
Step Monster: Part 1

"No! Thats completely inappropriate!" Shouts Laken at her step father Zeeb. Laken and Zeeb were miles from the pack.

"You will marry Rudi. As your Alpha, I command you to do so." Says Zeeb

"Oh, don't give me that Alpha bullshit, Zeeb. I wasn't even born into your pack. I'm basically an outsider, a lone wolf."

"Laken, don't be like this. You're 20 now. Stop acting like a child. Aren't you sick of these games?"

"I'm not the one who's immature. Rudi is the one you should be lecturing right now. I've done everything you've ever asked of me, but not this. I won't, I refuse." Laken says, slightly out of breath from the walk.

"Rudi has already agreed to take you as his bride. He attested at first too, but he loves you." Zeeb says

"No, Rudi loves your attention. All he wants is to do what you want him to do. He's basically my brother. It's disgusting, I won't do it." Zeeb stops in his tracks. He'd followed Laken nearly 4 miles already.

"Laken, I expect to see you tomorrow at the ceremony. If you dont show I'll have no choice but to kick you from the pack. With that Zeeb turns and walks away. No doubt heading back to the rest of the pack. Laken stops walking and clenches her fists. She takes her anger out on a tree until her knuckles crack and begin to bleed. Then she starts to cry. She puts her back on the tree and scoots down onto her ass. Now she had no choice. Tomorrow she would be forced to marry her asshole step brother. Fate was cruel. Laken was drowning in self pity when suddenly she heard a noise. Leaves crunching. She immediately gets to her feet. Battle ready.

"Zeeb?" Even if it was Zeeb, she was ready for a fight. She was tired of his bullshit.

Again she hears the sound of rustling leaves.

The next thing she knows she's on her back, trying to grasp onto the wind coming from her lungs. She can't move. Shes pinned to the forest ground by her wrists. She opens her eyes and sees the most beautiful girl on top of her. The girls unique long white hair and deep brown eyes were unlike anything Laken had seen before. The girl leans in so close Laken can almost taste her breath. Blood.

"Hi." The girl whispers in Lakens ear. Chills run through her body. Questions flood her mind. Who was this girl? Where did she come from? And why did her breath reek of blood?

The girl rolls off of Laken and sits on the ground "My name is Ashina. Who are you?"

"I Could ask you the same question." Says Laken, raising herself up by her elbows.

"I just told you, silly. I'm Ashina."

"Okay, Ashina. I have a few questions. Starting with, why did you knock me down?"

"Seemed like fun." Ashina shrugs

"Yeah, well it hurts. So thanks for that. Next question, how are you so strong?" Laken rises to her feet and Ashina does the same.

"I shouldn't really say." Ashina says avoiding eye contact.

"Okay, last question. Why the hell does your breath smell of blood?" Ashina looks up. Making direct eye contact. She leans in and asks,"Can you keep a secret?"

Laken nods, she was actually very good at hiding things. Being the step daughter of the Alpha she'd learned to keep certain things private.

"I'm a vampire," Says Ashina, "but I also have a question. Why do you smell like a dog?"

"A vampire? I've never met one before. Are you sure you aren't just crazy? And what do you mean I smell like a dog? I do not."

"I'm sorry," Says Ashina, "is that something you're sensitive about? Should I not have asked? That was rude, huh?"

"Totally rude." Says Laken

"Yeah, I'm sorry. Anyway, what are you? Some kind of werewolf?" Asks Ashina. Lakens eyes widen. She wasn't allowed to talk about what she was outside of the pack. Seeing the look on Lakens face Ashina says, "Ohh, okay. Now, that's cool."

"I really should get back to my pa- family." Says Laken "It was so nice to meet you though."

"Aww do you really have to go? I have one last question." Says Ashina

"Okay," says Laken, "one last question before I go." Laken was intrigued by Ashina.

"Can we be friends? I've never been friends with a werewolf. Seems like fun." Ashina says, looking at the ground.

"Oh, uh, sure why not. I'll see you later then." Laken turns and walks away. She was sure she'd never see Ashina again.

After miles of walking, Laken finally makes it back to where the pack hangs out. Her best friend Hemming runs over to her.

"Laken! Where the hell have you been? It's been hours since Zeeb chased you off into the woods. It's nearly dark." Laken decides not to tell Hemming about her run in with Ashina.

"Can we go back to your house? I don't want to go home tonight." Hemming raises an eyebrow.

"Uh, sure, kid." Hemming had been calling her kid since they met at 16. She was a year younger and he was more like her older brother than her best friend.

Back at Hemmings house and secure in his bedroom. Laken begins to tell Hemming about her fight with Zeeb.

"Can he even do that?" Asks Hemming