
creating a stronger guild with people from the anime world

our mc died after a heart surgery so god reincarnated him with 3 wishes. Accompany our mc on his quest to be the strongest man and create a multiversal guild Hello, this is the author, I'll let you know that I don't know how to speak English, so I'll be using Google translator, so please ignore the errors

Eren_Yegar_3215 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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3 Chs

Hell's governess

Our MC looks around and sees a beautiful palace but for some reason the place seems sinister, that's when our MC realizes that everything from the walls are made of human bones, MC starts to wonder what will happen to him and why he is being taken to this place. After a long time walking our MC and the valkyria stop in front of an entrance all made of bones and jewels MC: "this is beautiful". The doors open and our MC starts walking towards the throne with someone sitting on top (....):Ben come to my kingdom I am hella the governess of the underworld where you are. Our MC looks up and sees a beautiful woman with white hair, red eyes, pink lips and big breasts wearing a transparent black nightgown, almost showing her body in all its glory. MC(People): Hello eeeeeee could you tell me why I'm here?