
Crimson Faith : A Naruto Tale

UA plot, Naruto is the main mc Not a SI or transmigration fic, Just an alternative universe, with my own spice Jounin actually mean shit here. Kage level are genuine monster to normal people. Jashin is a real thing, the whole UA because of this mf Some cool fights and world building, Jutsu will actually make sense Neji certainly wont end up penetrated by the world here. No harem (at least nothing too obvious if any caractere got one ) More dept to chakra and chakra techniques Read if if you got a fetish for some hot blooded fighting and epic shit This here is a what if story. Made after watching Asuma dying to Hidan, i asked myself how would the world look with Jashin having more presence in it. This is a story where chaos and intrigues never end,with long arcs. Disclamer : I dont now own naruto or anything related to it that belong to their respective owner, only Oc would belong to me. I dont own the Book Picture. if you like the work you can support me on ko-f* you can find me on k*fi /lightofcertainity/

LightOfCertainity · Anime et bandes dessinées
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A day with the professor

Days later

a change of scene found Hiruzen standing before Konohamaru and Naruto.

Both of whom were seated with their legs crossed and focused expressions.

Hiruzen's voice was deep and resonant as he embarked on an explanation of chakra.

"Do you know what chakra is?" he began, his words carrying the weight of wisdom.

He also held a scroll that depicted the twelve seals, each represented by a different animal or symbol.

Hiruzen began, "Chakra, the energy of the body and soul, is a fundamental concept for shinobi. It is the sublimation of our being, the key to unlocking our potential, and the bridge that connects the mundane to the world of miracles"

Naruto and Konohamaru nodded in understanding.

The Hokage continued, "Chakra is drawn from the trillions of cells within the human body, and it flows through chakra veins, ultimately manifesting itself outside the body through tenketsu, small chakra points. But chakra isn't just raw power; it's the key to performing jutsu effectively."

He expounded upon the concept of the eight gates, explaining how they served as safeguards to prevent the body from harm and the release of excessive chakra that could lead to catastrophic consequences.

Hiruzen unrolled the scroll in his hand to them , he revealed the twelve major seals, and as he pointed to each one, he explained its significance.

"For instance, the Tiger seal," he said, pointing to the symbol of a tiger, "is generally associated with Fire Release chakra. It represents the intensity and heat of chakra, essential for fire-based jutsu."

Hiruzen then moved on, "The Rat seal is linked to Yin Release, focusing on illusion and imagination, manipulating reality, by bringing the imaginary. The Shadows jutsu of the Nara clan May look as fitting here, but jutsu like that are not fully Yin, but a mix of yin and yang, in very specific ratio and secret chakra manipulation. by breathing some yang into their ultimate yin, they gave life to their shadows. Of course, make sure to keep this to yourself. "

Naruto and Konohamaru listened attentively, nodding at the order.

"The Ox seal," he continued, "represents Yang Release, the force of life and vitality. It breathes life into techniques and bolsters their power. as the nara, the Akimichi jutsu is not fully Yang, but a mix of powerful yang and some of the ying, so they could transform their body freely and goes into gigantification "

He pointed to the Dragon seal. "Dragon seal is mostly associated with density and power. This seal is used to control and enhance the density of chakra within a jutsu."

Hiruzen moved to the Monkey seal, "Transition seal, often symbolized by the Monkey seal, deals with changing the state, like turning water into ice, fire to ash,positive thunder charge to negative ones, a seal found a lot in elemental kekkei genkai. ot also a seal used in spacetime jutsu, touching some concept "

"The Ram seal," he said, "is for Shaping Release. It helps form and mold chakra into desired shapes and structures for jutsu. The mokuton jutsu of the Shodaime is majoritary full of this seal. "

Hiruzen went on, "The Rooster seal represents Wind Release, emphasizing the manipulation of wind-based chakra for techniques."

He pointed to the Dog seal. "Thunder Release is connected to the Dog seal, focusing on the generation and control of electrical chakra."

"The Boar seal," he continued, "is related to Earth Release. It's used to control and generate the earth element for various jutsu."

Hiruzen then pointed to the Hare seal, "Water Release is symbolized by the Hare seal. It governs the flow and control of water-based chakra."

