
Crimson Faith : A Naruto Tale

UA plot, Naruto is the main mc Not a SI or transmigration fic, Just an alternative universe, with my own spice Jounin actually mean shit here. Kage level are genuine monster to normal people. Jashin is a real thing, the whole UA because of this mf Some cool fights and world building, Jutsu will actually make sense Neji certainly wont end up penetrated by the world here. No harem (at least nothing too obvious if any caractere got one ) More dept to chakra and chakra techniques Read if if you got a fetish for some hot blooded fighting and epic shit This here is a what if story. Made after watching Asuma dying to Hidan, i asked myself how would the world look with Jashin having more presence in it. This is a story where chaos and intrigues never end,with long arcs. Disclamer : I dont now own naruto or anything related to it that belong to their respective owner, only Oc would belong to me. I dont own the Book Picture. if you like the work you can support me on ko-f* you can find me on k*fi /lightofcertainity/

LightOfCertainity · Anime et bandes dessinées
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55 Chs

The Night of Graduation : End

Amid the chaos of his emotions, there was a fleeting moment of relief for Naruto. As he executed the Shadow Clone Jutsu, dispersing clones in various directions, able to give himself a temporary escape from the immediate threat of Mizuki. The clones served as a diversion, giving Naruto the precious moments needed to distance himself from his pursuer.Huddled in the shadows of a tree, Naruto's breaths came in ragged gasps. The revelation of his true identity had shaken him to the core, and the forest provided a temporary sanctuary from the harsh truths that had been thrust upon him. The giant scroll, clasped tightly in his arms, seemed to be both a shield and a burden, echoing the weight of the forbidden knowledge hidden in it.The words of iruka lecture in the academy echoed in his ears—tales of a monster responsible for the tragedy in the village, a monster that he supposedly harbored within himself,or himself being the monster,not understanding how the forth hokage sealed him.

In the darkness of the forest, Naruto felt an overwhelming sense of isolation. The world that had always rejected him now seemed even more distant. His eyes, once filled with determination, were clouded with uncertainty. The shadows played tricks on his imagination, whispering doubts and fears that echoed in his mind.Amidst the fear and confusion, Naruto couldn't shake the image of Iruka's eyes—guilt-ridden and pained. The man who had shown him kindness and understanding, now burdened by a truth that had been concealed. Naruto questioned his place in the village, wondering if acceptance was an unattainable dream.inside naruto,a big room can be seen,with a giant prison door showing itself.inside that prison place,a shadowy being can be seen sleeping in solitude. feeling naruto's chaotic mind,its opened one it eyes half way, revealing a deep red color, seemingly showing a kind of feline eyes,giving an oppressive feeling, heavy with sleep.

Iruka can be seen jumping from tree to tree,searching for naruto.As Iruka continued his search, calling out Naruto's name amidst the trees, his determined efforts paid off. Spotting a pair of feet partially concealed behind a tree, a wide smile crossed his face. With a warm smile and empty eyes, he called out to Naruto, "Naruto! I can see you. Stop hiding. It's me, Iruka."

Approaching the tree where Naruto had sought refuge, Iruka's eyes reflected joy at finding naruto. He aimed to bridge the gap created by Mizuki's betrayal and the startling revelation, seeking to reassure Naruto that, despite the tumultuous circumstances, there was still someone who cared.

Naruto, hidden behind the tree, hesitated for a moment before revealing himself to Iruka. The mix of emotions within him, fueled by the recent revelations, made it challenging to face his sensei. Slowly emerging from the shadows, he stood before Iruka, the giant scroll still clutched tightly in his arms.

"Naruto," Iruka began, his voice carrying a mix of a joy and urging, "we need to talk. Mizuki betrayed the village, and I need to make sure you're safe. Hand me the scroll."

Naruto, with a conflicted expression, looked at Iruka. The trust between them had been shaken by Mizuki's deceit, and the truth about Naruto's identity lingered between them like an unspoken question.

