
Create My Own Destiny With You

A beautiful Crystelle Elera was a ' child of prophecy ' of the Ophelia Empire. She can predict someone's future by touching their skin, but she can only see her own future in her dreams, which are rare. One day, she had a dream about her future for the first time. She would marry the crown prince as a concubine and have a son as the second prince of Ophelia who would become a tyrant emperor, bringing the empire to its demise, and she would be murdered by her own son! Crystelle became concerned about her own future and decided to call off her engagement to His Highness the Crown Prince, launching her escape plan. The plan is to become the first prince's fiance. ' Let's get engaged, my prince. ' ' What? What would I gain from having you as my fiance? Who are you?' He said that, but after spending time with Crystelle, he gradually opened up to her. The first prince gently held her hand before pressing his forehead against hers. 'Elly... you can touch me however you want. Your power will have no effect on me, dear.' 'So don't be afraid.' Would Crystelle's plan be an ideal way to ensure that her fate was the best destiny she could have?

Ayda_fork · Histoire
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chapter 34 : Our last banquet

' The first prince Rigel Silas de Stella Ophelia and next to him, his fiance, Lady Crystelle Elera la Soleil had arrived ! ' announced the knight that guard the front door of the hall of main palace.

' Oh my! so handsome and pretty! '

' She's from the House Soleil? '

' Is that really the monster first prince? he's different from the rumors! so handsome! '

All the guest that night, murmur about them.

All the girls make an interest face on Rigel.

The other side for men, they all got stunned by Crystelle's beauty.

Rigel glared intensely at all the man that stared at Crystelle with his menacing aura.

Crystelle does the same toward the other girls and she's get more clingy on Rigel.

Suddenly everyone there got scared and shut themselves in fears.

Rigel and Crystelle let go a sigh of relief at the same time.

They stunned and stare at each other.

They quickly cover and put an innocent smile on their face then started to laugh in acted.

' Haha. Haha. ' awkward them laughed together.

' (He), (She), didn't see what I'm doing earlier, right? ' thought them together while still put an innocent smile on their face.

' You guys looks so cute when you were acted like that toward each other. ' said a voice.

Crystelle and Rigel flinch and quickly turn to look at that person.

' Oh my! princess Larissa. greeting. ' greet Crystelle while bow.

' Greeting, lady Elle. ' bow Larissa back then she turn to look at her brother.

Larissa smile toward him and bow.

' Greeting, brother. '

Rigel just nodded at her.

Larissa smile and suddenly look around behind Crystelle.

She's quickly pull Crystelle arm and whispers at her.

' Sister Elle, Sir Crystoypher didn't come here with you today? '

Crystelle chuckle and whisper back.

' He's can't. He has a work at the west tower again today. such a shame you can't met him today. '

Larissa instantly seem down .

' Then, I will take my leave for now. I was hoping to meet him, but he didn't even comes today. ' dejected Larissa and turn to leave them in disappointment.

Rigel frown.

' What's wrong with her, Elly? ' dumbfounded Rigel ask.

Crystelle chuckle. ' it's a secret between girls. Man can't interfere. '

Rigel frown even more.

Crystelle ignore him and look at Larissa that slowly get far away from them with a gloomy expression.

Princess Larissa, actually had a big crush on Crystoypher for a very long time but she's just keep quiet about it until the day I found out about it myself then, I be the only one to knew about her feelings and keep supporting her until now. I root for you with my brother, Larissa! fighting!

Crystelle chuckle and slowly cling at Rigel back.

Rigel raise his eyebrow.

' What is it, Elly? ' ask him nervous.

Crystelle shown a sweet smile at him.

' Should we goes to the emperor and empress now? ' ask Crystelle.

Rigel lost in his thoughts for a second.

' Let's have a dance first, Elly. then we will go and meet them. ' plan Rigel.

He's suddenly bend in a little and gently hold Crystelle hand.

' Shall we dance, my dear fiance? ' ask Rigel.

Crystelle smile and nodded.

They dance gracefully at the center of the hall.

Everyone were fascinated by them and watch with amazed feelings.

' Sigh. When we were dancing like this, it's make me thought that I can't attend your coming of age ceremony, Elly. ' dejected Rigel suddenly.

' I want to have the honoured to be your partner on your first dance. Now, I will even doesn't be there on the day you're being an adult, Elly. '

Crystelle chuckle.

' It's okay though, Rigel. I will dancing my first dance with Cryst then. ' persuade Crystelle.

