
Crimson Monarch: Endless Journey.

Overlord x Tensura Future Chat Group Op to Godlike Mc Massive Harem. Wish Fulfillment. If you want in depth story with character development then this isn't for you. ============ Gaining the memories of another life and reborn to the earth of the Overlord Verse. Erix Khan ensure that his arrival to the new world to be breeze but fate has another plan in store for him. Finding himself in Central Axis World with many elements that shouldn't exist. Age of God Dungeons? Soul Rank? Watch as Madness dragon and Crimson Monarch begin his conquest. Anyway, hope you enjoy. I'll try to update as much as I can.

ChesterCure · Anime et bandes dessinées
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133 Chs

Chapter 23 - Power scaling is annoying!

Without the system from Re:monster that had [ Epic ] wouldn't allow him to find the 18 Demon Warlords Therefore he had to improvise and create his own. He already has a few candidates and Rimuru would be the perfect leader for it. She has a Great Sage that would help her lead and solve nearly any situation.

Rimuru thought about for moment asking what she does as Warlord and Erix told her that she will be fighting and even conquering kingdom in which made her reluctant to accept but Erix informed her that it only a last resort if diplomatic relation is impossible and told her that being under his rule would provide more opportunities to commoners since most are in favor of noblemen.

Erix didn't even need to try since this day and age would often have corrupt politicians that he hates because they are false rulers who held no power. Only the strong and suitable leader should be the one ruling. In addition, he sees that it would be a waste of potential if those people remain under a pathetic kingdom.

Rimuru has a hard time considering his words but Erix's logic and view show that this is not her world and should not use her own standard. She accepted telling him that she won't hurt anyone that is innocent and Erix blankly looked at her saying it was an obvious thing.

Erix fights someone who is on the battlefield, not in their homes. It won't give him anything besides a bad reputation if he suddenly committed a war crime. After a while, the two departed telling Rimuru that she'll train with Cocytus and would send someone to pick her up.

Rimuru nodded as she watched Erix left heading to his offices where he began working on his paperworks that was rather easy with the help of Arryn and Amaia who were in their human form. He had experience as a CEO of his old company that focuses on investment and connection especially how he invested some of his money in the development of Yggdrasil and when it was at its prime boasted an incalculable amount of cash that in turn invested once again.

Erix was not the best but his luck did help a lot and eventually they finished on the paperworks and headed back to rest within his personal home. He pondered if he was able to use the world tree to branch out and connect to every timeline at once like how Dana Anaga Jagannatha did. Though, Erix knew he needed to reach Supreme God rank or above it.

'Then again, I'm already a higher life form above the normal space-time but this body surely needs time adjusting.' Erix thought to himself since he was only at Living Deity rank yet his prowess can be at least Great God Rank. He estimated that Guy and the others are peak Great God or even Supreme God. He didn't think too hard and relaxed on his floor for the day.

The next day, Erix did the same thing as he did, visiting every facility and even the science and technology department that helps experiment in magic items that came from Yggdrasil and resources within the Central Axis World. The place had all the necessity from chemistry and alchemy laboratory to blacksmith area.

There wasn't much progress besides making magic items that are being done by Undead blacksmith and alchemist that Erix summoned that are low level monsters but due to the lore made them knowledgeable in making items and weapons.

Erix found it rather convenient that he didn't need to spend too much. He took Rimuru and let her join training with everyone and found that she relied too heavily with her skills and was easily defeated by Cocytus via turning her into an ice statue.

This made her realize that she lacks many areas and Erix happily guided her on how to fight properly. He recalled that she was a sword user and decided to make one for her in the future.

Rimuru enjoyed her time training and interacting with Erix trying her best to defeat him but he was too skilled and easily hit the floor.

"How come I can't even land a hit!?" Rimuru complained on the ground and despite not feeling any pain felt exhausted.

"Stop using your skills and try to learn on your own. Skill is just taken and how you use that tool determines the outcome."

Erix explained and watched as Rimuru stood up to continue training and immediately find her whole world upside down. He used Aikido that uses the center of gravity of an opponent to their advantage. Apparently his Real Earth previous life was a martial art fan and mastered quite a lot of combat skills that had been etched into his soul.

He might not be able to remember details of his previous life but knew the show he loved watching and stories that he read like Lookism and Baki. Erix finds it funny how his life is like wish fulfillment fanfic.

