
Four - An unexpected greeting

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Leo and Alistair rode for two weeks with the trading caravan. The leader, J'karzar, was definitely startled to see two horses galloping towards his caravan at full speed. The moment the boys arrived, the caravan guards had them surrounded, swords drawn. Leo almost laughed, for if they knew what he could do, they would have had more than just swords.

"Who are you?" J'karzar demanded. He wasn't a native of Ithreal. His skin was the colour of charcoal, and he had a thin layer of fur over him. Leo, not caring about being polite. ended up being the first to comment on it.

"What are you?" he had asked, before receiving a staggering impact by the hilt of the nearest guard's sword.

"Leave him," instructed J'karzar. The guard moved back into formation. "I am what your kind calls a Stony, in reference to my complexion," he continued. "We call ourselves the Omaji. I am here with my caravan, because we were banished from our home land. My name is J'karzar. Now, who are you?"

"I am Alistair, son of Hikard," Alistair began. Leo froze. Since he had thought Alistair was dead, it never dawned on him that he had killed his best friend's father.

"This is my friend, Leo, son of Alston," he continued.

"Of you I know," said J'karzar, pointing at Leo. He looked at Alistair. "You, I do not know, but for you to keep such fine company, a king's son, earns my trust. I know Alston personally."

He looked at Leo. "What may I assist you with, Son of Alston?"

Leo was taken aback. He was not used to being looked at with respect and it caught him off guard.

"Alistair speaks for me," he replied. Alistair shot him a venomous look before speaking.

"We were taken captive. We have escaped and were following this very path. It is on said path we saw your trade caravan. We request you allow us to travel with you. As a trade caravan, I imagine you frequent Therston, which is our destination."

Alistair spoke with such confidence that even the guard's couldn't help being taken aback. J'karzar looked thoughtful. "We accept your terms," he agreed. Relief washed over Leo as if it were the rains that Ithreal hadn't had in months. The caravan itself was most impressive. There were five camels, which were carrying the merchandise of the traders. There was a tent to sleep in, and a tent to dine in. Both of these tents were constantly on the backs of six men, who would change shifts every four hours.

The boys were shown to the sleeping tent. They went into the beige quarters, and Leo was asleep before he could even lay down, causing the entire tent to rumble as he fell. After two hours, J'karzar interrupted his slumber.

"The men in the front have finished their shift. It is now your job to patrol ahead of us and keep watch for bandits," he instructed.

The boys soon had their horses and were patrolling ahead of the caravan. Alistair had begun to notice that Leo was incredibly quiet.

"What's on your mind?" he asked. Leo looked at him, eyes full of tears.

"I... I was attacked... by Hikard... I didn't want to kill him. I had to. He was meant to be reinforcing one of the garrisons, but instead came for my father. It was Hades first play to cause a disturbance in Therston. He was relentless and I killed him. I killed your father, Alistair. I couldn't help it." Leo was sobbing by the time he finished speaking. His breath had become ragged and the tears were rolling down his face in a cascade of salt and fluid. Alistair was silent for a full minute. He nodded to himself, and looked at Leo.

"Thank you," was all he said.

"What?" Leo was flabbergasted.

"You will understand when we speak to your father."

Alistair remained silent for the rest of the shift, giving Leo sufficient time to ponder what he had meant. As dawn approached, the boys were relieved of their duty, and were rewarded with six hours of sleep. Once they were awoken, they went to the dining tent to eat. This was a routine that was followed for the next two weeks, with stops every few shifts to tend to the livestock.

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Leo stood outside the gates of Therston, Alistair at his side, and J'karzar paying his visitors' tax. He had a plan to inside the city square and set up shop as soon as he was let in. Leo and Alistair, however, didn't have a plan at all. The guards did not expect citizens, who were presumed dead, to show up. They called for an escort.

"Take these young men to the castle. I am sure that Lord Alston would like to see them," instructed the captain.

The city gates were unlocked and the boys were led to the palace. It was mostly made of marble. It was built this way as a brag, since Hethga and Denosa did not have an economy as successful as Therston. Nevertheless, it was the most extravagant building in the whole of Ithreal. The boys were left in the library, a place they knew well. It was so covered in dust that one could tell that it hadn't been set foot in since Leo's disappearance.

"My son," breathed Alston Dornan, who had just walked into the room. He was a stocky man, who was a bit more on the fat side rather than the muscular one. He could never admit this due to his fragile ego. He cast his eyes upon Alistair. "My other son," he whispered, and pulled them both into and embrace that was fulled with only joy. He saw Alistair as a son, especially since he knew Leo had killed Hikard.

"Where were you boys?" he asked.

"We were held captive near the East border. The entire castle was abandoned, but the guards that remained wore the insignia of Hades," reported Leo.

"There is something I need to tell you, son," said Alston.

"Like what?"

"For instance, the fact that I was sent to infiltrate the Hades stronghold we just escaped," responded Alistair.