
Creation: The First

Follow Frey, a typical nobody in our present world. As he experience his daily life blast away, never to return the same. Technology fades as magical skills claims its place. Beeing the first to ever come in contact with mana, and thereby obtain a skill, he will get a headstart. To face the troubles awaiting in a changing world. He will journey to the far side of the earth, searching for his reason to live. Hi everyone. Author here. This is my first, Ever, attempt to write a story. I recently started reading webnovels and decided to try, and write my own. Im allso a big newbie using this platform to upload, so i will make changes to my uploads as i learn to navigate and use the tools. Feel free to make any comments on my story. Good, bad, technical or any ideas. I take it all as i hope it will make me a better writer :) Hope some of you will enjoy :)

XmishaX · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
43 Chs

Chapter 40

I found myself back in the forrest as the giant portal disappeared.

So the world have atleast another year before something like this might happen again. Next time we might not be lucky enough to find and stop the invasion so quickly, i thought as i resumed my march towards the human camp.

As i walked i checked the community tab in my status. The Guild, Chat and Auction house tabs flashed white, as i now had the one gold required to unlock them. But i had too much in my mind for the moment, so i waved my hand in the air, closing my inventory.

After walking in silence for a while in the direction of the camp, i heard a scream from up ahead.

"Follow quickly!" I told Erik and my units as i started running. Coming clear of the trees i was horrified by the sight.

A group of goblins had ambushed a group of people, probably from the camp as we had gotten near. They had killed the four males and was currently in the middle of licking and raping the two young females.

The reason i was horrified was not due to the dead people, i was more than used to death and blood. But the scenarie of the women being raped. The girl i saw first could not be a day over fifteen. She lay on her stomach face down as the goblins had torn all her cloths off.

Two goblins was holding a leg each, spreading them apart such that i had a clear view of the goblin leaders green rod as it plowed into her. With each strong push from the goblin, the girl screamed in horror as blood fell from between her legs.

I could feel my berserker rage trying to surface, but i had to supress it or i would leave no living thing standing.

"Kill all the goblins! Protect the women!" I yelled, but i didn't have to. Erik might be new to my world, but he allready had a deep sense of right and wrong, and at the moment his eyes burned with hatred for the goblins as he rushed forward.

I didn't look at Erik as he did what he did to the goblins, making the young girl safe. I just went to the other female that seemed like she had allready been through a few rounds. 

The goblins turned to me and sneered with their snaky eyes and started to swing their clubs in the air, charging at me.

But this was not day one any more. I now fully understood how much i had changed in just a single week. Before i was scared shitless by the goblins at the grocery store. I thought i would die by their hands.

But now, as i saw the goblins run at me with their grotesque child-like bodies, it seemed as in slow-motion. They were so slow. So weak. I didn't even draw my swords as i simply picked them up and choked them to death with my hands one by one.

A single goblin was horrified as it tried to run away, but i simply made a single jump and landed before it, snatching it up by the neck. I called for a spear units weapon and stuck the spear slowly all the way through the goblin. Entering at the goblins but and exiting the goblin mouth. I left the spear there planted in the ground with the goblin skewered, as a warning to others that might be lurking nearby.

"You are safe now ma'am. The goblins are dead."

Her body was beaten black and red, her lower parts torn and bloody as she gathered her knees in her arms and sulked as she lay on the ground.

I bought a fur blanket from the shop and covered her while she cried.

"Erik! How is the girl?"

He came walking with her in his arms. She had passed out from pain and suffering as she realised her life had been saved.

"Her name is Emma." Eriks eyes still burned with fury and rage as he spoke. But i noticed something else aswell. A shimmer of a feeling in his eyes, that i had only recently been acquinted with myself. The protective instinct a man have for a women.

I turned back to the woman sulking in the grass. "I'm sorry ma'am. But we need to leave this place."

Her crying had turned to soft hulking as she heard us speak. I sat down next to her as she looked at me.

She was an ordinary looking woman. She looked young, but still had a few wrinkles on her face, i guessed she was somewhere between thirty and fourty, the same as me. 

She had brown hair and big hips. She was not a fat woman, but she had good curves atleast.

"Th.. Thank you, for saving us." She spoke slowly as she tried to sit up.

"Don't mention it. Those goblins deserve hell... What brings you out into the forrest? Where do you come from?" I asked, wanting to get moving as i was starting to get a slight headache.

"We are survivers who have gathered just up the hill. A small group have gained some kind of supernatural abilities that they used to keep us safe. But these creatures keep attacking our camp and we were sent to a nearby camp for help. But as you see, the green creatures killed our strongest men as soon as the entered the forrest." She started to cry again as she had blurted it all out so fast.

