

The place that I found online was called Surīpudoragon. It's supposed to mean sleeping dragon and all the members here are meant to be the best of the best but the conditions to train are supposedly extremely difficult. Their motto is to push to limits and beyond, always be at the verge of ascension or death or so the rumour goes. Honestly abit chuuni for me but we'll see.

I went up the stairs at the side of a building in the middle of nowhere. Atop the step was a wooden sign with the dojo's name. I knocked before entering but heard no reply so I entered the door and took of my shoes at the entrance. I was wearing some workout clothes which was a nylon teal coloured top with some black shorts. I came prepared for a workout. As I entered I noticed three individuals all of which seemed ..... unique.

The first was a man who was extremely tan and wearing only shorts with bandages on his legs and red ribbons tied around his biceps tightly. His muscled body was riddle with tiny scars that made his appearance look like it was about to break like a vase yet held together through sheer will power. He turned towards me with joy on his face. "Hello are you new applicant?" He asked with broken Japanese. "Yes sir my names sabaku, what's yours". He bloomed with happiness and replied " I the great Sombat, I from Thailand but moved here after finishing work as hero" he said.

An ex hero huh, impressive he can teach me the ropes. "What's your quirk? If you don't mind me asking". He looked at me and without any shame "quirkless". I looked right back into his eyes and I thought amazing that someone can go so far without a quirk. He seemed to have felt my thoughts and asked " you no disappointments". "No not really, you look like you've seen your fair share of battles yet are still functioning which means you know how to fight. That's exactly what I wanna learn". Sombat peered into my soul with his eyes bulging out of his skull. He laughed and hugged me " little sabaku have good eyes. I make the best Maui Thai fighter in Pratheṣ̄ ỵī̀pùn." I smiled at the man. His aura is so happy, like sunshine raining down on flowers so they photosynthesis. He makes people happy.

I heard a grunt and turned to see a woman with reddish skin and Finns on the side of her head. She looks like the side kick Sirius but more muscular and red instead of blue. Her skin looks a little sunburnt. She's wearing a classic karate gi with the arms ripped off and a pattern of fish scales that are light pink on the gi. She wore a black belt and from what I can spot on her collar bone and her arms, those look to be scars from blades. Her fists resembles a karate practitioners. Her fingers slightly elongated as signs of breakage and her hands and knuckles are calloused. Through her hair I can spot cauliflowered ears which is a sign of frequent grappling.

She cursed "mentuese, essayer d'entrer dans vos bons livres". She's calling me a liar in french. Good thing I speak that. I replied with a grin on my face "il faut en connaître un. son grossier mais dans une conversation". I said takes one to know one and called her rude. She was shocked I understood her language and was offended at the allegation. A man in the corner of the room calmly drinking his water giggled. He was wearing a dobok which shows he's a taekwondo practitioner. I'm kinda a martial arts buff in my first life. He laughed and said "he got you good girl. Kid my names Cung Shio and I will gladly teach you." He was also trying to test me by showing off his disability

Cung ship stood with one arm in his dobok hanging loosely. He's missing an arm. But again I'm unperturbed as I wanted to know how to fight limbless with one of the moves I've made for my quirk he'll be perfect. "Thanks shio sensei can't wait, what's your name miss". Cung shio and Sombat were again wide eyed as I was unfazed. The woman thought I was ignoring them to look at a pretty girl based on the flint in her eye. " Aquarius Ken master of the zodiac style. Muir Desmarais". I have studied about this style. It tried to incorporate. Numerous fighting style to match all physiques brought about by quirks. Her style is karate and judo. Interesting that she's french as she can also teach me that. I smiled and asked my teachers "what are your quirks" to which they gave a brief demonstration

Cung shio swung a slow graceful high kick which showed after images. While Muir performed a karate kata while water slid off her arms. So after image and what I assume is the Aquarius quirk which is what most users of that style have. It allows them to produce water through striking and moving. The more refined the move the more they produce and can manipulate. This place is exactly what I need.

Sombat piped up " why you come to us sabaku". I chuckled. " it's because your what I need Sombat sensei (his eyes sparkled after being called sensei) as you all have skills and styles I'll need." This drew their attention. " Cung sensei has a style not reliant on his arms which I will need in relation to my quirk. Muir sensei can help train my body cause her quirk nullifies mine and makes me weakand she can help me practice my french. And lastly Sombat sensei can train me to fight quirkless". They blinked and began to laugh until they heard a thump from the back room as the door opened and a huge man entered.

I thought holy shit. He looks like a mini white beard and dresses like that elder from that old martial arts anime I liked. "Gurarararaeara, brat your funny. You want to learn to fight limbless, weak and quirkless, gurarararara". That settles it he's quite beard. Inannas trolling me with one piece cameos. He continues laughing and asked "why the hell would you wanna learn to fight like that" he said with a sliver of seriousness in his old gaze appraising me head to toe.

I took a moment to breathe from the pressure he was leaking. " it's because I might end up limbless weak and quirkless. I know there are enemies who can reduce me to such a state so I want to be prepared". My gaze was unwavering as I stared down this whitebeard type. He closed his eyes in understanding. "So you want to be a hero even though you understand the consequences, you must really wanna be like him". Eh what's this guy on about. I don't wanna be like all might, why would anyone? The guys a walking skeleton from over doing it and has a target on his back every were he goes. "All might, no way in hell am I going to be like all might. I don't wanna be a virgin my whole life." I said proudly. The dojo shook from all my sensei laughing.

"Gurararara brat your not bad. Making this old man laugh is worth its weight in gold." "Your not so bad yourself old man, like all might he says kuhahahahaha. So what's your name old man, the others looks at you with respect so you must be powerful". "Observant little brat my name fūrinji Edward but people call me pops, if your training here you'll do the same". I was right, he's a double cameo which confirms it inanna is watching over me. I'll give her a good show.

This dojo Surīpudoragon is literally heaven sent, I'll make sure to train my ass off