
Creation: The First

Follow Frey, a typical nobody in our present world. As he experience his daily life blast away, never to return the same. Technology fades as magical skills claims its place. Beeing the first to ever come in contact with mana, and thereby obtain a skill, he will get a headstart. To face the troubles awaiting in a changing world. He will journey to the far side of the earth, searching for his reason to live. Hi everyone. Author here. This is my first, Ever, attempt to write a story. I recently started reading webnovels and decided to try, and write my own. Im allso a big newbie using this platform to upload, so i will make changes to my uploads as i learn to navigate and use the tools. Feel free to make any comments on my story. Good, bad, technical or any ideas. I take it all as i hope it will make me a better writer :) Hope some of you will enjoy :)

XmishaX · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
43 Chs

Chapter 20

Alpha Horned-Rabbit. Level 10

Health: 300. Mana: 130. Fatigue: 5/425

Class: Boss monster

Skill: Dash. Horn-attack. Inspire. Terrify.

The 8 large rabbits around it, was similar to the low level rabbits. But they had more health as they were between level 5 to 7.

As my formation got near, the boss rabbit turned towards me, and i saw its grotesque face.

It's face was like the other, aside from the two giant horns instead of a single one. But the eyes was huge, and blood-red! The mouth allmost covered its face from ear to ear, and two giant rabbit tooths was hanging down from the middle.

I didn't want to waste any time, so i ordered the 5 front units to engange. I wanted to see what the rabbits could do.

The boss didn't move. But the 8 horned-rabbits dashed forward, slamming directly into my units with their horns. Only my first unit managed to dodge the attack. 

The others didn't die from beeing pierced by the horns, but valiantly fought back. 

I just observed them, summoning replacement spear-units, while they eventually all died. Having only killed 4 rabbits themselves.

But i learned that the rabbits would only use the horn attack, immidiately after having dashed.

"Archers. Fire at will. Kill the remaining four rabbits."

They formed a small line before me, and started to loose arrows upon the rabbits. They were fast. Having the Archery mastery skill at E-Rank, made them able to fire, redraw and fire again with only 5 seconds between. 

The rabbits dashed at my archers, but they were dead, full of arrows, before they reached them.

The boss rabbit let out a terrifying roar!

The archers was standing closer to the boss, than the rest of my units. They lost the grip on the bows as they fell to the ground, their bodies trembling in terror.

That must have been the terrify skill.

I sent my 3 sword-units to attack it. Leaving 10 spear-units to form a line between me and the boss.

The boss dashed. It seemed unreal that it could move at such a speed, with that big body. The following horn-attack squevered 2 units that died from the impact. Leaving a single sword-unit to start slashing at its side.

"All of you! Charge it with your spears! Archers, get the hell up and start to fire arrows at its head!"

The archers slowly gained their footing as the spear-units was roaring and charging the boss.

I started to channel new summons, as a carnage unfolded.

Arrows flew at the rabbit while it dashed and horn-attacked the spearmen. Spears impaled its body and i could see its health falling fast.

Suddenly the boss stopped up, having low hp. It let out a huge rabbit-call and all the small rabbits in the cave sat up, with their ears in the air.

Then they all dashed at the same time. 

Hundreds small rabbits was decending upon my tiny squad, as they had been inspired by their leader.

"Kill it fast!" I yelled as i charged it myself, grabbing a spear from a fallen unit.

The boss tried to dash, but it had become fatigued in the fight, and 5 spear-units had it pierced, holding it in place. 

5 meters from the boss, i threw the spear. Hitting it directly between the horns, where the spear stuck into its skull. 

The boss roared and stood on its hind legs. I grabbed another spear and jumped directly at it.

The speed and force of my jump made my spear run through its neck and cut its spinal cord.

As it fell dead to the ground, the small rabbits stopped their dash, and scattered back all over the cave.

*Level up*

Four archers and five spear-units was still standing, as i approached the boss to get the loot.

*Looted 5S 83C*

*Looted item: Rabbit-fur gloves*

*Looted item: Light steel sword*

Checking the loot i found that the gloves was made of snowy-white fur and had + 6 to the intellect attribute. 

The light steel sword was thin, but strong and about 1 meter long. The handle could fit in a single hand and was made of black woord. The shaft looked like a 4 centimeter rabbit-horn, made of black steel, protruding from both sides where the handle and the blade met. It provided +5 strenght. 

It had dropped with a fitting wooden sword-sheath, that i attached to my leather pants before i put my new sword back into the sheath.

But i quickly realised that it didn't work, as the sheath wouldn't stay fixed to the pants.

I opened the shop and purchased a leather belt with +2 stamina. And while i was at it i found a leather vest and pants to match, another +7 to stamina. I still had about 9 silver left, so i didn't worry about spending a little.

The units had gathered the loot from the other rabbits. It was just trash that i could sell.

