

Have you ever thought that maybe there are other worlds and dimensions? Have you ever thought that perhaps there are other 'you'? Meet different yet conected people, different worlds, times and styles of life; stories that will be conected. Samantha Morgan is a successful young police inspector in New York city. But even the best of the best have an exception. For Samantha, that is the murder of her father which took place 20 years ago and it is still unresolved. The only clue she has is a snake tattoo she saw in the neck of that man fron behind. Her live is quite monotone and limited; sleep, work and food; not always in that order. But one day, she enters in contact with a boy who breaks away her monotone life. A mysterious and handsome boy who will show her a completely different reality. Different people with different lifes and secrets. 'Cause life is so much more.

Clarod · Fantaisie
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8 Chs


"Love is the only thing that we can perceive which transcends the dimensions of time and space." - Anne Hathaway - Brand

Fron the film Interstellar.

Have you ever heard of other dimensions? Other worlds?

Have you ever heard of dopplegangers?

People say that there is a person out there that looks exactly like you. People call them dopplegangers.

But, what if there are people with your same essence even though you are nothing alike phisically?

In that case they are you and not you at the same time.

They are you in other time and space.

Hi there, dear reader.

I just started writing this after having the idea for a few years.

I would appreciate any feedback you'd like.

Thank you

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