
Creation: The First

Follow Frey, a typical nobody in our present world. As he experience his daily life blast away, never to return the same. Technology fades as magical skills claims its place. Beeing the first to ever come in contact with mana, and thereby obtain a skill, he will get a headstart. To face the troubles awaiting in a changing world. He will journey to the far side of the earth, searching for his reason to live. Hi everyone. Author here. This is my first, Ever, attempt to write a story. I recently started reading webnovels and decided to try, and write my own. Im allso a big newbie using this platform to upload, so i will make changes to my uploads as i learn to navigate and use the tools. Feel free to make any comments on my story. Good, bad, technical or any ideas. I take it all as i hope it will make me a better writer :) Hope some of you will enjoy :)

XmishaX · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
43 Chs

Chapter 6

It was dark now. I didn't know what time it was; my watch had stopped working at 15:47. We had left the care center behind us some time ago, with only the light from the blue whirlpools to navigate by.

We didn't meet anyone as we approached the city center. The fastest way to Rolf, was passing through the center and follow the main road directly to his block. 

The road ended at a T-shape intersection. Turning left we found ourselves at a small hill, that mildly overlooked the city.

"Let's pause for a minute." I put my hand in my jacket pocket and withdrew my cigarette pack.

Only 1 was left. I lit it and threw the empty pack away. Meanwhile Chioma had moved to the top of the hill. "Come up here, you got to see this."

I went to her. Exhaling the cigarette smoke, I looked over the city. 

From here the road turned directly downwards, ending in the shopping area of the city, marked with a huge statue of a horse.

It didn't look like a regular horse, it was far more muscular and had big, solid legs with hair-like fur.

From the stature the road turned to cobblestone as it spread into the mini maze of pathways with stores on all sides.

Only when I watched it now, I could really see the true damage that had been inflicted on the world.

It was a city of ruin. Everything was broken. Tall buildings had all fallen. Nothing was where it was supposed to be. I could even see a car on fire close to the statue. But what Chioma, must certainly, wanted me to see, was the blue light.

The blue orbs, whirlpools or whatever they were, were scattered all over the city, much closer to the ground now. Must be a hundred, just in the city alone. They were the reason we could see anything at all. It looked like black ruins with a blue torch on every road, lighting up the immediate surroundings.

"Let's go Chioma. I'm starting to get very hungry, and the temperature is dropping fast."

We continued down the road, both walking in silence. Chioma was walking slight Infront of me, probably dealing with her own thoughts.

Turning a slight curve on the road we had the statue in sight. 

"Do you hear that?" Chioma asked, stopping up. "It sounds like people, a lot of them."

I had to strain my ears, maybe she was more sensitive to sound than I was. But then it reached me as well. "It sounds like a riot on a football night."

She looked at me with a worried expression. "We should go and see what's going on, but it could be dangerous. Remember what I told you about looters at the hospital."

We had to make a slight detour to get past the statue. A multi-floor building had collapsed all over the road.

We walked slightly slower as we went on the cobblestone, leading us directly to the small shopping streets, closer to the noise.

A few lone people were running back and forth as we went along a small shopping street. Chioma walking close to me as we emerged into the main street.

It was full of activity. Building ruins and debris had been slightly shoved to the sides of the main street, to allow passage for people.

Someone must have done that earlier, during the daytime.

Hundreds of people where gathering, yelling, crying, celebrating, drinking and looting. One big mix of activities and emotions.

"This is crazy Chioma. We shouldn't stay here."

"I agree. Look over there, a whole group is bowing down to that…" She looked at me, rolling her eyes "Whatever it is! They look like fanatics!" 

About forty people were indeed bowing down or raising their hands towards the whirlpool. It had almost reached the ground now, maybe half a meter before it would touch down.

The lower part of it had formed into some kind of platform. It would surely stand firm, once it reached the ground.

I just remembered one of the games I had played when I was a kid. What was it again, Divinity? No. Warcraft! 

"It looks like a portal from a fantasy game." In my thoughts I didn't realize that I had spoken the last part out loud.

Chioma grinned strangely, her white teeth being strangely apparent in the dark.

"How old are you again?" she asked, still grinning, "I guess I can't argue with that, nothing else I've thought of makes any sense. So, let's just call them portals for now." 

We agreed to pass by all the people quickly. But as we passed by the huge portal, one of the people from the crowd started speaking loudly;

"REPENT! Gods punishment has been dealt to us! We have been arrogant! Women have stained the sanctity of their body, not saving it for marriage! And men have grown lazy and build terrible weapons of destruction! Come all! Bow your heads to our salvation! It has been judging us all day, while descending to us! And soon, it will open and show us our future! We must show gratitude and pledge our allegiance anew! Come! Join us now!"

Trying not to gain attention, I pushed Chioma through the crowd. Only to find the path blocked completely by the ruin of a huge apartment complex that had fallen over the street.

"We need to turn back. I know an underground parking lot on the street in the opposite direction. If its not blocked it should take us to the other side."

She nodded, "I know it, its under the grocery store I usually get my food from."

We turned back, straight into the crowd. The underground parking space had a stair leading to a narrow street that connected to the main street.

The crowd had doubled in just the span of time it took us to decide for the underground.

Everywhere people were looting from stores, and small fights had begun here and there. Someone carried a torch, leading his family away. 

As we pushed our way trough the crowd the second time, the air suddenly changed. My hairs suddenly stood up.

Everyone went quit. 


The portal touched the ground, and the whirlpool made a strange pulsating movement.

Noone even moved a muscle. Just starring at it, as something emerged.

I couldn't see the lower level of the portal clearly, too many people blocking my view.

"ARRRRRRRRGHH" A deep voice, filled with pain, echoing through the silent streets.

"IIICH! IT'S ON ME!" A high pinched woman's voice this time.

The crowd started panicking. From motionless to everyone yelling and running in a flash.



Countless people yelling while trying to get away. I Got pushed down and separated from Chioma.

I Saw it through the legs of panicking people.

A vile greenish creature was standing over a motionless man, near the front of the portal. It was small, the size of a child, with bare feet, too large for its bony legs that led to a little fat belly and small chest. Its arms were long compared to its height as it stood with a weak posture. Saliva dripping down its chin from a protruding fang. A wooden club in its hands and eyes shining a red glow, while they looked around before it ran towards its next victim.

Behind it, from the portal, more of these creatures emerged.