He then returned to the Snake seal. "The Snake seal represents Control Release, a seal used to maintain balance and control over chakra flow.it used in every jutsu,or to balance a combination jutsu"

Finally, he touched the Horse seal, saying, "continuity, which deals with the continuous release of a jutsu, is symbolized by the Horse seal."

Hiruzen concluded, "These seals are the key to jutsu arts ,and the interface that stimulates chakra and the power it holds within. Understanding and mastering them is a crucial step on the path to becoming a skilled shinobi."

"Of course, those seals are not fully specific to an element. We could start a fire jutsu by using a boar seal, as a way to ground your chakra, or to use the earth element generated to protect your lung from the impact of the fire chakra. 

The two young ninjas nodded. 

"Why do you think we use hand seals?" he asked

As Konohamaru and Naruto sat there, pondering the question, Hiruzen allowed them some time to think. He believed in fostering their critical thinking skills and wanted to see how well they understood the concept of hand seals.

Konohamaru and Naruto exchanged glances the question. They thought for a moment before Konohamaru spoke up again, "Hand seals are used to shape and manipulate chakra for jutsu, right? Each seal represents a different part of the jutsu's instructions."

Naruto nodded in agreement, "Yeah, I remember seeing Sasuke and Sakura making those hand signs when they used multiple jutsu. Everyone use them " 

Hiruzen smiled, satisfied with their responses this time.he went on to elaborate further, "That's correct. Hand seals are a fundamental part of jutsu. They serve as a way to focus and direct your chakra with precision. Just like different words create different meanings in a language, different hand seals create different jutsu. The sequence and accuracy of your hand seals determine the success of your technique."

He then demonstrated a simple hand seal, forming the tiger seal with his hands,a small flame forming over his hand "For example, this is the Tiger seal, commonly used in Fire Release jutsu. The way you form this seal is crucial for channeling your chakra correctly."

Adding a horse seal, he said "by adding a horse seal, i made this small flame continuous,with less expense to my chakra "

Hiruzen continued his explanation, delving deeper into the world of hand seals. "Hand seals are not just about manipulating chakra for jutsu. they are a way to shape, control, and conserve power "

"Some complex techniques would become impossible for most shinobi without hand seals, By decree of not having enough chakra control, or lacking in nature transformation skills, or simply lacking the necessary amount of chakra "

"They are also a form of fighting and taking your enemy by surprise." He demonstrated a rapid sequence of hand seals, each one flowing seamlessly into the next.

"The speed and precision with which you can perform hand seals can greatly impact your effectiveness as a ninja. Quick hand seals allow you to respond swiftly in combat and execute jutsu with minimal delay. However, it takes practice and concentration to reach that level of mastery."Hiruzen's hands kept moving gracefully as he showcased various hand seals in quick manner, emphasizing the importance of speed

"Remember, the art of hand seals is both a practical and strategic skill. Fighting is not only about throwing jutsu but also about finesse and intelligence. The more proficient you become in this aspect, the more versatile and formidable a ninja you'll be."

Naruto,looking excited by prospect of getting stronger, asked him 

"So if we master them,and understand all their significance,does it mean we could learn and create jutsu by ourself ? "

Hiruzen nodded at Naruto's question, appreciating his curiosity. "Yes, Naruto, mastering these hand seals and understanding their significance is a fundamental step towards jutsu mastery. It's like learning the alphabet before you can read and write. However, creating jutsu is a complex process that involves more than just seals."

He continued, "To create your own jutsu, you'll need a deep understanding of chakra nature, elemental affinities, and the principles of jutsu. It's a creative and challenging process that requires innovation and experimentation. But with time and experience, you may be able to develop your unique jutsu."

"Chakra nature ? "At this, both grandfather and grandson gave a face full of black lines

"Aneki, are you serious ? "

"Hey, you know complicated stuff hurt my head, you can't blame me "

"Seem like i'm becoming hokage before you then, hahaha "

"Why you little shit—"

Hiruzen giving a sigh, started explaining

"Chakra nature, Naruto, is the inherent elemental affinity within a ninja's chakra. It's the type of energy you naturally possess. There are five primary chakra natures: Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, and Lightning."He continued, "Each person has a dominant chakra nature that influences the type of jutsu they are naturally skilled at. For example, if you have a Fire chakra nature, you'll find it easier to perform Fire jutsu. Understanding your chakra nature is crucial in becoming a skilled ninja."