Rigel still make a dejected face.

' Rigel.. ' call Crystelle gently.

' Then let's exchange letter, but at the day of the ceremony, you must to write an absolute amazing letter with a gift for me. I will look forward for it. ' smile Crystelle.

Rigel stunned and chuckle.

' Very well, it's an honored for me to make you happy with my letter, my dear fiance. ' smile Rigel.

After the dance ended, they head toward the emperor throne.

' Greetings, your majesty the emperor and her majesty empress Seraphina. The first prince and Crystelle Elera la Soleil has come to see you. '

Crystelle and Rigel bow before them.

' Please raise your head, my son and lady Elle. ' said the emperor happily.

Rigel eyes met Seraphina when he's raise his head. he's stunned.

' It's been a while, empress. ' greet Rigel.

Seraphina smile gently and nodded.

' It's really been a while since then, prince Rigel. You've grown so much from the last time I saw you. '

Rigel just bend his head a little.

' You look like the same and still beautiful until now, empress. ' compliment Rigel.

Seraphina chuckle.

' Thank you for the compliment, prince Rigel. '

Emperor Albert smile and look at Crystelle.

' Lady Elle, you must been really shock about this sudden matter, right? I heard that you fought with the first prince for a very long time. but I saw your two have already get really close toward each other when you were dancing earlier. Did you perhaps have already get over it?.'

Crystelle flinch and bend her head. ' and now, it's my turn? ' sigh Crystelle.

' You don't have to worries about the matter, your majesty. We had already have been good and our relationship has become more stronger than before we fought. Thank you for your concern, your majesty. '

Emperor Albert laugh.

' You're still bold like always, lady Elle. you really know how to get my attention just like your mother. '

Crystelle smile. ' I am honoured for the compliment, your majesty. ' bow Crystelle.

Emperor Albert laughed again.

' Hah.. I will never get bored with you, lady Elle. So next, my son Rigel, how your preparation for the border? ' ask the emperor.

Rigel smile and bow.

' Yes, it's all ready, your majesty. I will leave the capital tomorrow morning without any problems. '

Emperor Albert nodded.

' Very well, make sure to inform me if there's anything else you needed. '

Rigel bend his head. ' Thank you for the consideration, your majesty. '

' Then, you can take your leave now, my son and lady Elle. ' said the emperor.

Crystelle and Rigel bow.

' Wait. ' stop Seraphina.

They turn their head to face Seraphina.

' Yes, your majesty? ' ask them together.

Seraphina smile gently.

' My son, please come here for a sec. ' said her.

Rigel stunned and look at Crystelle.

Crystelle smile and nodded.

Rigel slowly walk and hesitated to head toward her.

' Give me your hand, my son. ' said Seraphina when Rigel already stand before her.

Rigel nodded and slowly shove his hand toward Seraphina.

Seraphina place something on his hand.

' This..? ' wondered Rigel.

Seraphina smile and look straight toward his eyes.

' That's your mother's ring, she gave it to me on the day we had our tea time for the first time. ' gentle Seraphina.

' I had treasured it until now, and now it's your turn to take care of it with your life, my son. '

Rigel stunned. ' The day of the poisoning? ' thought him in shock.

Seraphina suddenly embrace him and pat his back.

' Please return back safely, my son Rigel. ' cares Seraphina.

Rigel just silently nodded in dumbfounded.

' it's been a while from the day she's embrace me like this when I was a little child. ' thought Rigel.

' Thank you, mother Sera. ' said Rigel in mumble.

Seraphina stunned and look at him in disbelief.

' I have longed for that call this whole time and today, I got to heard it from your own mouth. I am really happy, Rigel. ' gently seraphina smile and cares for his face.

Rigel smile and gently kiss her hand.

' I will come back safely, mother Sera. ' confident Rigel.

Seraphina smile and nodded. ' Please do, my son. '

' Rigel..? ' call Crystelle in the carriage.

Rigel just spacing out for a while now, it's get her worries.

Rigel flinch and quickly hold Crystelle hand.

' What is it, Elly? ' ask him suddenly.

Crystelle smile.

' Are you perhaps thinking about her majesty, Rigel? ' ask Crystelle.

Rigel sigh.

' I am sorry, Elly. This is our last night but I just spaced out and make you worried. ' dejected Rigel.

Crystelle chuckle.

' Tomorrow, should I bring you a necklace, Rigel? a simple necklace. We can hang the ring on it and you can wear it and bring it everytime without worried about to lose it. ' ask Crystelle.

