
Creation: The First

Follow Frey, a typical nobody in our present world. As he experience his daily life blast away, never to return the same. Technology fades as magical skills claims its place. Beeing the first to ever come in contact with mana, and thereby obtain a skill, he will get a headstart. To face the troubles awaiting in a changing world. He will journey to the far side of the earth, searching for his reason to live. Hi everyone. Author here. This is my first, Ever, attempt to write a story. I recently started reading webnovels and decided to try, and write my own. Im allso a big newbie using this platform to upload, so i will make changes to my uploads as i learn to navigate and use the tools. Feel free to make any comments on my story. Good, bad, technical or any ideas. I take it all as i hope it will make me a better writer :) Hope some of you will enjoy :)

XmishaX · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
43 Chs

Chapter 16

The swordsman looked laughable.

The brown linen pants barely reached and covered his knees. The shirt too small, sticking firmly to his chest.

"Can't you buy him something properly? What about shoes or some jacket?" Chioma spoke while she studied him like a doll.

"I'm all out of currency. The cloth cost me 25C a piece!"

Rolf and Chioma both gathered their copper, handing it to me. We all agreed it would be better to fully equip the man before we went outside.

With the copper i recieved from them i made additional purchases. 

A pair of basic slippers and a small round wooden shield. 

"There is some form of underwear in the shop. It's basically just 2 big leafs held together by a thread." I told them, as i considered the mana i had left.

"So what? It's not like he need such a wierd clothing when he allready have the pants" Chioma looked at me silly. But Rolf had caught on to my idea.

"You should get them. So they are ready for the next."

Chioma didn't seem to understand, as she just looked at us with a questionable frown. So Rolf continued, "It's not your limit is it Frey? You can summon more like him, cant you?"

"That's right. I have a capacity of 5. And this guy only used one slot. So i should be able to summon 4 additional units."

"Oh god!" Chioma turned her back to us. "Tell me when you are done!"

I started my casting again. Another man appeared, similar to the first one. Though this one had blond hair and a short beard.

I told him to wear the leaf underwear i had prepared beforehand. He put them on and joined the first man, forming a small line.

I cast my summon unit a third time. Another man appeared with blond hair. He recieved the same command as the previous. The fourth had black hair and joined the line.

As i channeled for the last time my mana went to 10/260.

Something was different with the shape of mist on this form. As it materialised we found out why.

A woman with long red hair stood before us. She looked fierce, with a slender yet muscular build. Hips to match her slender form and breast that could fit in a hand, not small but not big either, they seemed to be a perfect match to an athletic form.

Not that i cared about her anyway. Thinking about Aya, i quickly turned my eyes to Rolf. 

He had a wide smile and big eyes. "Now that's a warrior befitting Athena herself!"

"Seriously Frey! A naked woman now? Have you no shame!" Chioma had turned around curiously as Rolf spoke.

She was yelling now. "And you Rolf!" She pointed at him. "Stop starring at her like a mad pervert!"

She shifted her attention to me. "Make her cover up! Now, Frey!"

I had to browse trough the shop again, while i told the woman to put the leaf-wear on.

I found a leaf-bra, just two small leafs and a thread, that i threw to her. All the copper was gone.

"I hope you a satisfied now Chioma. We are litterally broke now."

She hissed at me, looking like she was about to throw a tantrum. But she calmed herself, turning towards the portal.

3 units carried swords. My first summon and the two blondes. The black haired man and the woman each carried a spear.

I used my eternal eye on them in turn.

Human unit. Level N/A

Health: 175/175 Mana: 155/155 Fatigue: 1/205

Class: Swordsman

Skill: Sword mastery (Rank F). Focus slash (Rank F).

"They all have high health. But there are small differences in the status. One have more mana but less health and fatigue. Another have even higher health than the others, but less mana. I think they have different initial stats, like we had aswell, before adding the +25 boost to attributes from my title."

Rolf didn't seem surprised. "Well we allready established that they are real, actual human beeings. It's only natural they would be different from eachother."

Chioma agreed, as she kept giving the red haired woman harsh looks, when she though we didn't notice.

