

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen!

Guess who's back?

Me! Everyone's favorite creepypasta!

I told you I would be back in the last chapter I did in the first book of creepypasta.

Although I'm still annoyed with the author by making me get kidnapped out of the rest of my friends.

(I don't feel bad at all Ben- Leslie H.)

Hey I know I'm small but that doesn't mean I can't cause damage!

Now that I think about it... I never did tell how I look right?

Sorry for that let's see I have blond dirty hair, red eyes with black irises (yes like Sonic.Exe) and well I look exactly like that Zelda character from that game what's it called again? Oh right "Legend of Zelda"

That's my horror game.

Anyway, let's go to see where I'm being taken away too.

Even though I was grabbed by my arms I continued to struggle and fight back against the men.

Believe me, I don't know why I'm getting taken away right now.

I paled when I saw Grinny get shot by the tranquilizer dart.

That could've killed him!

"What do you want from me? Let me go!" I yelled.

I kicked them to no vail.

I sighed what was the use?

I had no choice but to let them take me away.

But the more I thought about it I got more nervous.

Thoughts of what could happen to me swirled in my mind.

What are the scientists going to do to me?

Am I getting killed?

If I die I won't ever see Jeff again.

On second thought I prefer death than getting bullied by Jeff again!

No, I don't want to die not like this.

I need to continue flirting with Zara!

That's my only reason to continue living in this little world.

I mean come on a guy wants to enjoy himself with girls no?

After all, I am the sexy bastard.

I am better than Jeff so I may say.

(Are you sure about that? Need me to tell Jeff that?- Leslie H.)

NO! I'm fine! The author doesn't need to tell him that!!

(Okay then Ben- Leslie H.)

So I will find my way out of this mess.

As I looked around I realized that I was very far away from the mansion.

Just great...wait how long have they been walking taking me away?

I was getting tired.

I need to kill someone!

I should've at least brought my DS.

Bummer I can be an idiot sometimes.

Feeling exhausted I fell asleep.

I woke up feeling oddly weird.

I got up and saw that I was in some kind of cell?

Dungeon cell to be more specific.

"Hey! Anybody there? Help!" I yelled into the empty dungeon.

When did I get here?

I thought the whole kidnapping thing was all a joke.

"Don't even bother" said a voice.

I turned around to the direction where the voice was.

I found a guy sitting on his knees in the same cell as mine.

Something in his voice sounded familiar to me.

"S-Smile Dog?" I stammered lamely.

Smile Dog had gone on a mission by himself and he didn't come back.

That's why the rest of the creepypastas had gone on a search mission to find him.

And I think they are going to have to do another rescue mission for me too.

The guy's head snapped up.

"Ben?" said Smile.

"Smile Dog!! Where have you been!" I said relief washing over me.

At least I wasn't alone here.

"It's good to see you as well Ben" replied Smile.

"How did you get here?" I asked.

"The same way you got taken"

"What do you mean?" I said confused.

"When I was heading back to the mansion I was shot and taken here," said Smile grabbing his arm.

I noticed the wound in his arm.

I flinched gunshots do hurt.

"How long have you been here Smile?" I said concerned.

He stayed quiet for a while.

"At least two months"

"What is this place?" I asked him.

"Just to let you know this isn't a scientists place"


"This is the hideout of the mysterious guy who wants Zara," said Smile.

"What!! Are you serious?!" I exclaimed.

"Darn right I am serious" growled Smile.

"But why are we here? Instead of Zara?" I asked frowning.

"I don't know," said Smile scratching his head.

That's weird what does "he" want from us?

"Listen Ben In any second the men working for him are going to come here and find you whatever he asks you don't tell him about our new members or about Zariah got it?" said Smile looking at me.

I nodded.

I would never betray my friends except for Jeff of course.

Just at that moment the cell door opened and two men came inside.

Smile growled at them.

"Ben. Drowned you have to come with us" said one of the men.

Smile and I exchanged glances.

I got up and walked over to them.

"You better not be planning anything for we have tranquilizer darts and guns," said one of them.

I didn't say anything.

"Let's go," said one of them pushing me forward.

They close the cell door where Smile was at and we began walking in a big hallway.

I swear this could've been Area 51.

Except for Creepypasta Area 51.

As we continued to walk I decided to look around.

In the building, there were no windows.

Looks like nobody ever leaves from here...

I was being treated rudely which was making my temper get worse at the minute.

The door of a room opened and I was shoved inside.

I fell against a chair which had bands on it and they closed on my wrists.

I struggled to try to get my hands free.

"Hello there Ben. Drowned"

I looked around trying to locate him.

"If you don't think we know who you are you are wrong," I said growling.

He chuckled "I know almost everything about you but you have no idea who I am don't you?"

"What do you want from me? And why do you have Smile Dog here as well?" I demanded.

"Here I do the questions but to answer those two I want you to help me and I need Smile Dog as well," He said.

"Whatever for do you need our services?" I asked.

He made a tsk sound "Now that will have to wait for now"

This guy didn't have a weak spot at all!

"You really are wrong if you think Smile Dog and I are going to help you get Zara," I said hissing.

"I knew you were going to say that," He said a smile forming at the corners of his mouth.

I didn't like the way I could see his smile but not all of him.

"That's why I am going to force you too," He said.

Wait What?!