"Ohhh, like Kakashi-sensei super cool thunder jutsu, or when Sasuke was throwing fireballs "

"Yes, indeed ", continuing,Hiruzen emphasized, "So It's not just about knowing your nature, but also learning how to manipulate it effectively to create jutsu that matches your affinity. It's an essential aspect of jutsu mastery."

"Awesome. How do I know about mine ? "

"I'll leave it to kakashi, don't be so quick. " 

"Aww,that suck "

"I wanted to know it too " complained konohamaru

Hiruzen just encouraged them further, "Remember, every great ninja started as a student, and they worked hard to hone their skills. Don't be discouraged by the difficulties you might encounter. Keep learning, training, and pushing your limits, and you'll achieve great things."

Naruto, always eager to get to the heart of the matter, spoke up. "That's all interesting, but what I really want to know is how this relates to sealing things, like sealing jutsu or... other stuff. How do hand seals and chakra nature connect with sealing techniques?"

Hiruzen nodded, acknowledging Naruto's curiosity. "Ah, an excellent question, Naruto. Sealing jutsu, or fuuinjutsu, is indeed a fascinating branch of ninja arts. It involves using seals to control, contain, or manipulate various elements, objects, or even living beings. These seals are often intricate and require precise hand seals to activate. The relationship between hand seals, chakra nature, and sealing techniques lies in the fact that you need to channel your chakra in a specific way to create and activate these seals."

He continued, "For example, if you were to seal an object, you'd need to use your knowledge of hand seals to inscribe the appropriate seal pattern and infuse it with your chakra. Understanding chakra nature is crucial because it helps you manipulate the flow of chakra into the desired effect within the seal, making it more effective."

Hiruzen concluded, "So, learning hand seals and mastering chakra nature not only enhance your jutsu abilities but also play a significant role in becoming skilled in sealing techniques. It's all interconnected, Naruto, and it opens up a world of possibilities for a ninja."

"Then why do we need to learn calligraphy if we can make hand seals and execute the jutsu ? "

Hiruzen considered Konohamaru question and gave a thoughtful response. "Learning calligraphy is an essential part of mastering fuuinjutsu. While it's true that hand seals are a way to execute Fuuinjutsu, calligraphy plays a crucial role in the creation and manipulation of seals."

He continued, "Learning Calligraphy for fuuin isn't just about writing characters beautifully; it's about understanding the intricacies of each character's strokes, lines, and curves. When you create a seal, the precise way you write the characters matters. It affects how the chakra flows and interacts with the essence of the name or concept you're invoking."

"The name ? " 

"Yes, names ! The power of fuuinjutsu is deeply rooted in the names, identities, and concepts it represents. Names carry a profound significance in our world, and fuuinjutsu leverages this to create remarkable effects."

He continued, "Think of it this way. Names are more than just words; they define the essence of things. When you use fuuinjutsu to inscribe a name or concept onto a seal, you're not just writing characters; you're invoking the very essence of what that name represents."Hiruzen gestured toward the scroll on his desk. "For example, this scroll here might bear a simple seal with a name inscribed on it. That charactere could represent fire, and by activating the seal, you're not merely summoning flames; you're beckoning the very essence of fire itself."

He leaned in, his eyes filled with wisdom. "This is why fuuinjutsu can have such profound effects on the world. It taps into the fundamental aspects of our reality—the names, identities, and concepts—and allows shinobi to manipulate them to achieve incredible feats."

Hiruzen pointed to a brush and inkwell on their table. "For example, let's say you want to create a sealing formula that focuses on creating a Barrier. The calligraphy used in that formula will need to be specific, precise, and aligned with the concept of your seal. Each stroke and line must be perfectly executed to achieve the desired effect."

He emphasized, "So, while hand seals are the interface for jutsu execution, calligraphy is the foundation for creating seals and imbuing them with meaning and power. It's an art form that requires skill and understanding."


Whelp, been a while since i published anything here

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