

i going to sleep it is late at night. i than wake up to screams. then i go check it out. i see vampires i didn't want to see. we are going to have to move during daylight. for now i set up fires to push them back. i them make sliver and wood weapons to see how weapons effect vampires. i see that fire is most effective to them and helps me see better. the vampires are fast. i just use flaming arrows at them. yeah i need to contain the fires i set up with my arrows. i then do so with metal cylinders i made right on the spot. yead don't want to burn the tribe down. anyways the vampires run for it leaving some charred bodies behind. i burn the bodies into ashes. one can never be to careful. we start morning the tribe at dawn. away from where the vampires run off to. yeah we are moving for awhile. i night i speard fires around the tribe to burn. i now seeing bat vampires that is flying. i shoot flaming arrows at them. i wake up the tribe to shoot flaming arrows at bat more than human monsters. yeah this isn't how i picture my day going. they leave when dawn appears. i see that one is immune to sunlight. this is bad. i fire arrows at true vampire. thankfully fire works on it. i then dump oil on it and burn it alive into ashes. we keep moving forward until we are no longer in range of vampires. freaking vampires. we head toward dog human tribe because the have werewolves in there territory to deive off vampires. we are going to pass by them and trade. werewolves can't fly. there are more easier to deal with than vampires. i find fire works best against them. we came to dog tribe and trade some weapons and armor for food. it is a bartering system the tribes have. we tell them about the vampires and move on. we had to journey for 6 months and settle at a forest. this most tiring journey ever. i going to go relax. we forgot the hunters when we were fleeing for our lives didn't we. that is kind of bad. i will have to protect the tribe until new hunters grow up. i have a lot of work to do. i need to find a way to do it lazy. think brain think.