

Bayo and Kunle two brothers searching for food, shelter and greener pasture in the bløødy bad lands of Nigeria are encountered by a swarm of hungry zombies. Will they survive or will they die? This is the story about a group of survivors of a mass extinction, a zombie apocalypse. The story tells the tale of how far people will go to protect what they love from the bløødthirsty zombies, a story of friendship during crisis, love, betrayal, brotherhood and survival. Well this book series has a long way to go and it's just starting. Join me on this journey as we explore the world of Nigerian Zombies together. Interesting story arcs and well written characters are coming ahead. This is just the beginning.

Gerald_Emmanuel · Horreur
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A survivor's tale written in bløød💌.....


Fade in:

Previsously on the Creepers Apocalypse:Bayo and Kunle are saved from the blood thirsty zombies by a group of survivors led by a man called Ojogbon and are now demanded to return the favour.

[LOCATION: ShopRIte Mall]

Back at the mall, we spot Bayo killing off the last of the zombies surrounding his truck. He blasts the head of the last one off with his last round. We see him struggle towards the door as he pulls it open. He sits down on the driver's seat as he breathes heavily. He looks down on his chest and sees a wound, not a bite wound but a stab wound. What stabbed him? He switches the ignition and the truck roars to life.


It's show time.

Bayo twists the steering wheel as he drifts into the high way facing the incoming zombies. He presses on the pedals as he collides with them crushing and sending their disabled bodies flying like a bird. He smiles as he does this. He keeps hitting them, tens of tens but they keep coming. He notices that the road is too infested and performs a robotic u turn and does a quick stick shift changing gears in a flick of a second, he then drives the other way. 

BAYO (Voice Over)

I can't keep hitting them with my truck or it will break down and if it breaks down in the middle of this horde, I am as good as dead…I need to find a way to lead them off. I hope they are not dumb enough to fall for this. 

Bayo keeps marching on the pedal as he speeds on the high way evading them. They keep coming but they can't reach him. He is about to smile happily when he spots tiny dots far away from him on the road. He squints his eyes to try and fathom what it is. He keeps driving closer to discover that the dots are also coming for him. The more he gets closer, the more he begins to discover what the dots her. He keeps driving when one of the zombies jump from an unknown side of the road unto the side of the truck. 

The zombie bashes through the window shattering the glass and the rear view mirror in a matter of seconds. The zombie actively tries to pull Bayo out and distract him from driving. Bayo twists and turns as the car trying to shake the grunting zombie off all to no avail as the zombie's grip is really strong. The zombie is now succeeding in trying to get into the car and bite the hell out of Bayo who is trying to concentrate on driving. He reaches for his drawer amidst the chaos and draws out his shot gun with his right hand and controls the wheel with the left. He corks and BAAM!! he Unloads a shell unto the super lucky zombie who avoids taking it to the head but the chest. Bayo's eyes widen in surprise, he has never seen one so smart. The tiny dots are getting closer. He shoots again this time nailing the right hand of the zombie snapping it in half in a nanosecond. Bayo is about to lose control of the car to the zombie when a large tank like buggy crushes the zombie on his side to bits as it drives past him with great speed

Everything goes to slow motion as Bayo tries to feel the moment, he looks through the window and spots Morocco at the top of the buggy manning a machine gun, their eyes both meet as they glare at each other. The look of surprise in both eyes is evident. They finally meet again in grand style. The speed goes back to normal as Morocco signals by twisting his fingers and pointing to the front. Bayo immediately understands the street signal and performs a robotic u turn once again and changes the gears to match his speed. He follows the buggy and they both drive towards the horde that Bayo is avoiding before.

BAYO (Voice Over)

These guys have a tank…man…they could wipe out the horde I was avoiding and thanks to them, that freaking zombie isn't going to be my demise. Look at it, the half of the rotten fuck's body is sitting on my lap.

