Car honks and the purrs of various engines greeted Valerie, Cassidy and Raina as their Uber finally pulled up to the hospital’s entrance, the sudden lack of movement halting their whispers and anxious rambles.
“That will be twenty-eight.”
Before Cassidy could reach into her back pocket and fetch out the money, Valerie cunningly held out three notes before bidding the driver a good day and promising a great rating. The skater sighed at her friend’s antics, feeling guilty about Raina paying for their food and Valerie paying for the Uber when Cassidy put them in this situation.
“Hurry up, Cass.”
The brunette nodded towards her friends and shuffled out the car as quickly as possible, continuously mouthing how she would return their money in due time.
Briston City Hospital was known for its magnificent glass exterior and top-notch healthcare services, the seven floors high building standing high and mighty amongst the small, compact buildings surrounding it.