-A-26, we'll accompany. Please mark it."

Thirty minutes later, the two patrol cars were driving down a rough forest path, nearing their destination.

Before getting out, Jack was concerned about Hannah's state. If he were to rate her anger level from 1 to 10, it had been at 6 after interviewing Carla and had skyrocketed to 10 after discovering more victims.

"Hannah, if you can't control your emotions, I'll have to tell Tim and leave you in the car."

Jack looked seriously into her fiery blue eyes, feeling like he could be burned to a crisp by her gaze.

He didn't want her to get hurt due to excessive anger. Not everyone could stay cool-headed when emotions ran high, unlike him.

Hannah sniffed, leaned over, and buried her head in Jack's chest, taking a few deep breaths before sitting back. "I'm fine. Tim won't let me act anyway. Just watch him, don't let anything go wrong."


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