
Hide And Hit (Part II)

Now that Amethyst and Noelle were fighting, I would say Noelle had a considerable advantage. Noelle's illusion couldn't be reflected if Amethyst didn't know what Noelle's magic was.

Amethyst, who had looked at Noelle's katana, should have already fallen into Noelle's illusion. If that had happened, then Noelle would have already won this fight.

When Amethyst randomly turned around, Noelle ran her fastest and slashed Amethyst on her wrist. Caught in Noelle's magic, Amethyst had lost. 

We were now on the lead, but the event hadn't ended yet. Rebecca, who has been quietly searching for someone, had met an opponent from Team Echela. 

Confident in her abilities in close combat, Rebecca charged right at her opponent. She could dodge anyone's attack as long as she could react to the opponent's attack.

Team Echela was insulted by Rebecca's gesture. Attacking with a mana blast, Rebecca had already teleported right on Echela's member.