
Crimson Conquest

A person lost between the border of life and death is given another chance. Only this time he has obtained a power to lead the life he never had.

SoluTion · Fantaisie
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1 Chs


Living isn't something I wished for. I was only brought out into this world. Unfortunately I wasn't able to meet the couple responsible for it. I was abandoned at a young age. Without anything to eat or drink. Without shelter. Without guidance.

I died as you would have guessed. But at the same time I'm still very much alive. I have lived for atleast a century as a thought that wandered about. I invaded the dreams of the young and every step I took slowly turned them into nightmares.

I guess I was jealous of the childhood they have that I didn't experience.

But I was only lost. Searching for a place where I could find my peace. I drifted about while my anger and hatred trailed behind me.

This was all I was. I was in fact nothing. Just the remnants of what has passed.

"Are you having fun?"

A voice of a woman called out to me.

"Does tormenting children with dreams of chaos and fear entertain you? Tell me, did it even fill the void of revenge you so desperately want?"

The voice speaks with a serious tone.

"Does it even matter?"

I said calmly.

"I... See..."

She seems confused.

"What if you were to be reborn? How would you live your life?"

The voice becomes more sinister.

"Then I would live it without regrets. I wouldn't bind myself to morales and rules that people abide by. I would be greedy and those who oppose me will not only know fear but pain as well."

I speak with determination.

She laughs quietly.


"Who are you?"

"Does it even matter?"

She quotes me with a slight mischief in her tone.

"Tell me."

She was silent for a while. Then she began to speak.

"I'm just like you. Born into a world where I was unwanted. Gifted a power that was too convenient. They saw me as a threat and tried to claim my power for themselves but were unsuccessful so they chose to kill me. I refuse to accept to be killed by the people I loved most, my family. So I killed myself."

She speaks with anger and sorrow.

"How is it that you found me?"

"Like you the root of my anger stems deep. Its by fate that we met. Two existences with similarities attracted to each other. But you... You lack power. So tell me, do you want my power? I can share with you my remaining life force and with it you can be reborn. Be the force and sheer will I never had."

She suddenly gained energy. She sounded like someone who looked forward to something.

"How about you?"

"I killed myself. Why worry about it now?"

"Then I'll take it."


At her final words the dream world I walked in slowly collapsed. White light slowly blinded me and a severe headache I haven't felt in years overwhelmed me.

I opened my eyes and there I was looking up into the deep blue sky filled with clouds. I could hear the wind hitting the leaves of the trees. I could hear the peaceful singing and flapping of birds. I could feel the gentle breeze caress my naked body.

I had slender but muscular limbs. My body was in very good shape as well. My skin was very pale. My finger nails were better called claws. The sunlight touching my skin felt gentle and warm but at the same time it irritated me.

My hair was quite long and it was black. I touched my face and it didn't feel unusual. But as I opened my mouth and touched my lips I felt something cut me. I had two fangs that were larger than usual. I didn't even get to see my wound heal it just disappeared.

I stood up and walked without thinking. The sensation of the cold soil was comforting. The forest was lovely and the animals feared me. Wild boars were like pigs in nature and I even found them to be quite cute.

When I clawed at the bark of the tress my claws went through as if the wood were butter. When I tried to kick one down. It fell down with one kick.

I feel a power within me that I cannot describe. Maybe with this I can lead my life without having a care for the world and the plethora of threats that live within it.

I continued walking and as I lost track of time I appreciated the gift that the woman gave me. But she isn't gone entirely. I can feel her but she can be likened to a person in a deep sleep unable to be woken up. I have lost my memories of a century ago and I am clueless as to why I look like a beast.

The era I lived in were the dawn of swords and magic. Its still no different today. Technology was lost and others were discovered but even after all that time nothing much has changed. I guess new kingdoms and larger teritories were born but then again my only knowledge of todays world come from children.

The color of the leaves and soil changed as I walked further out of the forest. For the first time in a while a could hear a sound that didn't come from nature.

I peaked out of a tall bush. There was a dirt road that followed a path. Two horses were pulling a carriage from a distance away.

"I told you countless of times already. We should have left earlier. The night will come sooner than us arriving at Igrante."

A womans sweet but boisterous voice spoke up.

"I'm sorry darling. I just thought that your comfort was unsatisfactory with all the old cushion."

A gentle voice of a man said in reply.

Two men in full plate armor sat upfront controlling the horses. They didn't talk much. They had big bodies and had a sharp spear and long sword.

"Isn't our safety a much more valuable thing?!"

"I'm sorry darling... I'm sorry... Calm down we'll be there soon enough. Thats also why I hired guards. I'm only thinking about you."

The carriage was nearing me. I walked out calmly from the bushes and stood infront of the carriage.

The two guards looked at me with disgust.

"Get out of the way!"

"Off you go you crazy bastard!"

"That not a very nice way to speak." I said.

This is the first time I could actually hear my voice. It carried a gravity that was intense it was deep and it contained my intentions clearly.

The guards flinched a little but they still saw me as a lunatic who walked around without clothes.

"Why did you stop?"

The man inside the carriage asked.

"Someone or something is blocking the road my lord."


I heard him get up from his seat and open the door. He stepped out and a handsome man wearing luxurious clothes that looked like they were nearly as good as the royalty wore stood before me. He wore a blue cape. The yellow of the gold complimented his blonde hair and blue eyes.

He had a pointy nose and his skin were as white as pearls. He carried a sword beside his waist and a long knife strapped to his leather boots.

"Huh? What?... What... I mean.. Ahem.. Who are you? Please get out of the way we are in a hurry."

"I'm afraid I cannot do that. Hmhaha... Remove all your clothes and give them to me, leave the woman inside and abandon her, and tell your guards to accompany you. Give me the carriage and I'll spare your lives."

My voice sounded hoarse and threatening.

"Clearly just from your appearance alone you look mad. But to say such a thing. I would overlook your transgressions if you obediently step aside now. I will not say it again."

Even though his character towards, I would assume his wife, he can be very different. He looks dignified and respectable.

"Neither will I. So choose wisely."

His calm face warped to an angry expression.


Without another word the guards grabbed their weapons and leaped towards me. What happened next was unexpected to them.

I moved faster than they could see and in the blink of an eye I plunged my hands into their chest and ripped their hearts out.

The man beside the carriage stood their in fear. But he looks like a person who has seen something similar before.

Before he could grab his sword I already stood infront of him. He froze in place. I waved my hand in the air making a line through his neck.

His head fell off cleanly.

"What's happen... Ahhhhh!!!!!"

The woman shreaked. Even so, her beautiful face and rosy cheeks still looked graceful. Her face wrinkled in fear was amusing.

I walked closer to her. She fell down to her seat.

"What is your name?" I asked.

"Haahhh!!!! Huh?! wha!?"

She seems to be in shock. She doesn't really know how to react. Judging by her veloptious body she doesn't move a lot either. But apparently it looks like its kept in good shape.

"What is your name?" I asked again.

"It.... its... Loisa.."

Her eyes stared at me with dread.

Suddenly I felt an impulse. A sudden desire to feed. I took a good look at the man outside and the puddle of blood he was covered in. It looked enticing.

I do not know what this is but in that moment I lost my control. I stuck out my fangs and bit down on the womans neck.