Rigel stare at her. ' Thank you, Elly. I will look forward for it. '

Crystelle smile.

' Then, I will make it especially for you, I will ask someone to engrave your name on it and you must to wear it everytime without opened it forever. '

Rigel chuckle. ' Yes, absolutely, Elly. '

Crystelle smile and look at the outside.

' We were still at the capital. It seem they held a carnival for today banquet..' mumble Crystelle.

' Should we take a round as our last night walk together? ' ask Crystelle excited.

Rigel chuckle.

' You just wanted to enjoy it, right. Elly? ' guess Rigel.

Crystelle smile innocently.

Bull's-eye it seem.

Rigel laugh.

' This will count as our date tonight. '

Rigel ask the horseman to stop the carriage and gently hold Crystelle hand.

' Let's go, my dear Crystelle. '

Crystelle blush and get down from the carriage with Rigel.

' So, where we want to headed first? ' ask Rigel.

Crystelle look around.

There are so many people who enjoy the carnival today.

' Come here! come here! you must to buy this thing! '

' Let's check this out! come here and take a look at this pretty crystal! '

' Come and take a look at our store! there's so many delicious food! '

Crystelle smile with her eyes full of excitement.

Rigel chuckle when he's look at her.

He's gently hold Crystelle hand tightly.

' Let's not get separated, you look like you want to wander around like a wild puppy. ' tease Rigel.

Crystelle frown.

' I am not! ' angry Crystelle.

She's turn her face to a different direction.

' Rigel.. ' stunned Crystelle.

Rigel tilt his head and look at the same direction as her.

' What is it, Elly? ' ask Rigel while look around at the direction.

' Can you wait for me here? I will came back real quick. ' said Crystelle then she's run toward that direction and leave Rigel in dumbfounded.

Rigel frown and try to catch Crystelle.

' What's wrong with her? ' mumble Rigel while run to match Crystelle.

Suddenly the parade of the carnival blocked Rigel way to catch Crystelle and she's lost from his view.

Rigel stunned and shock.

' What should I do? Elly.. ' anxious Rigel.

Crystelle was walking at the dark street while looking for someone.

She's stop her walk in front the dark place.

' I knew it's you. ' said Crystelle confidently.

Suddenly a man came out from the darkness and showed himself.

' Still bold as usual, huh? ' said the crown prince.

Crystelle smirk.

' I knew there's someone who was following us from earlier then I just guess who's it and it turn out to be true. it's you, your highness. ' annoy Crystelle.

Crown prince Airel smirk.

' You think I was following you till here? don't make me laugh. I just wandered around here because the banquet was so annoying and it's getting on my nerves. so I sneak out here without any guard with me. But, when I bump to you like this, I had just thought, I must perhaps enjoy the banquet for him, huh? '

Crystelle frown.

' What do you mean? ' firm Crystelle.

Crown prince Airel smirk again.

' Don't you know why the banquet was held for him today, Crystelle? you're his fiance though.' mock the crown prince.

Crystelle make an annoyed face toward his words.

' I know about it, just mind your own business, your highness. ' Crystelle bow and turn to left him.

' I must to quickly go back to Rigel. he must be really worried about me. ' thought Crystelle.

Suddenly crown prince Airel tug her hand and push her hardly to the wall.

Crystelle struggled to withstand the pain she felt.

' Ugh. what's wrong with you?! ' angry Crystelle.

Crown prince Airel get his face closer toward Crystelle.

' This time, I will take care of you while he was away, just like he does toward you while I am away. Look forward for it, Crystelle. ' whisper crown prince Airel into Crystelle ear.

Crystelle stunned.

' What? are you insane? He's got nothing with us! We even never get engaged with each other before and he has the right to be my fiance while you was away! ' shout Crystelle.

Crown prince Airel laugh in frustration.

' You were the one to make our engagement never happen! who are you to talk about the right with me! ' shout crown prince Airel back.

Crystelle shock.

' Why did you shout at me so suddenly?! ' shout Crystelle back.

' You're the one to shout at me first! ' angry crown prince Airel.

Crystelle get annoyed.

' Let me go! '

Crystelle struggled to get her hand out from crown prince hand.

Crown prince Airel tighten his hand more.

' I won't ! ' stubborn the crown prince.

' What are you doing? ' said a voice.

Crystelle and Airel quickly turn their head on the same time.

' Ri..rigel. ' call Crystelle.

