

A teenage boy during a party with his friend,is injected a serum with the power to code anything in real life as a programmer in a computer ,he can change everything like brick to money etc.What will this man do to achieve this ?

Maybe_Set · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

She Can Handle It

I really wanted to know if these two were siblings,but what if they are and only i know the truth ,i cant stay here knowing that so i should prepare to leave this house.Maybe i should sent the strands of hair to jakijo to identify i cant handle to learn the truth by myself,(raya calling jakijo in phone) Hi its me i would like to give you some strands of hair so you can test if they are siblings came whenver you are free.(door ringing) Oh wait a bit jakijo someone is ringing the door,hello how can... jakijo! What are you doing here? You said i could come whenever i am free right .Well not immidialty ,well i wanted to also look you raya.Aww thank you so much then take this strands of hair to test.Ok i will inform you as soon as i can (jakijo leaves using a car) ( a shadow can be seen in the left mirror on her car) The next day... So jakijo what happened ? Are they ? Siblings? No they arent based on the samples of hair you gave me they arent,so its seems we began with a problem since the start,raya.That's great ! ( Raya shouts) Whats great? (says rion as he enters the room) Jakijo got a boyfriend! Who got what? My friend come on recall some moments the girl with the helicopter! Oh that girl,no i still dont remember her.You know rion maybe we should do a double date with her you know as she is my best friend, and you and i are .... we are nothing that all.(rion ends raya sentence) Phew,that was close jakijo are you there? Yes ,raya i am here you know we can go out together too if you want to go out.Well in reality it wouldnt be bad to celebrate this ! I will come tommorow then.(The next day) i am coming ,coming raya opens the door,its so early jakijo...who are you? I am kamoto ,is slen here? Uh i dont know but come in.Kamoto ,slen finnaly you came so how was the italy as a country.(slen asks kamoto) Generally all good it had so many different games ,my favorite was a old one from the gladiators.Tell me more about it,it was like this bascially an arm wrestling where the other player should do whatever the winner told him too.I dont like this games anymore kamoto, why slen becoming immedialty a coward,lets just try it.Fine ,as the arm wrestling beings the winner is (winner kamoto).(Rin coming down the stairs) Hmm slen i want to get an arm wrestling with you daughter,no you are here for me dont dare to add my daughter into this.What did the old man said slen? An arm wrestling against me ? I would beat the hell out of you old man ! Shall we give it a try then ? (kamoto smiling evil) The rules are ... i dont care about the rules cause i know i am gonna win.Huh really arrogance in your girl slen never had though she would be the evil side unlike you.

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