Iruka, seeing Naruto's hesitating expression, urged him to hand over the scroll. "Naruto, don't play around, give me the scroll. Mizuki can come at any time. We need to go and warn the Hokage of Mizuki's betrayal," he insisted, showing a stern expression. "It's serious; we can't let the scroll fall into Mizuki's hands." With open arms facing Naruto, he awaited the scroll. Naruto, determined but hesitating, nodded and threw him the scroll.

Iruka, now relieved that Naruto was cooperating, received the scroll in his arms, only to freeze. Suddenly looking at Naruto, he threw the scroll away and jumped from his place, realizing Naruto had tricked him with a fake scroll,an explosive tag attached on it. A hideous expression formed on his face as he watched the scroll explode in the distance. Naruto, mirroring Iruka's move, landed nearby. Iruka turned to Naruto and asked, "How did you know I wasn't Iruka?"

 "Because," naruto said, dispersing into smoke, revealing the wounded Iruka."Im Iruka" Mizuki, his hideous expression unchanged, also gone back into his true form. Enraged by his failed deception, Mizuki turned his attention back to Iruka.

"Why are you protecting that monster?" Mizuki sneered, his words dripping with disdain. "He's the reason your parents died, the village suffering, and the target of everyone's hatred. Talentless and devoid of obvious qualities, he's not like you, someone recognized by the Third Hokage for his talent. Is it just duty that drives you to protect him?"

As Mizuki continued his tirade, unaware of Naruto eavesdropping, Iruka's expression remained resolute, reflecting the emotions deep inside. 

Amidst the tension, Iruka spoke with sincerity, "It's true." Weariness etched across his face, he settled onto the ground, unable to stand any longer. "He's a mess. Always pulling pranks, rarely taking things seriously," Iruka continued, a melancholic smile appearing. "His antics are a cry for attention, a manifestation of the loneliness he feels inside."

Mizuki grinned widely, pleased that Iruka seemed to be confirming his accusations. Meanwhile, Naruto, concealed behind the tree, trembled, his grip on the scroll tightening. The being inside him, its shadowy eyes fully opened and glowing in red, appeared to be awaiting a crucial moment.

"But," Iruka's smile broadened this time, and he declared, "He also got amazing qualities ! His mental strength,his Determination,his dream !thats why I don't resent him anymore! To me, he's Uzumaki Naruto—my favorite student and a proud future shinobi of Konoha. He's someone I recognize with all my being!" He finished with an unwavering smile, paying no heed to Mizuki's displeased expression. Overwhelmed by Iruka's heartfelt words, Naruto, hidden away, wept openly. Irrespective of the chaos inside him, sparked by Iruka's sincerity, a light began to flicker in the depths of Naruto's soul. In the internal prison, the being sensing Naruto's shifting emotions,let out a small snort, finally closed its eyes.in another part of naruto soul,the white light can be seen glowing now,as if happy to naruto newly formed bound,gave an excited reaction. giving some of it power to naruto,the latter unaware,now stood up, determination forming on his face.

Mizuki, growing frustrated and angered by Iruka's words, scoffed at the sentiment. With a sinister glint in his eyes, he unsheathed the fuma shuriken from his back, readying it for a deadly strike. In a venomous tone, he spat at Iruka, "You're a fool for defending that monster.if you love him so much,than you can wait for him in HEll !"

"DON'T HURT IRUKA-SENSEI, YOU BASTARD!" A sudden yell diverted Mizuki's focus from Iruka. Unaware of Naruto's impending attack, Mizuki couldn't avoid the strong kick that sent him sprawling across the clearing. Using his fuma shuriken to halt his momentum, Mizuki expressed his frustration with a loud yell, "I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU MISERABLE WEAKLINGS !WHY DON'T YOU ALL DIE?!"

