
Chapter 39

"We are all gathered here today to discuss the decisions that Aaron has made." The looks crossed. Aaron was sitting on the couch recently purchased by his father to relax with his wife, while Kira and Myra were by his side. Their mother was sitting opposite them, with their father by her side.

And so...

After falling asleep next to Giovanni, Aaron woke up after a few minutes of sleep and headed to his father's study to talk about his relationship with Giovanni.

"Do you love him?" his father asked, as frank as ever.

"Yes, father. I'm not claiming that I can't live without him, but he is the first person I have romantic feelings for."

"Hmm." his father pondered. "I understand. However, I am opposed to your relationship. It has no future and does not align with our family values and those of our society. Homosexuality is unacceptable in our culture."

"I know, father. But we are not talking about society or the country. I don't care what society thinks. I want to be with him."

"I understand, but you know that our family and society have expectations. Are you willing to give up all of that for this man?"

"Are you willing to give up your family for a passing relationship? For suppressed desires?"

"It's not just a passing phase, father..." It was never about leaving his family but his father was already considering kicking him out of the manor.

"No woman will want you after this... No one..."

"But I am not looking for a woman, father. I have never been attracted to women, or to men in general... I realized my feelings for men when I met him. And..."

"Let's avoid the details, please!"

Following this discussion, Ivan Smirnov gathered the whole family to talk about the situation. Myra, who was still at home, was included in the meeting, although her non-Smirnov husband was excluded.

"Your brother has told us that he is in love with a man, the Italian who is currently in his room," Ivan Smirnov announced. No one seemed truly surprised by this news, except for their mother who was slightly shocked. In reality, everyone had suspected something, given the scandal that Giovanni had already caused.

"This seems to surprise no one," observed Ivan. "As for Aaron, he wants to fully experience this love with this man. The question now is whether you agree or not."

"Agree to what, exactly?" their mother asked. "It's his life, let him do what he wants."

"It seemed to me that it was your fault they were so rebellious," Ivan replied, sparking a new argument with his wife.

"My fault?" she exclaimed. They could have continued like this, but Myra reminded them that all this was not good for "her" baby. The whole family was shocked, they did not know yet. They congratulated her and were happy for her, finally a little child was going to join their family.

"As for Aaron, I am neither for nor against. I have always wanted to hold my brother's children in my arms and... well, I just want to see him happy. If this love can make him happy, I will support him," Myra declared.

"I am of the same opinion," Kira intervened, on the verge of revealing that she also loved women in addition to men, but she held back.

"I will always be there for my children," their mother concluded.

"So, it's decided. Since it's three against one, I can't say anything more but..."

This "but" worried Aaron more than anyone else. What was going to come after this "but..."

"You and your... I don't know what you call him."

"My boyfriend? Father, I call him my boyfriend."

"I haven't quite gotten used to the idea, okay ?" his father told him with a somewhat perplexed look.

"Anyway, scientists have reportedly developed a revolutionary new process in which the DNA of one man's sperm is modified to include the genetic characteristics of the other man.

These researchers have allegedly found a way to alter the DNA of sperm to combine the genes of both men, using cutting-edge technologies in genetics and molecular biology.

Once the sperm has been modified to incorporate the genetic characteristics of both male partners, it could be used in the process of gestational surrogacy with an egg provided by a woman, creating an embryo that would have a combined genetic composition of both men."

"Really, father?" Myra asked. "That's fascinating, father."

"Isn't it? And your brother and his 'boyfriend' will be the guinea pigs. So, since it's already decided, you should talk to him about it," their father said as he exited his office, his wife following closely behind.

The three young adults gathered to discuss among themselves after their parents left.

"Wow," exclaimed Kira. "That was a surprise!"

"Aaron, are you ready for this responsibility? It will practically be your child together, since the woman will just be the carrier," she asked.

"To be honest..." Aaron began. "I had never thought about having a child. But if it's with Giovanni, I'm willing to give it a try."

"And him?" Kira pressed.

"I'm not sure. But I'll talk to him about it."

"You should. And Myra, what's this about a baby?" she asked mischievously.

Myra blushed in response. "I'm married, it's normal to get pregnant."

"It's not the issue, but..." She smiled playfully. "Pregnant on the first try!" Myra blushed even more.