
Crimson Faith : A Naruto Tale

UA plot, Naruto is the main mc Not a SI or transmigration fic, Just an alternative universe, with my own spice Jounin actually mean shit here. Kage level are genuine monster to normal people. Jashin is a real thing, the whole UA because of this mf Some cool fights and world building, Jutsu will actually make sense Neji certainly wont end up penetrated by the world here. No harem (at least nothing too obvious if any caractere got one ) More dept to chakra and chakra techniques Read if if you got a fetish for some hot blooded fighting and epic shit This here is a what if story. Made after watching Asuma dying to Hidan, i asked myself how would the world look with Jashin having more presence in it. This is a story where chaos and intrigues never end,with long arcs. Disclamer : I dont now own naruto or anything related to it that belong to their respective owner, only Oc would belong to me. I dont own the Book Picture. if you like the work you can support me on ko-f* you can find me on k*fi /lightofcertainity/

LightOfCertainity · Anime et bandes dessinées
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55 Chs

Konoha Darkness

As Naruto walked down the road, lost in thought, his mind was occupied by the recent events and the intense battle with the mysterious man.

He didn't notice the person in front of him until he accidentally collided with their chest.

Startled, Naruto quickly looked up, his expression a mix of surprise and concern. He realized that he had bumped into Iruka-sensei, his former teacher and one of the few people who had always shown him kindness, even during his troublesome childhood.

Iruka raised an eyebrow, his expression curious, and asked, "Naruto, what's on your mind?"

Naruto, still caught off guard by the collision, stammered for a moment before replying, "Oh, Iruka-sensei! Sorry about that. I was lost in thought. Just... a lot of things going on lately."

Iruka nodded understandingly, his concern deepening. "I see. If you ever want to talk about it, Naruto, I'm here for you."

Naruto's tense expression eased a bit, and he managed a small smile. "Thanks, Iruka-sensei. I appreciate that."

"How about this, what do you think of some ramen ? "

iruka grinned at his student, receiving a happy smile from Naruto

As Naruto and Iruka sat down for a bowl of ramen, the atmosphere was somewhat somber.

The ramen chef, the sage of six bowl, sensing Naruto's mood, discreetly gave them some privacy, allowing them to have a more personal conversation.

They both ordered their ramen, and the bowls were placed in front of them. For a while, they ate in silence, the only sound being the clinking of chopsticks against the ceramic bowls.

Naruto felt a growing tension inside him, but he knew he needed to share what had happened during his recent mission with someone he trusted. He mustered the courage to look into Iruka's kind and understanding eyes.

With a hesitant tone, Naruto began to recount the events that unfolded at the end of the mission. He described the battle with the mysterious man, the intense fight, and how he had temporarily lost control when the man threatened Sasuke. Naruto's voice trembled as he spoke, and he avoided looking at Iruka's side, knowing that Iruka had lost his parents during the Kyuubi attack.

Iruka listened attentively, his expression a mix of concern and empathy. He didn't interrupt Naruto but allowed him to share his experience. 

After Naruto had finished recounting the events of his mission, there was a moment of heavy silence between him and Iruka. The steam from their ramen bowls swirled gently in the air as they both absorbed what had been said.

Iruka, finally breaking the silence, placed a reassuring hand on Naruto's shoulder. His voice was warm and comforting as he spoke, "Naruto, I know it must have been difficult for you. Facing that kind of threat and feeling like you lost control... It's not easy."

Naruto nodded, his eyes still showing traces of unease. "Yeah, Iruka-sensei. It was like... like I couldn't stop myself.For a moment…i felt like i was the monster they all took me for…"

"Naruto…."giving a sight,iruka bonked him in the head, getting a complaint from his student

"You idiot ! Never speak of yourself this way ! "Looking at Naruto with determined eyes,he added

 "Your are not a monster.you are someone I recognize,my excellent student,Uzumaki Naruto ! " 

".... iruka-sensei,you…"

Iruka continued, "You've come a long way, Naruto. You've grown stronger, and sometimes that strength can be overwhelming. But remember, you have friends and mentors who care about you. We're here to help you when things get tough."

Naruto,looking emotional,gave a big smile to iruka "I got it ! Dattebayo. "

Iruka smiled back, his eyes filled with pride. "That's the spirit, Naruto. We're all learning and growing, no matter how experienced we become. And never forget, you're not alone on this journey."

Ichiraku chef,seeing the happy mood, dropped two new bowls on the table,smiling at them,he added

"On the house ! " The unexpected gift from the Ichiraku chef brought a burst of joy to their meal. Naruto's eyes lit up with excitement, and he exclaimed, "Awesome! Thanks a lot!"

Iruka joined in the gratitude, saying, "That's really generous of you. We appreciate it!"

With the extra bowls of ramen before them, they continued to savor the delicious food and the warmth of their shared moment. It was a reminder that even in the face of challenges, there were moments of kindness and support to be found, both in the simple pleasure of a good meal and in the connection between friends and mentors.

Deep inside naruto,a golden light was seen playfully moving,happy to feel Naruto cherished bond's 

On that same night, deep within the Naraku Shrine, hidden beneath the seventh tatami mat, there was a secret chamber. Sasuke stood in that sacred room, facing a large stone covered in ancient inscriptions. The Uchiha clan symbol adorned the wall in front of him, and he held a lit candle in his hand. His eyes, illuminated by the red glow of the Sharingan, were fixated on the inscriptions, reading tales of blood and power that were etched into the stone. In the silence of the chamber, the legacy of the Uchiha clan whispered to him.