But my stomach was growling, realising it had been some time since we ate in the cave. I didn't really want to eat the tasteless ash that the shop provided, so i had my units carry the 8 slain rabbits and move out of the dungeon with them.

Finally time for the chest!

I touched it and it opened with the familiar glow.

*Looted recipe: Rabbit steak*

"What the hell? No skill?" I quickly inspected the scroll that had appeared in my inventory.

*Recipe: Rabbit steak. Requirements: Cooking profession*

I didn't know exactly what it meant, but i knew it was useless to me, i had no profession at all. Neither did my status screen show any kind of information about it.

Beeing largely disappointed, i went back to the portal, resummoning my lost units as i went.

Rolf and the others were not in sight. But i wasn't surprised. Barely a minute would have gone by out here.

The portal didn't crumble after a while like the others. Instead it started to change.

The blue whirlpool of light slowly stopped. Like it was frozen somehow. I tried to walk back inside, thinking that maybe there were more to do. But i just hit my head when i tried. It was solid, and not possible to enter.

Walking for another 10 minutes i reached a crossroad, where a skirmish was taking place.

Two wolves, probably strays from the dungeon i cleared, was attacking a group of about 10 men.

The men had iron pipes, shovels and other gardening tools as weapons.

One man carried a lumberaxe, and he seemed to be in charge.

"Attack it!"

"Dont be scared!"

"Surround them!"

I heard the voices of the men as i went into the open area.

My archers arrows quickly finished the wolves, and all the men took a step back. Looking at me in disbelief, as i marched towards, them with 17 sword- and spearmen and a group of archers behind me.

"Halt there! Who are you?"

It was the man carrying an axe. As he talked, he took a step forward with a firm grip on the axe with both hands. The other men grouped together behind him.

"My name is Frey Raven. And dont worry, im not a threat."

The man didn't seem to be convinced, "maybe not. But there is a whole bunch of you, with spear and swords, even bows. And why are you dressed like that?"

I couldn't blame him for being on guard. Anyone would probably find my units, and even myself, strange to look at.

"I assure you, we are no threat. If you calm down i will explain why we look like this." I opened my belt and let my sword fall, as a sign of goodwill.

"Drop your weapons and form two lines."

The units immidiately formed two lines after eachother.

The group of men started to mumble amongst themselves. But the man in charged dropped his own axe and came closer.

"Why do they listen to you like that? Are you part of the military?"

I walked towards him aswell, and we met in the middle.

"No, i'm just a normal person, i was at work at the care center when the shockwave hit. A lot have happened in the last day, i'm sure you've noticed. But first, what is your name?"

"Oh, how rude of me. I'm Thomas. The group behind me consider me some sort of leader. But we are part of a larger group who got together after the shockwave."

I looked at him while he spoke. He was dressed in some kind of factory workers uniform. A complete blue suit made of heavy fabricate. His hair was brown and wild. A big beard suited his muscular build. His eyes were kind though a little sad, i felt like he was a good man.

"It's good to know that more have survived. I have a small group of myself, they are on their way here as we speak. But besides you, i have only seen death on my path. What are you doing out here?" I was curious to know as to why they were outside the safety of thair camp.

A tear fell down from his left eye as he answered.

"Monsters have been appearing everywhere. Our camp was raided last night. So we needed food. We went to a grocery store in the main street, but some crasy psycopath attacked us. Starting biting all my coworkers and tearing them up. He was unbelieveable strong! I'm not sure he was even human anymore."

His gaze fell to the ground, and he took a deep breath before he continued.

"I didn't know at the time, or i would have turned back! My daughter had followed us. I had to leave her at the roof. But the psycopath was chasing us. Some of us barely excaped, carrying a wounded guy we found there."

My eyes got wide, "were is he? Is he alive?"

Thomas was surprised about my sudden quick question.

"Ehm, yes. For now. He is being treated at the camp as we speak."

I grabbed his arm, "Take me to him! Hurry!"

But he twisted his arm free, "I'm sorry. But i can't. We are going to get my daughter! I can't live without her."

At that moment Rolf and the others appeared behind me.

"Hey Frey! What did i miss here?"

"Rolf! These are some of the people that the girl told us about!"

Rolf came to us and shoke Thomas hand. I quickly gave him an update of the essentials of my conversation with Thomas.

"I think you are in luck Thomas, worry no longer. Chioma come here please."

"I heard what Frey said, Rolf. I'm coming." Chioma was looking at Thomas, smiling as she went. The girl was sleeping in Chiomas arms.

"Miya! Ohh I thought you were dead!"

Thomas was crying as he rushed to Chioma, and ran his hand trough Miya's hair.

She woke up with tired eyes.


Realising her father was there, she started crying uncontrollably, and Chioma handed her to Thomas that hugged her tightly.