"My mana regeneration has allso grown as my spirit hit above 50. With 5 mana regenerated every 5 seconds, i will be able to summon more if they fall during battle. I think we are ready to go into the portal."

Rolf had his staff ready, waving in agreement. Chioma looked ready aswell, clutching a dagger in each hand.

I made my units form a single line in front of us, facing the portal.

"When you get to the other side. Kill any small green, nasty looking creature you find. But dont hurt any humans!"

"Yes Commander!"

I looked at Chioma and Rolf. They nodded.


The units moved through the portal, and we followed right behind them.

It had been dark when we first entered the portal, in our chaotic run from the certain death by the goblins.

But now the sun was just rising. Casting its light over the ruins of my former city. It looked so different. All the buildings i knew, was truly destroyed. Some was still standing tall, but yet completely unrecogniseable from their former beautiful appearance. 

A wild plant growth had allso taken place during the night hours. Bushes, plants and vines of all sorts and colours where growing everywhere, covering the city ruins rubble, that still remained somewhere beneath the plants and bushes. 

Even small trees emerged here and there. I could even see some inside the ruined houses and taller buildings. 

The warriors was allready engaged. The goblins had waiting for us, and laid a trap. But i bet they didn't expect allmost nude humans to come storming out, ready for a fight with swords and spears!

"Lets wait, see what they can do." Rolf spoke as he stopped us from rushing in. We stood in front of the portal, Chioma and I on either side of Rolf.

As i watched the battle unfold, i couldn't help myself from feeling some kind of fatherly pride.

The sword-units had formed a line with my first summon in the center. Standing 2 meters apart with a spear-unit behind closing the gab between them, stabbing with the spear.

7 goblin scouts had allready fallen. 14 remained. 1 of them was slightly larger than the rest. A warrior.

"Gaa Nak Da!" The goblin warrior was furious, tossing two smaller scouts directly at the left side sword-unit. He lost his footing from the impact, as the scout started scratching and biting.

The goblin warrior had seen an opening as the other 11 scouts stormed the line.


A noise directly behind us, made us all spin around.

The portal crumbled before our eyes, turned to blue light that in turn transformed to blue dust before the wind carried away to disappear.

Rolf started laughing, "I guess we cleared the dungeon!" 

Even in the middle of battle, he still found the energy to make a shit-poor gamer joke. I couldn't help but make a small laugh myself.

We turned back to the fight, only to find that my units had made quick work of the goblins.

They were walking towards me. Ending in a honorary salute, presenting the goblin warriors head.

But to my regret, there where only 4 of them. The blond sword-unit the goblin warrior had engaged had fallen.

"They are amazing. Only 5 of them took care of 20 goblins with only 1 casualty." Chioma looked at them with renewed respect, overlooking their nude appearence.

"Commander. I bring you the spoils."

My first unit spoke as he approached me, but stopped 1 meter before me. His possessions turned into blue light and flowed into me.

*Looted 43 copper*

*Looted item: Fragile dagger*

*Looted item: Leather pants*

*Looted minor healing potion*

I gasped. "Damn! Those guys can even bring the loot from the goblins? That will certainly spare us some time!"

Rolf and Chioma spoke allmost in unison, "well what did we get??"

I threw the dagger to Chioma. "It should be stronger than the ones you use. It gives +1 to agility aswell."

Thinking i had my legion light if i needed it, i threw the potion to Rolf. "Just in case. You have so low health becouse you only focus on your intellect. As a caster-fanatic, shouldn't you invest some points into stamina and spirit in the future?"

He grabbed the potion and just waved at me all nonchelant. He knew i had made a valid point.

The leather pants provided +2 stamina and i gave them to my first summon. Apparently they could not level up us we could, but they still benefitted from gear bonuses.

The unit changed pants and gave the linen pants to the woman unit. 

I had regained enough mana and summoned another unit to replace the fallen. Another black-haired swordsman appeared.

"Let's get to Magnus!"

Rolf took the lead as we made our way through the bushes. Two spear-units flanked him, Chioma and i in the center and 3 sword-units in the rear.

No humans in sight. Actually, the city was way too quiet. It really felt like an abandoned ruin.

We reached the grocery store. Rolf ran inside. I made 2 units stand guard at the entrance as we quickly followed him.