
Crisis Initiation

A story about how a small insect from a newly Discovered planet became the Galaxy's, and eventually the Universe's Crisis. ---- Hi everyone, English is not my first language and this is my first novel. expect grammar error and also my limited vocabulary I'm still in the process of building the background/setting of the story, so chapters may take a while before it can be uploaded. I'm also open for feedbacks and suggestions! Thank you!

sirLoinFang · Romance
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1 Chs


865, New Era Calendar( NEC)

In the edge of Holy Krüsberg Empire territory, located at Absensus Sector, a Planet was recently discovered by the Grand Fleet Exodus which is full of life.

The newly discovered planet was named Murphy - LB, after Admiral William Murphy of the Exodus fleet.

Murphy-LB is about 3 times of Earth. The world is 55% water and 45% land with 4 massive continents separated by the large sea.

Based on the initial reports made by the Scout fleet, the planet is inhabited by multiple races, multiple creatures of varying sizes and unknown dangers in the vast seas and forests.

The good thing is that the current technology of the planet is still at the equivalent of Medieval Ages of the Old Earth. Intelligent creatures in this planet mainly uses swords, spears, and bows.

- Orbit of Murphy-LB. Titan Battleship.

A man in the late 30's nearly 2 meters, white skin, blonde hair and bluish eyes wearing a military uniform of Red and black is currently observing the map of Murphy-LB

" Have we already made a contact with the natives of this planet? ".

In front of him, wearing the same type of uniform, a woman with a height of 1.70 meters, red hair, a cold looking face wearing a glasses answered.

" Yes, Admiral, and it is not a pleasant contact. The natives are agressively attacking our forward base in the Sinoh Continent. We already tried to showcase goodwill by approaching them nicely and offering various things such as food, jewelry and clothings, but nothing works ".

answered by the woman.

She is Danna Freiyar, Vice Admiral of the Grand Exodus Fleet.

In front of her, the man furrowed his brows and asked in a slightly angry tone " Do we have any updates with the Research Department??!! How long will it take for them to adjust the Translation Chip so we can communicate with these damn Natives?!! ".

Admiral William Murphy, the Leader of Grand Exodus Fleet which is one of the best fleets of the Empire. He is known to be one of the best Admiral of the Empire due to his achievements in the Holy War against the Mourishab Protectorate.

Human technology has advanced by leaps and bounds after their initial entry to the interstellar era Hundreds of years ago. For years, Humans encountered multiple races with different approach, some may be hostile, some may be neutral and some may be friendly. Wars happened due to Language barrier, and to prevent this issue, The Martian Institute of Technology developed a translation chip which can be used to communicate with Alien races.

But for this to work, the system needed to gather data from Natives or Aliens, which sometimes made them kidnap these races to understand their languages faster.

" I already followed up with them, Admiral, but Sir Kylian of the Research Department said that it's a little hard to decipher the language of the natives of these planet since this is the first time we encountered this type of race. He also suggested for us to Kidnap a few of these natives so we can expedite our process of learning their languages, and uh..their body structures. "

answered by Danna.

"What are you waiting for, then? Tell those in the frontlines to kidnap some of these aboriginals and send them to Sir Kylian. But make sure that they won't get caught by the natives " commanded by Admiral Murphy.

" Yes sir, I'll be going then "

Murphy was left alone in the command center, strategizing and creating his plans to conquer this Planet in a nice way, or maybe in a way that the natives won't like.

------- Author

Welcome to Crisis Initiation!

I am still in the process of creating a background for this novel.

To give you all an idea, this novel is not about a human, but instead a creature which will shake the foundation of Galactic Civilizations.

I'm tired of reading Space themed novel centered around the Human Civilization and I just thought tonight, why not make a novel about a non human species?

I'll do my best to publish a chapter within the next few weeks!

I'm hoping for all of your support!