
Creator Of The Highest Peaks: Unique Path to Transcendence!

"As I look behind me, I see worlds on the brink of destruction, destruction that you caused, all because of the suffering you’ve endured.” “The only word that I can use to describe it, is pathetic. That word alone truly describes the nature of all those living under my foot, and even now, they claw onto hope, and struggle desperately to survive." "Hah.” “But even if I am a being that has witnessed death many times, yet I still cannot fathom the raw emotion that comes after, that alone proves that I cannot escape my true nature.” “I cannot fathom that a near-omnipotent being such as I would feel so hopeless in front of you. I didn’t expect I would meet such a fate.” "All because you are a calamity that couldn’t have been stopped.” “..Because of one feeble human.. a pitiful, lonely insignificant human, one who’s born of one of the most lowly species in the universe, fate itself has been undone, and those who have been named as “wicked” will suffer.” “It was long known to me long ago that your existence itself was a threat, but I had a eerie feeling that I could not stop what was about to happen, not in a million, or even a billion years.”

SeekFlame · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

The Secretive Principal Of The Academy

When they made it inside the room, they saw shiny walls that looked oddly unique with nice, dragon-like patterns on them, which made these walls seem much better than the usual standard metal walls.

Then they saw someone sitting behind a metal desk, a person in a suit who had long, thick hair and eyes that could see through everything, he definitely seemed like an important and powerful figure.

Nathan could tell that Aiden's entire body was tense, and as was himself, and that made him all the more fearful of the man in front of him, he didn't know who he was at all, and could tell that he wasn't particularly happy with the two of them.

There was a long period of silence, and Nathan couldn't stop himself from feeling uncomfortable from the tension in the room.

He was sure that this man was definitely an important figure in the spaceship, and he seemed to be overwhelmingly strong as well, as he held that sort of aura around himself.

"To think that it would be you two stirring up trouble in the academy."

As soon as they heard his voice, an enormous amount of pressure was put on the two of them, and somehow, instructor Stephanie was completely fine.

At that very moment, Nathan had a single image in his mind.

This man, with the entire spaceship within his palm, simply staring at it with clear intent in mind.

His presence alone was able to shake the skies, which meant, he was "that" strong. To the point where only the word "unfathomable" could be used to describe him.

He sighed.

"I expected this."

"What?" The two of them said at once, both confused.

"Let me guess, Aiden, had some type of deep rooted grudge against Nathan, due to the fact that Nathan was able to best him in a fight, so he thought that he could use his current situation against him and finally exact revenge. I'm right, right?"

"…." Nathan stood in silence as he gathered his thoughts. This added another piece to the puzzle and helped him understand how everyone happened this way.

He had a hidden motive from the very start.

"..! Even though you're the principal, how did you manage to find out about something like that..?? I was sure that-"

"I will not tolerate you talking without the principal's permission. I won't say it again." Instructor Stephanie interrupted.

"Instructor, it's alright."

"Usually, as punishment, you two would have to stay in the [Punishment Room] for a little over forty-eight hours, but I've decided to be a little forgiving and allow this to slide once, but only once, do I make myself clear?"

"Yes sir!" They both ran off immediately after that, and the door closed.


Instructor Stephanie "time-locked" the door just after they left, which meant that it couldn't be interacted with within a set period of time, you could know if a door or an object of sorts was time-locked since it had a strange aura surrounding it.

"Sir, you didn't have to be so forgiving towards them, excuse me for saying this, but just what were you thinking?"

"You do know of our true purpose, right instructor Stephanie? You must never forget it, as you are my most precious [tool], that I must use to change this vast, desolate universe."

"One day, the 167th Generation will bring forth the fruits of our labour, and the day that the entire universe shall be reformed shall finally come, but, for now, we must wait."


"Those Celestials, you and I know them as the false gods, and the enemies of the divine, and I have a feeling that he will be the key to shaking the entire universe one day. "He" will be pleased once that day arrives."


"But, besides that, to think that a mere student of ours would come into contact with a being as graceful as her, not one of the false ones, but one who claims to be."

"How exciting."

Nathan and Aiden were rushing back to the training hall, both with different objectives.

"So, I guess I found out the real reason why you wanted to fight me so badly!" Nathan said, he was already out of breath by just running, yet Aiden looked like he wasn't tired at all.

"Shut up! I definitely wouldn't won if not for the interruption!"

"You sure?"


A few minutes later, they had finally made it back, to the surprise of the others still waiting.

"Nathan!" Luna called out, "I thought the principal would've sent you to "that" place by now."

"We also became acquainted with your other friends." Luna said, his other friends in this case, were Athena and Thomas.

"..I'm not really sure what "that" place is, but I guess that means I was lucky to have escaped without suffering any consequences.. but, I also thought you guys would've left this place by now."

"Yeah, but instructor Stephanie time-locked the exit, so we couldn't leave even if we tried to." Athena said.

"Yeah, you're definitely lucky." Dean said, "I would've never have expected that someone who's basically crippled would've been able to recreate the power of [Creation] alone."

"If you weren't born with a disability like that, even I can't imagine how much of a prodigy you'd be."

"Well, I did receive some help from a Celestial, one who was called, Astrayla."

"Wait, you met Astrayla?!"

"Yeah.. what's the problem..?"

"She is the near all-powerful Celestial that rules over the Azure City of Beginnings, a city advanced beyond comprehension that's stationed inside a pocket dimension she created, she is a being that toys with other existences like it's a hobby."

"Even I can't believe it, to think you would meet an almighty, ethereal goddess like that."

"The more I learn about you, the more you differ from the person you once were," Luna said, "You can't be compared to the person you once were."

"I know you lost your memory, but you really are like an entirely new person, the only thing connecting you to the Nathan you were before, is your name."


He could only hear a few words the other groups of people, but they all seemed to be in awe of the power he showed in that battle.

Nathan also noticed that Aiden was throwing quick glances towards him, for some odd reason.

"By the way, have any of you met the principal before?"



"Not at all."

"No, why?"

"I just noticed something off about him, that's all."

All of a sudden, the doors flew open, and there stood instructor Stephanie, with another person who seemed to be another instructor.

"Everyone! Your punishment has been declared by the principal! You are all to go to your rooms immediately, and you will have to stay there for the rest of the day, you shall be permitted to go out if an instructor allows it."

"Ugh.. I knew this would happen," Athena said, "Do we really have to stay in our rooms for the rest of the day? That pisses me off, and, we're gonna have to attend some lectures tomorrow."


"Yep," She sighed, "I guess we'll see each-other tomorrow."

They all said their goodbyes, and soon, they returned to their rooms, as did Nathan too.


"I guess I've almost adjusted to this world, but there's also a lot that I'm missing out on."

"I hope that I can learn something from those lectures Athena was talking about."

He sighed, and reminisced about his past life.

"I.. I miss them, all of them.." His family, friends, relatives.. to think that after transmigrating to a new world he would miss them so much, almost to the point where it became painful.

"I hope I can see them again soon."