Rigel frown and quickly run toward them in anger.


' Oh god! ' shock Crystelle.

Airel fells to the ground after a hard kick from Rigel. He's groan from hurt.

Rigel quickly pull Crystelle into his embrace.

' You bastard! Don't try to mess with me. You're really getting on my nerves right now. ' anger Rigel while clench his fist.

Crystelle shock and quickly hold his body than get near the crown prince more.

' Ri.. Rigel! if you punch him, you will get into trouble with the emperor before you leave to the border. Don't do it. please. ' beg Crystelle.

Rigel frown.

' But he has touch you, Elly. Look at your wrist, it's got bruises all over it! This punk! '

Rigel step to get near him back.

Crystelle blank and quickly hold Rigel again.

' Ri.. Rigel! I'm alright! let's just get away from here and ignore him. I am scared with this place..' beg Crystelle again while try to act fear.

Rigel look at her in anger.


' Let's go, Elly. ' give up Rigel.

' I will let you pass this time. Don't ever showed your face before me again. ' warning Rigel while walk away from there with holding Crystelle hand tightly.

Crown prince Airel suddenly laughed.

' HAHA! I will never get a chance though. ' smirk him.

' Eventually, you will leave and died at the border before I can showed my face before you! That's actually was the purpose for today banquet too. no one believe you can come back safely, that's why they held this banquet before you leave to the border tomorrow! haha! Shame on you! ' mock crown prince Airel.

Rigel quickly run to him and grab his collar.

' You..! ' anger Rigel.

' What? you can't deny it because I am right, don't you? ' smirk Airel.


' Rigel! ' shout Crystelle in shock.

' Ugh. '

Airel fells to the ground again after get a hard punch from Rigel on his face.

Airel lips bleeding from it.

' Haha. I love to see you making a face like that, monster. just like when we were a child. That's expression when you think it's not fair for you, make me so satisfied. ' smile the crown prince.

Rigel tremble in anger and raise his fist again.

' Rigel! stop it! ' Crystelle quickly hold his hand.

Rigel frown and sigh in anger.

' I will stop here. You're lucky today to have someone to block me from punch your trash face like when we were child. Just you wait until the day you will be the one to kneel on my feet and seek for forgiveness from me. ' said Rigel while get up.

' Puih! I will rather died than kneel on your feet. ' smirk Airel.

Rigel just ignore him and walking away with Crystelle.

Crystelle hold Rigel hand tightly.

' Don't mind what he's said earlier. I am believe on you. ' persuade Crystelle.

Rigel look at her and force a smile.

' It's okay. what he said is true though. They held this banquet because they think I will never come back alive. '

Crystelle frown and stop her walk.

Rigel tilt his head.

' What's wrong, Elly? did your wrist hurt when we were held hand? ' ask Rigel worried then slowly let go of her hand.

Crystelle just stand in silent for a while. she bend her head a little.

' Elly.. ' call Rigel while get closer to Crystelle.

Crystelle suddenly raise her hand and pull Rigel face closer to her.

Rigel shock and freeze.

Crystelle just silently stare at him without blink.

Rigel gulp.

' Ba thump. Ba thump. Ba thump. '

' El, Elly? ' nervous him.


Rigel stunned.

Crystelle place her forehead into his.

' Even there's nobody to take your side, I am still believe on you, Rigel. Don't make me dissapointed and come back here alive, will you? . ' firm Crystelle.

Rigel blink in shock.

Suddenly he's smile gently toward Crystelle and hold her hand that was grabbing his head.

' Thank you, Elly. I will never make you dissapointed for believing in me. thank you, my dear Crystelle. '

Crystelle smile and chuckle.

' I will believe on you with my own life. if you died, I will too. ' said Crystelle.

Rigel chuckle.

' You can't, if I died, you must to live your life alone without getting married. '

Crystelle frown.

' it's the same as if I died, then I rather die than being alone forever. '

Rigel chuckle.

' Then, I can't died if you're going to died because of me, it will become my most regretful in my life. '

Crystelle laugh. ' How so? you're already died that time. how can you make it your regrets?.'

Rigel chuckle.

' Then, I.. '

Suddenly Crystelle cover his mouth.

' Let's just stop talking about died, it will become nonsense if we talk about it even more than this. '

Rigel chuckle and hold Crystelle hand tightly back.

' Let's go and have our real date now. I will send you home before midnight. '

Crystelle smile and nodded.

' Okay! '