Bayo grabs the half body of the zombie that tried to make him loose control and tosses it out of through the window. He looks up again as Morocco tosses something to him from the top of the buggy. He catches it and observes it. Morocco makes a call signal with his fingers and again Bayo understands immediately that this is a radio walkie talkie. He turns it on and it roars in static until a voice echoes through it.

OJOGBON (From Radio)

We meet again on the highway of death Mr Bayo…how does it feel to see my little beast dominating the roads?

Bayo smiles as he presses the open walkie button and replies

BAYO (Into Radio)

I feel great knowing I am protected by your war machine Ojogbon…but you should know that we are now driving towards and infested zone…there are hundreds ahead of us…

OJOGBON (From Radio)

You mean hundreds of creepers?

BAYO (Into Radio)

Is that what you call them?

OJOGBON (From Radio)

Yes that is what we call the dumb ones…you don't know we have different types of those rotten fucks…man you are in the dark. It would please me to tell you that right behind you, we have five Bongos actively on our tail…they are five but they could be our demise.

BAYO (Into Radio)

What are Bongos?

Bayo takes a peak at one of the side mirrors behind him and spots five zombie german sheperd dogs coming at him with great speed and precision. They gallop like horses and their speed matches that of a moving car. The fact that they are zombies may have enhanced their physical activity. Bayo's eyes widen as one of the dogs leap onto the roof of his truck bending it slightly with sheer strength as it lands on it.

BAYO (Into Radio)

Jesus! what the hell…WHAT THE HELL…

MOROCCO (Into Radio)

Boss calm down don't turn the wheel…don't turn the wheel…you can't shake it off…it is smart…just keep driving…caaaalm YOUR NERVES down…

Bayo takes a deep breath and obeys as he keeps driving straight without turning the wheel. Morocco stares at the dog on the roof of Bayo's car and they both exchange glances. The dog grunts and barks as it leaps with supernatural strength nine feet into the air aiming for Morocco's head with its super large jaws and sharp canines. Morocco immediately turns the machine gun head to the incoming hostile and pulls the trigger. The gun screeches as it activates and opens fire onto the dog releasing nothing more than sixteen rounds in five seconds. The dog falls down to the ground below them dead and defeated. 

ICE KING (From Radio)

Nice one Morocco…you hit the bull's eye…

Morocco turns the gun towards the hundreds of the so called "creepers" ahead of them while the two side machine guns automatically twist to the back like rotating cameras facing Bayo and the incoming dogs. 

[Inside the Ojogbon Beast Buggy]

Inside the tank like car, we see Medina grabbing the side machine gun's joystick as she speaks into her radio. 

MEDINA (Into Radio)

Okay Bayo…do you copy?

BAYO (Into Radio)

First time…what's up…

MEDINA (Into Radio)

I am in charge of the side guns which are now currently pointed in your direction. I need you to work with me here…those are Bongos…


EPISODE SUMMARY: Bayo and Ojogbon finally meet on the highway and they collaborate to fend off the determined zombies. Medina and Bayo finally agree

to work together to fight off the Bongos.

Author's Section: Hello guys. I'm Darren Daddie x.....author of The Creepers Apocalypse: genesis and also The Exorcist(go check it out if you never heard of it). This is the story about a group of survivors of a mass extinction, a zombie apocalypse. The story tells the tale of how far people will go to protect what they love from the bløødthirsty zombies, a story of friendship during crisis, love, betrayal, brotherhood and survival. Well this book series has a long way to go and it's just starting. Join me on this journey as we explore the world of Nigerian Zombies together. Interesting story arcs and well written characters are coming ahead. This is just the beginning. Before I go, here are some questions to ask yours self;

Who is Tumininu?

What happened the last time Kunle and BAYO decided to stop driving?

Will they survive the ordeal at the moment?

Where does this whole Bongo thing to?

How many types of zombies exist in the apocalypse?

Are Ojogbon and his men trust worthy?

How did the zombie plague start?



Gerald_Emmanuelcreators' thoughts