
Step Monster: part 2

"He is the Alpha. He can do pretty much whatever he wants to do." Laken and Hemming stay up half the night discussing Laken's current predicament. Laken wakes up in Hemmings bed. Hemming is still passed out cold on the floor. 

Today was the day. Laken was nervous and disgusted. How could her mother agree to this? She needed to talk to her. Laken had decided she would face her greatest fear today. Her mother. She quickly got out of bed and put on her shoes. Making sure not to wake Hemming. 

She got halfway home before she smelled a familiar scent. Was that, blood? She followed the smell of blood to a house not far from her own. The scent was so strong. It was beginning to make her queasy. Should she knock on the door? No. That could be dangerous. She decides to play it safe and go home, buy when she turns around to leave she comes face to face with Ashina. 

"Hey, wolf girl." Ashina says through a smile.

"Hey, I was just on my way home." Says Laken

"Well, I guess we live close to each other then. This is my house." Well that explains the scent of blood Laken thinks to herself. 

"Yes, that would explain the blood smell." Says Ashina, "I bet I could find your house based solely on the smell of dog." Ashina laughs. 

"Ha, yeah. Well I have a big day today so I should get home."  Says Laken and Ashina frowns. 

Laken walks past Ashina "Bye-bye, wolf girl." She heads straight home. Only four houses down. 

When Laken walks through the door she's greeted by the smell of bacon cooking in the kitchen. She walks into the living room and there sits Zeeb, watching the news on TV.  Zeeb looks at her and says "Good you made it. Wise choice, Laken." Laken scoffs and walks out of the room. She heads for the kitchen where her mother is but before she gets there a male voice behind hersays, "There's my lovely bride." She turns around and locks eyes with Rudi.