Facing Mizuki with unwavering determination,his hand making a seal,Naruto retorted with a calm, "Don't you dare hurt Iruka-sensei under my watch!"showing menacing eyes,he yelled out "I'm going to make you regret hurting him, giving it back a thousand times!" Focused and determined, chakra started emanating from Naruto's body. As Mizuki leaped toward Naruto, demonstrating commendable speed, it became clear that he was too late.

"TAIJU KAGE BUNSHIN NO JUTSU!" Hundreds of Naruto clones materialized around the clearing, all standing coldly, fingers cracking, ready to make Mizuki pay for his actions. Paralyzed by the shock of the overwhelming sight, Mizuki stood there, fear etched across his face.

In a sudden burst of motion, Naruto, fueled by a mix of emotions, charged at Mizuki with incredible speed. The clones followed suit, creating a whirlwind of punches and kicks that rained down upon Mizuki. Each strike felt like a resounding echo of Naruto's pent-up anger and frustration.

Mizuki, unable to defend himself against the relentless assault, cried out in pain, his pleas for forgiveness barely audible amidst the chaos. "Stop! Please! I beg you!" he wailed, his arrogance shattered by the overwhelming force of Naruto's anger.

Iruka, watching the scene unfold with wide eyes, couldn't comprehend the intensity of Naruto's jutsu. The sight of his usually talentless student unleashing such power left him in shock. He felt a mix of concern for Naruto's well-being and disbelief at the raw power displayed.

The clones, synchronized in their movements, continued their barrage on Mizuki, who now lay battered and defeated on the ground. The clearing echoed with the sounds of Mizuki's cries and Naruto's unrelenting strikes.

Finally, Naruto, panting but fueled by an indomitable spirit, stood over Mizuki. The clones dissipated, leaving only the original Naruto,a big smile in his face,happy to have protected iruka. 

Iruka, not believing that Naruto had beaten Mizuki, was left speechless. Seeing Naruto approaching him, the realization finally dawned on him. Finally giving a happy sigh, he smiled at his student, "Naruto, thank you for the good work." Suddenly giving a grimace of pain, Naruto rushed to him, helping him rest against a tree. Iruka, now in a better position, started gently scolding Naruto, "You idiot, you should have run away." Giving a sigh of tiredness but still happy about his student's win, Iruka asked Naruto to close his eyes. Feeling sheepish after Iruka's scolding, Naruto immediately followed his instructions.

Suddenly feeling something heavy put on his front, Naruto opened his eyes to Iruka's smile, "Congratulations, Naruto. You're a proud shinobi of Konoha now." Naruto, making a comical face with tears in his eyes and a runny nose, jumped at Iruka, to the latter's yell, "Be careful, you idiot! I'm still wounded!" Naruto apologized, "I'm sorry, Iruka-sensei, hehehe... yohooo, I graduated!" Cheering and jumping with happiness.

The forest echoed with Naruto's jubilant cheers as he celebrated his graduation. Iruka, despite the scolding and the injuries, couldn't help but smile at Naruto's infectious joy. The moment marked not only Naruto's growth as a shinobi but also a bond strengthened between teacher and student. 

Iruka chuckling, "Well, you did it. You're officially a ninja now, Naruto." The forest, once a battleground, now resonated with the echoes of victory and the beginning of a new chapter for Naruto Uzumaki.

End of chapter. 

Or is it really the end ? 

Unseen by Iruka and Naruto, Mizuki could be seen crawling toward his ninja tools pouch, having lost it during the beating he received. His expression full of hate, he muttered under his breath, "Trash, trash, TRASH, TRASH! How can I lose to that trash? I will kill them!" Rage empowering him, he finally reached his pouch. Putting his hand inside, he took out the red vials, ominously glowing as if fueled by his hate. With a twisted expression, Mizuki attempted to bring it closer to his mouth. Suddenly noticing Mizuki, Iruka's face showed shock, recognizing the unknown danger. He urgently told Naruto not to let Mizuki drink from that vial. Panicking, Naruto started running toward Mizuki, the latter madly smiling, knowing Naruto was too far. At the moment it almost got into his mouth, a shuriken sped toward him, breaking the vial in his hand. The liquid fell to the earth, losing its vitality. Mizuki's hand still raised, his expression became blank,his eyes looking to the moon ,as if asking it why he couldn't succeed. Suddenly falling on his face, blood started to pool around him. Naruto, witnessing the scene, abruptly stopped, alarmed by the shuriken attack, continuing to yell, "Who's there?! Show yourself!" 

