
Crimson Overlord

Check out my new novel: My Seven Beautiful Sins! ±±± At the beginning of the universe, there was only chaos. Chaos gave birth to a world, accumulating into Black and White and the five elements (also known as the Origin Elements), creating the world's laws and the order of heaven and earth. This world was called the Origin world, where the Original beings born out of chaos reigned. They created orders, creatures, and numerous worlds where they reigned as Supreme beings until a calamity befell them and destroyed the Original world alongside numerous worlds. Two billion years have passed since then. In a small world somewhere, a baby was born carrying an unusual past. A love story of a vampire, the primogenitor of vampires. ••••• Nickaido's here; this story is a reboot of Prime Vampire, do not expect the same story or the same characters; many things have changed. Please support me and make this story a great story through your comments and suggestions, and once again, English is not my first language.

Nickaido · Fantaisie
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374 Chs

Toying with the Enemy

Hellion, a man of action, mirrored Lily's frustration. His growl echoed Lily's click, a sound that resonated with barely contained aggression. His eyes, usually warm and inviting, blazed with a fiery intensity as he gripped his massive broadsword.

"Lily," he rumbled, his voice tinged with worry, "are we really letting him waltz in there alone? What if…"

His question hung unfinished in the air, a testament to the unspoken trust, and perhaps even a hint of fear, they held for Orpheus.

Lily met his gaze head-on. Her expression hardened, the playful glint in her eyes replaced by a steely resolve.

"There's no turning back now," she stated, her voice firm despite the tremor that ran through her.

They were hopelessly outnumbered, facing a horde of hulking brutes fueled by primal rage. Their strength, both physical and magical, paled in comparison to the raw power the trolls possessed.