
A Fateful Night

As the clock struck midnight, a woman made her way through the dangerous area near the river's edge, her hooded cloak blowing in the strong wind. It was old and torn. Her arms wrapped around the child to her chest as she took cautious steps. She had a disturbing personality, an unspoken strength that seemed to defy the mayhem around her, even when darkness masked her features.

The ground gave way beneath her as she got closer to the steep edge of the riverside, breaking part beneath her feet. The child let go of her with a horrified gasp and fell into the rough waters below. With the woman's heart grasping in fear and her hand outstretched, eagerly reaching for the kid she vowed to protect, time seemed to have come to an end.

Yet, right in the middle of the chaos, they both experienced an unexpected peace. There was no cry of fear, no sign of fear, despite the raging waters and the overwhelming noise of the storm. The child seemed to perceive a higher intention, a destiny that went beyond the impending threat. The child was dragged farther and further away from the woman's grasps by the river, and was lost with its rage because of the storm's force. "My child!" she shouted, her voice distorted by the raging wind, as one of the guys who had been chasing her grabbed hold of her.

The man demanded, his grip tightening around her arm like a vice, "Where is it?" But the sight of the child disappearing into the ruthless depths was all that was on the woman's mind. She yelled back, her attitude unshakeable even in the face of imminent danger. "Where was what?" she said.

The man was very angry and his irritation had reached a boiling point. He let her go with a growl, his contempt evident in the curl of his lip. He spat out, "It won't survive this river," his words dripping with confidence. However, as he was finishing his sentence, a gunshot shattered the silence and echoed like a thunderclap through the canyon. "Bang!"

The child had a ferocious determination blazing inside of it at that moment, and its eyes blazed with an intensity that belied its innocence. The calm mask broke, revealing the wild strength resting inside its small frame. The child's future, full of promise for greatness but yet undetermined, hung in the balance as the river swept it away from the mother who had brought it into the world. This boy was not your typical child; rather, he was a warrior born of adversity and resilience, destined to set forth across the treacherous seas of a world consumed in chaos. And the woman whispered a silent prayer to the heavens above as she stood helplessly on the riverside, her heart heavy with the weight of everything she had lost.

"Go forward, my darling," she said, her words drifting away with the breeze. "Allow hope to guide your way, for you have the strength to overcome over the most challenging circumstances." Know that my love will be your beacon, shining bright till the end of days, even though our paths may separate." The storm continued to rage, sweeping across the countryside with relentless intensity as each moment passed. The woman's single tear, as she gazed out into the maelstrom. Her heart was filled with silent prayers for the child she had lost and their future together, even if chaos and despair were all around her. This is beginning of the journey of a mother and a child from a hated clan.