
Crescent and shadows.

Themanzach · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

Last words

I ran as fast as i could, but for some reason the paths did not seem to be getting closer, the more i ran the more it felt like the distance between me and the paths increased, but I did not stop, kept running, i soon realized that it was futile , I stopped running and tried to understand what was going on, i turn my head to the wooden room, but i couldn't find it,

It was gone like it wasn't there to begin with, wow not creepy at all,not creepy in any way absolutely not creepy.

I took deep breaths, trying to calm my heart then looked at the paths again and tried to figure out what was happening, i had a feeling that i was being given a chance to pick which path i would follow, i examined them from left to right, the first path was filled with radiance and pure energy, the next looked pure on the surface but gave a dark feeling that made me feel like the surface was a facade, the next one felt dark and ominous, and the last didn't give off any vibe, it just felt normal.

I made my decision and started running towards my chosen path, i noticed that the distance between me and the path was reducing I smiled and ran as fast I could or at least I thought i was running as fast as I could till I stepped foot on the path i heard laughter the same laughter i had when i was trapped in the room, apparently i could run faster, i ran with everything i had, i had no intention of finding out anything about the being that laugh belonged to.

I ran like my life would end the moment I stopped, but no matter fast i ran or how fast I thought i was running it felt like something was right behind me,like it could get me at anytime and was just toying with me, and unfortunately for me the path seemed to be narrowing trees get closer and closer and that wasn't my only problem the path suddenly became rougher, the ground was uneven , the smooth path was now filled with dead thorny branches, they covered the forest floor and trees. the trees themselves looked the same, I tried not to touch them but this path wasn't really giving me an option, it got tighter and I couldn't move without scratching the thorns, and tighter till the thorns ripped through my clothes and into my skin, I didn't let if stop me, i ran like a madman, my legs ached, my hands were tired, my muscles felt like they would give up at any moment but i still gave it my all and the thorns didn't make things easy, i was dizzy, it became hard to breathe, my head felt foggy, but i couldn't stop.

Finally after what felt like an eternity, i made it out, i had made it to a river and it was the start of a new day, i collapsed.

when i woke up I wasn't the only one here, tons of people somehow found their way here while i out, they all looked like they have been though hell, eyes filled with fear, but outside that they all looked fine, I checked myself and every cut i had received was gone, I felt exhausted and slept, when i woke up the number of people here increased again, i was tasty, i turned towards the river but someone already beat me there, it was a beautiful lady, she was scoping water from the lake with both her hand to drink, I walked towards the water but stopped, for some reason it felt.... It felt... Unsafe. She stopped, got up looked towards my direction with eyes that looked empty and hallow and she suddenly started walking towards the forest. 

we all watched, for some reason we could not take our eyes off her, something felt off about her and whatever it was forced us to watch as she got closer to the forest we heard laugher , from a single laugh to sounds laughed coming from all all over the forest, they seem to converge on the spot she was heading to, and the moment she disappeared from our sights there was dead silence, the river and the forest was still, not a single sound, not even the sound of the wind. Only silence, till it disappeared as the forest burst into a frenzy of mad laughed and the river seems like it screamed, and the sounds of broken bone could be heard like it was happening right in front of us, till it stopped. Peace was restored and a head, the head of the lady, was thrown back to us by whatever thing or unholy night was responsible for the laughter. It landed on the floor. Her face frozen and eyes wide open, I did not know what to call the expression on her face but it felt, overwhelmed, like she too did not know what she was feeling or seeing.

my mind was a mess,it told me i was dreaming, yeah this has to be a messed up dream, those long dreams that you wake up from without remembering anything,but it wasn't a dream, i was sure of it, i bit my hand as hard as a could but no, it was all real, i was actually seeing this,and the crazy wasn't over, as smoke or rather dark clouds started coming in from the forest, I was frozen in place, processing, I could see some people running towards the river. I heard slashes then screams, screaming so chilling they unfrozen me, I turned only to the river red and half fish, half man monsters walking out and just standing there casually tearing about people who still had the balls to run towards the water, in front of us smoke, behind us 8ft tall, four handed fish men with long claws and giant fish eyes, they were humanoid, but with four arms, giant fish head and tail, human torso, and two legs, they all had webbed digits, I look forward again and the smoke seemed to be taking it's time like it was enjoying everyone's disappear, all around me people looked so lost and confused,so scared and defeated, I was no exception, I glitching. I couldn't process what was going on, my legs gave up, I tried to force myself up but not eventually I gave up trying to stand and just stayed there, my limbs went responding, I waited till it was my turn, trying to make peace with death but thoughts of all that I have not done or accomplished came flooding into my head, and tears found there way out, I did not want to die, I did not even want to be here, I should have lived my life better. Spoiled myself a little bit or dedicated myself to a goal rather than just roam the earth, I thought about school, I should have been freer, made more friends or at least forced myself to. "fuck" 

It somehow found it's way out of my lips, my last word, funny isn't it, "fuck,fuck,fuckkkk" I sat straight, crossed my legs and held my head with both hands, my limbs finally felt like cooperating. And as I was being swallowed and the tears kept running uncontrollably from my eyes, I screamed with every emotions that I had, everything within me, regret, rage, fear, tiredness, I put it all into my final word as I screamed out with all that I had, all that I was, all that I felt "FUCKKKKKKKKK" and then it was blank. 

I had to delete some chapter and make some edits to the existing ones but don't worry you'll love it, I'll have you hooked and keep you engaged.

Themanzachcreators' thoughts