Not receiving any answer, Naruto hesitantly approached Mizuki, turning him over and discovering a shuriken stuck in his throat. Swallowing nervously, cold sweat ran down Naruto's back. Iruka, seeing the blood, got the idea that Mizuki was dead, thinking that Naruto's shadow protectors had protected him. His face reflected sadness at Mizuki's death. Feeling like he had regained enough strength, Iruka approached Naruto and put a hand on his shoulders. With the first light of dawn touching them, he gave Naruto's shoulder a gentle squeeze, expressing silent support and understanding of Naruto's first encounter with the harsh reality of the shinobi world.

Hidden between the trees, Sasuke could be seen, his expression cold. A shuriken still in his hand, he put it back into his tool pouch. Turning back to Naruto and Iruka, he disappeared into the remaining shadows, not showing his silent support. On another side of the forest, an ANBU can be seen with Kakashi, both having witnessed the scene. The ANBU, impressed by Sasuke's skill, gave a sound of appreciation. "Dang, that's what I call a throw. Are kids so scary these days, Kakashi-senpai?" Kakashi, shown as reading his book, only made a small hum, not giving any reaction. Suddenly, he closed his book, his lone eye showing happiness. He told the ANBU, "Maa maa, guess we weren't needed after all. Time to go back." Without waiting for an answer, Kakashi disappeared without a trace, the masked ANBU following after him, in turn, melting into the trees.

In the Hokage building, the Third Hokage can be seen using his observation ball, having been a witness to all the events. Smoking his pipe, he wore an appreciative expression, content with how things unfolded. Turning off the tool, he directed his attention to two elderly people, both showing disapproving expressions. The first, a woman with barely open eyes, suddenly spoke up. "It seems like your hobby of voyeurism never changed, Hiruzen." The second elder, a man, snorted. "You didn't mention his distasteful hobby of putting people in all kinds of strange situations." Hiruzen, the Third Hokage, only gave a low chuckle. Without addressing their complaints, he remarked, "The joy of a long life is seeing new buds sprout strong." The woman, now serious, didn't bother responding, aware that he would never change. "It was risky of you, using the Nine-Tails as bait." Hiruzen, nonplussed, gave her a stern stare. "His name is Naruto." Then, as if nothing happened, he continued, "Naruto was never in danger. I sent Kakashi and Tenzo after him." Standing at the windows, watching the sun rise over the village, he added, "The cultists have started to appear again."

The two elders, now wearing very serious expressions, were all ears. Seeing their attention, Hiruzen continued, "There have been recent sightings of the cult reappearing all over the world. In the Land of Water, their presence is evident everywhere. And in the Land of Wind, the Kazekage sent me a letter expressing concern over their abnormal activities in the Land of Rivers. We can't seem to get inside the Land of Rain, but Jiraiya gave me news of their snooping around the Demon Country." Exhaling smoke, he concluded, "The world is changing. A new era is coming. We can't afford to rest anymore." Both elders, understanding Hiruzen's intent, nodded in agreement. After bidding their farewell, they left the room, leaving the Third Hokage in deep reflection,Smoke feeling the room,giving a close for naruto graduation exam.


Thats it ^-^,hope you liked the first arc ! even if i didnt change lot of thing,the first arcs gonna be both similar and different than canon. it gonna take time to see all the difference,but i can promise you the chuunin exam gonna be wild and lot different that the canon one !

Im still writing the second arc and working in the same time,so it gonna take some time,hope you all can wait a bit

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