
Criminal, Detective or Victim

Criminal, Detective or Victim is a choose your own adventure book surrounding the reader and an assortment of characters with three plot options and a plethra of endings. Criminal story line- after being kidnapped by a mafia crime boss, you decide to join their ranks and go on a mission to wipe out a competing crime family. Detective story line- after a party you have attended is crashed by the police, a detective takes you under his wing to help him bust a crime family. Victim story line- after being kidnapped from a party you've attended, you are held captive by a crime family and take your chance to escape.

Brisket_85 · Action
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20 Chs

Find Erika

You quickly run from the kitchen, shouting for Erika. The mass of people in the house mash together, screaming and fighting to find an escape. There's an overwhelming and terrifying sound of gun fire, somehow louder than the collective screams, and your heart clenches as you realize everyone in the house was going to die.

Somehow, you make your way to the garage, the side door already open. You see a bag of ice laying on the ground and a man standing over it. he holds a small silver gun in his hand, a radio held against his mouth.

Your eyes widden as you freeze and he looks at you, holding his hands out in submission. "Its okay, I'm a good guy!" He declares. He glances out at the pulsing room of panicking people behind you. "Have you seen Erika?"

"N-no." You stutter, another loud round of gun fire making you jump. You step into the garage and close the door, locking it. "What is going on?"

The man sighs and holds up a finger as his radio static goes a faint voice coming through. "They got her!"

Your eyes widden. "Got her? Got who?"

The man glares at you through the corner of his eyes and lifts a finger to his lips. "I'm following the car now." Another voice crackles through the radio.

"Are they talking about Erika?" You whisper.

He nods.

You put your hand against your head as your breathing quickens. "Oh my God."

"Copy that." The man says into his radio and you cover your mouth, watching as he approaches the door.

It's quiet outside the garage door. You see blue and red flashing lights in the Windows leading to the drive way.

The man, who you now assume is a cop or FBI agent of some kind, pulls the door to the house open slowly and peeks out.

"Maybe we should leave through the garage." He suggests, pulling the door closed.

You not, walking over to the button and pressing. The loud sound of the engine above you starts up and the metal door lifts slowly to reveal the street, full of cars. Some cars had holes in the doors. Some of the cars had bodies laying next to them, and others had people slumped over in them. There were people laying in the front yard, a pair of legs poking out from the front door.

You shake your head and keep your eyes down as the cop leads you down the drive way. Another cop runs up to you, a blanket pulled open. "We got a survivor!" She yells and theres commotion as you're lead out to the middle of the road and sat on the edge of an ambulance.

"Are you okay? Have you been shot?" A paramedic asks, poking and prodding around your body.

"I'm fine." You reply, looking at the house. a few lights glow through the upstairs windows.

"Are you okay for questioning?" The man from the garage asks and you blink.

"I don't know." You whisper.

"That's alright. My names Daniel, and you are?" He attempts.

You stay quiet.

He sits next to you. "I understand all of this is traumatizing," He says. "Your brain hasn't really absorbed the reality and gravity of your situation."

You nod absently. "Yeah."

You can feel his eyes on you. You can feel everyone's eyes on you. "Say what," He puffs. "Lets go for a drive in my car. I can take you home or to the station. We can talk, about anything but what happened tonight."

You look at him.

Go on a drive with Daniel

Stay with the ambulance