

His neck was suddenly pinned to the headboard as he was being choked by Christian's hand.he was still able to breathe but not freely.he sighed loudly as Christian's mouth went back to doing justice to his now aching erection.   This time it felt more intense and his body felt like it was lit with fire,he felt as if his soul kept rising and falling at the same time.he began moaning out loudly as he couldn't hold it on any longer.it felt like he could die at any moment yet his release felt close and far so he begged before his heart exploded "please, please sir"

zamirah01 · Fantaisie
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29 Chs


Christian Conrad,king of all ten lands within the Dorset kingdom,walked lazily towards his throne room on a bright morning.As he stepped into the hall,all his officials stood and bowed their heads,paying respect to him.his red eyes scanned the room before walking up the stairs that led to his throne.he sat on his throne majestically before raising his hand making his subjects raise their heads and took their seats.his deep voice resonated through the hall as he said "begin",thus beginning another long day.

Tessa stood in front of the mirror in the servants quarters and checked herself out.the maid uniform wasn't so bad she thought.her father who was a gambling addict had gambled away all the money he had,he had lost his job since he used all his money to gamble,he was fruit seller but all he does these days is steal,gamble and drink...and oh he also goes to jail often but the last one he did was what landed her here.he had gone to a rich man's home and stolen a valuable which he sold and used the money to gamble and he lost all of it because he was greedy.he was caught a few days later and his youngest and only daughter was sold to slavery so he could pay for what he stole or he had to face the gallows.who would have thought the bastard would agree to sell her to save himself but lucky as she was,the king's castle was short on workers and was bought the king's butler and that was how she ended up here the day before.she was still lost when in her own thought when "ahem" she quickly turned around to face the handsome butler who looked her from head to toe before saying "follow me" she followed him and tried to keep up as he kept stating rules and the instructions.he stopped and turned to her " under no condition should you wander into the the third floor,unless you are asked to" he said in a cold voice with a chilly face "yes" she said instead and they began walking again.she was taken to the kitchen where she was handed over to a mean looking woman who apparently is the head maid.she bowed in greeting, and she was taken to a room within the kitchen that turns out to be the servants dining.she ate breakfast along with other girls,some her age,some older but she was able to make a friend abby.when they were done , Abby led Tessa to where they were to work for the day ...the courtyard.

Mason stood by the window looking down at the two girls who chatted away as the swept the courtyard,the air was cold and with the looks of the sky it might rain cat and dogs today.he turned and went to stand in front of his friend and master in more than one way,he cleared his throat to gain the king's attention who didn't look up but said "Mason you do not need to clear your damn throat,I know you are here already,just spit it out already" he continued reading the paper he was holding.mason rolled his eyes but said " I am glad my presence was not forgotten like the usual I ..."

"when have I ever forgotten your presence?" christian asked finally looking up.his red eyes glowing 'damn,how could a man be so handsome' mason thought and unconsciously bit his lip.christian smiled "I see what you're doing"he said to his butler who was caught offguard " n no I wasn't thinki.."

"come here" the butler walked two steps closer and stopped looking at his feet "you really are going to make me do it" christian said and got up,in a single stride walked to where his butler was,held his neck and then threw him against the wall.he walked up to where he fell and picking him up,he rammed his back against the wall.Mason tried to catch his breath,he said "please.. please". christian grinned in the next second,he crushed his lips against Mason's in a hot passionate kiss.

Mason tried to smoothen out the rumples in his shirt as he dressed.after he was done dressing he went to the couch where the king lay naked with his eyes closed and said "you should put on your clothes your Chris,the ministers..I mean your subjects are still waiting" he got up without a word and Mason helped him dress.when they were done,they stepped out of the king's study and headed back to the court where the ministers are still waiting to complete their reports.they were used to the king taking breaks when he's bored,they bowed as he walked in along with his butler who was mostly by his side..the next minister walked to center of the hall and began his report.

hey dear readers, thanks for reading crimson fate..comments and suggestions are welcomed, it'll help motivate to write better...

lots of love 💕