Sasuke continued to read the inscriptions, absorbing the tales of great power attained through betrayal and ultimate lost. It was the way of the Uchiha, a path to developing their cursed abilities. Yet, there was still a substantial amount of information that remained unreadable, shrouded in mystery.

As he gazed upon the stone, his eyes glowing ominously with the Sharingan, Sasuke's expression remained cold and determined.In a soft, contemplative voice, he muttered to the shadows, "Is this the legacy that led to our downfall?"

With his Sharingan ablaze, casting an eerie crimson glow, Sasuke spoke his thoughts into the quiet chamber. His voice was filled with determination and a hint of anger as he addressed the unseen presence of his brother, Itachi.

"No matter your reasons," Sasuke declared with a murderous tone, his eyes reflecting his burning desire for revenge. "I will put the souls of our clansmen to rest with your blood, Itachi!"

As he uttered these words, a pulsating purple light emanated from within Sasuke, casting an ominous light inside his chakra. The path he had chosen was one of darkness and vengeance, and nothing would deter him from it.

In the heart of the village, amidst the bustling streets, the shinobi community was abuzz with the latest rumors surrounding Kakashi Hatake's genin team. A conversation between two shinobi, one with striking dark hair and the other possessing a tan complexion and dark blond hair, became the focal point of discussion.

" Hey, have you heard the news? Kakashi's genin team took down a special jounin from the thunder Village! "

" Really? Are you sure about that? Those kids just graduated from the academy, and they're genin at best. "

His friend raised an eyebrow, seemingly skeptical, and inquired if he was certain of this information, 

The first man swore by the authenticity of the news, asserting that it came directly from his friend working in the village's interrogation team. He went on to explain that despite their young age, the wounds sustained by Kakashi's team were minimal. His friend's curiosity turned to surprise as he asked whether it was the last Uchiha, referring to Sasuke, who had played a significant role in this feat.

The man delivering the news wore a wary smile as he disclosed that his friend in the interrogation team had revealed that the last Uchiha had indeed played a crucial role and had even taken drastic measures to protect his Sharingan. This revelation left his friend visibly surprised and somewhat frightened.

"I swear,kids today seem more ruthless than we ever were, you should the state they left that guy in.."

"hump,he deserve it. Not only a spy,but also a thief "

A third voice chimed in, belonging to a member of the Hyuga clan. He expressed a strong stance on the matter, emphasizing that thieves should face severe consequences for their actions.

"Captain ! "

The two men at attention ,the hyuuga man Addressed the two, urging them to take their guard duties more seriously, as the recent events highlighted the importance of vigilance in the village.

In the dimly lit chamber, two ANBU operatives knelt before Danzo Shimura, reporting the details of Team Seven's recent mission. Danzo listened in silence, his one uncovered eye focused intently on them. As they recounted the events, Danzo's expression remained inscrutable.

When they mentioned Sasuke's actions, Danzo couldn't help but mutter to himself, his voice carrying a hint of both fascination and greed. "Sasuke truly possesses the mindset of darkness, as expected of the evil Uchiha." His eye gleamed momentarily at the thought of Sasuke's Sharingan awakening.

Danzo's gaze sharpened as he asked, "What of the Nine-Tails?" His interest in the powerful Tailed Beast was no secret, and he eagerly awaited any information regarding it.

The operative nodded in response to Danzo's question but looked troubled. He explained that despite their efforts, they couldn't gather concrete information about what exactly the Nine-Tails had done during the recent incident. However, the way the rumors were spreading and the information blackout from the authorities raised suspicions that something unnatural had occurred, possibly related to the Nine-Tails' awakening.

One of the operatives recounted the words of the interrogated ninja, describing not only the madness of the uchiha demon but the presence of another terrifying entity with blood-red eyes that promised destruction. Danzo's mind raced as he processed this information.

Danzo furrowed his brow at this revelation, his suspicions growing deeper. It was clear that something significant had taken place, and he couldn't ignore the possibility that the Nine-Tails had indeed awakened to a new level of power. This situation had the potential to disrupt the balance of power in the village, and Danzo was determined to uncover the truth and take advantage of any opportunities that arose from it.

"What a waste to not leave them to my hands..i would make konoha great with such weapons "

He leaned forward, a sense of urgency in his voice as he expressed his frustration with Hiruzen's decision to keep the Jinchuriki away from his training. He knew the potential power that could be harnessed, and it bothered him that it was being wasted.

"Did Orochimaru contact you ? "

Concerned about Orochimaru's lack of contact, he asked the operatives if there had been any signals or communication from the enigmatic rogue shinobi. 

"My lord,he didn't "

With a sharp strike of his cane against the ground, Danzo abruptly addressed the two ANBU operatives, his tone laced with urgency. "Contact Orochimaru. We have waited too long." His plans were in motion, and the pursuit of power, especially that embodied by Sasuke's Sharingan, was of paramount importance to him.

"Per your orders,danzo-sama "

Danzo's secluded chamber remained shrouded in secrecy as the two operatives vanished into the shadows, following his instructions. Left alone in the dimly lit room, Danzo's face was partially concealed by the darkness of the room, and a red light glowed ominously from beneath the bandages that covered one of his eyes.

"If only I wasn't so slow to react that day…"

With a voice filled with palpable frustration, he muttered to himself, determined to prove to the memory of the Second Hokage that he should have been the one to ascend to the position of Hokage. The ambition and desire for power burned brightly within him, and his actions hinted at a deeper plot that was unfolding in the shadows of Konoha.