He soon left, assigning Cocytus to continue training Rimuru. After a while, Erix contacted Slaneesh who had been in Dwargon kingdom and told her that she returned because he'll head there.

This made her ecstatic since it would give her a moment to spend time with her father. Erix learned that she had been successful in blending in and gaining information about the kingdom. He needs to meet the king and he'll make him submit to his kingdom, brainwashing them to his liking. They don't even realize that Erix already had them under his grasp, especially Slaneesh who was supposed to be perfect in nearly everything.

Her demons can disguise themselves quite easily and persuade even the most strong willed person. Erix continued his day inspecting the citizens and discussing things with Albedo and Demiurge about the kingdom.

At night, he has a fulfilling night being surrounded by Amaia, Arryn, Albedo, Kanami and Shalltear having an orgy. Erix knew that it won't take long for them to give him strong offspring that he desires but didn't push them nor force it into them.

The next day, Erix had breakfast prepared by the maids while he showered and met up with Slaneesh after he had listened to the plans for that day. He was in his concealed state riding a carriage towards the Dwargon Kingdom accompanied by Sebas who acted as coachman and Slaneesh who was in her human form that had pink hair and a bewitching aura around her.

He let her be and continued to look at the trees recalling that it will take around a day or two to arrive at Dwargon kingdom. Erix recalled his time traveling through Yggdrasil and how often he met with a lot of enemies. He stopped by spotting monsters that provided great meals and skill.

Erix somewhat felt like Rou who was constantly hungry for food and skill. Though unlike him, he can plunder any skill so long his enemy recognizes him as an adversary and submits to him. He synthesizes weak skills and constantly makes a library of skills.

He can teleport them straight to Dwargon but finds it more interesting to ride a carriage since he wants to see more of the surroundings in person. Erix noted how it is vastly different to Yggdrasil since the game limits some senses to ensure no one would accidentally think the game is reality and physiologically and physically hurt themselves.

Slaneesh complained how she hadn't bedded him and Erix told her that they'll do it once their task is done. This excited her and tightly hugged him.

After a while, they soon arrived at Dwargon territory looking at the window spotting a line. He already senses the entire place using [ Universal sense ] and lets Arryn and Amaia analyze the entire place before comparing Yggdrasil. He recalled that Gazel Dwargon was Dwarf Saint.

A Saints is a term used by Humans to refer to those among them who have "evolved the correct way" and become spiritual lifeforms. The exact criteria for being considered one seem to be arbitrarily decided, but isn't incorrect to call any Human or Demi-Human who has become a spiritual life form as a "Saint". Their prowess are at a Disaster level.

The immense energy and strength possessed by Saints, in combination with their nature as spiritual lifeforms, gives them the potential to stand on even footing with True Demon Lords and True Heroes as well as a soul strong enough to potentially host an Ultimate Skill.

'Power system is too vague but True Demon Lord should be around Living Deity Rank.'

Erix pondered if his rank is messed up since he should be at least a Great God but knew that there still needed some refinement since his entire being was all over the place and needed time to stabilize.

{ I believe if we only use the energy that house by someone then Supreme God would be Guy and Milim while Veldanava is Beyond Supreme God }

It appears to be obvious to think but when it comes to power scaling strength isn't always the factor for someone to be compared to one another. There are skills and experience.

'Can you use Gazel as a base to see how strong I am?'

[ Master are around Catastrophe Rank and if we used Epic of Caterpillar Rank system then around 9th Great God or Pseudo Supreme God. ]

Erix has [ Lord of Despair, Khahrakh ] and can easily change the outcome of a fight by plundering their skills and making his own. He can easily master the skill with the help of Arryn and Amaia can increase its effect.

'This is why I hate mixed worlds…..well whatever. Then use Gazel as base to see my chances of winning against Milim at her base since I doubt I can take her at stampede state.'

{ Our estimate would be around 0.042069% chance of winning. } Erix had a bland expression when he saw the percentage and said.

'Your joking right?'

{ Fufufufu sorry I can't help it. It's actually around 41.12003% since knowing how you grow as the fight continues…}

[ Though, this only if it be true thee square her on one on one fight at thy most best condition. ]

Erix evilly smiled seeing the percentage eager to square against Milim since he would grow strong if he fought her and had a perfect chance to evolve and refine his rank.