"I understand. Don't worry, luck have it that we are from that other camp, and help you will get!" She starred at me as i wrapped the fur blanket around her and carried her just like Erik carried the passed out girl.

"Where exactly is your camp?"

She pointed towards the trees and we started walking.

As we emerged from the forrest i recognised the area. The people used the metal fence from the local miniput-football practice area as their camp. But my head started to hurt again, as i was sure that this was not the location of the practice area. It should be close to my uncles old apartment blocks.

Had the earths landmasses started to change aswell? Unnoticeable?

The Iron fence was tall, as is surrounded the camp of tents inside. It was tall becouse it was used to prevent the kids footballs from leaving the area even when they kicked hard and high.

A huge group of goblins was trying to enter where the fence gate used to be. The people of the camp had tried to repair it and slightly succeded. But the goblins was in this moment close to breaking through even though the people was trying to stab them trough the fence. They used wooden spears with plump metal ends that they had found in the storeage of the training building, as it allso served as spear-throwing practise for the nearby public school.

"Units! Kill the goblins!" I said calmly.

The group of goblins didn't stand a chance as my units rioted them in second.

"Let us in quickly, these women are hurt badly!" I yelled as we approached the camp gate.

A few men hurried to clear the way as they recognised the women.

"What happened! Why are they beaten like that?" The people demanded to know.

"Calm down! I'm sure we will get answers. But first get them into my tent and fetch the nurses!" A tall woman spoke as she walked near. To my surprise i could inspect her.

Camilla Haahr. Level 4

Health: 50. Mana: 55. Fatigue: 90

Class: none

Profession: none

Skill: Clone.

She was probably the leader i though as i handed the woman to two other men who carried her to a big tent in the middle of the camp. Other men had tried to take Emma from Erik, but he had refused to let her go, insisting to carry her to the tent himself.

"Thank you for helping us, but who are you?" Camilla was looking at me with piercing eyes.

I got the feeling that this woman had a sharp intelligence. She was tall and blond with blue eyes. A pretty and athletic woman. If she had glasses she could have resembled some attorney-model type.

"My name is Frey Raven. I come from another camp not far from here. We wanted to reach out to you. On our way here we found these women being..." I had to think for a moment on how best to describe it.

"They were being raped by the goblins, and the men had all been killed before we arrived." I decided to say it as it was. There was no point in trying to sugarcoat it, as i got the feeling that this woman would see straight trough it.

"I see." She lowered her gaze for a second and clenched her fists.

"Those damn monsters. They have been pestering us for days."

She walked to my and i shoke her hand.

"My name is Camilla, and i'm the so-called leader now i guess. We had more than two hundred people gathered here after the shockwave. But half have been killed in the past few days. Apart from myself, we sent the last men with skills to get help. I can't believe they are dead..." She stopped talking.

"It's allright now Camilla. This might come as a surprise. But my camp is doing rather well all things considered. I think you should all come with us back. It would be much safer."

I looked around the camp. It was a miracle they had survived this long.

"That might be." Her eyes pierced me again as she tried to judge me. "But i'm responsible for these people, and we've only just met. I thank you for you help and all but... Join me in the tent for a talk. We should give the women some deserved rest before we decide on anything."

I followed behind Camilla to the tent that Erik had entered with Emma. Leaving my spear units to guard the poor excuse of a gate.

The tent was huge, some kind of red and white tent used for summer gatherings. Inside was sleeping bags and tables and a bunch of no-good items. The two assaulted women was laying on two wooden tables.

"Frey! I can't believe it's you!" The woman who had just finished treating Emma's wounds came to me.

I recognised Anette right away. The older, blond woman from my first day at work. Her serious facial expressions had a relieved notion as she came towards me.

"I'm happy to see you safe Anette!"

She didn't answer but to my surprise she gave me a long hug before letting go.

"You have to tell me everything! How come you are here? I thought you and Chioma would be far gone by now." I could see she meant that she thought we were dead, but she didn't say it.

I gave her a quick recap about our experiences. How we had gained skills and survived to find the large camp. How the vampires had infiltrated it and how we now had a new, much safer camp and that i came here to warn them.

She in turn told me how she had reached the hospital with the staff and elderly survivors. They had fled the house they had taken shelter in, as some kind of cow-monster with two snake-like tails had chased after them, only stopping to eat the old people who was too weak to move. At the hospital they had joined another group and was again forced to flee due to a gang claiming the ruins. Eventually they had found Camillas group and was excorted here and had stayed here the past days.

Camilla had listened to our talks that, surprisingly, had taken allmost an hour as we told our tales.

"Frey. I believe you are honest. When they wake up, we will leave with you." She pointed to the women resting on the tables as she left the tent.