

I found myself in Soma's room. He sitting on the bed across from me. Soma looked like he was looking for the right words to say, He was afraid of making you angry. "Iris that Chef Kojiro is he the one your parents picked? The other students are spreading rumors about you and him. I want to hear it from you." I gasped at his words but also knowing it was going to come out anyway. I sigh taking a drink of my water. "Soma yes Kojiro is the one I will marry." I said standing up walking to the door. "Do you know what people are saying? They are calling you a power grabbing whore. If you walk out that door I will think the same. I will confirm everything with everyone." Soma this was not like him. Why is he being a jerk . "Soma do what you want because we both know, I get by on my skills nothing more." I walked out the door and went on the elevator. This was a mess and I don't care for it right now. When I walked in my room my parents were there.

They started yelling at me for deceiving them. "Iris you need to choose either you are a chef or a backer! You can't be both stupid girl!" My mother yelled before slapping me! "Has it ever occurred to you, that she maybe doing this to please you both. Iris has been blaming herself for your failure of a marriage. She only wanted to make you both proud. She has goals big ones and it's your job as parents to get her there. You shouldn't beat her down for it. You should praise her for it. Now get out my Fiance and I have a lot to talk about." Kojiro sounds angry but I could tell he was trying to be calm. My parents left and he helped me up. He checked my cheek and head nothing was out of the ordinary. "Iris I am so sorry. I should have never let that happen to you." He said holding me to him. I relaxed in his arms the arms of a man that makes me feel safe.

The next morning I woke to him kissing me. "Good morning Iris " He said before getting up. "I'm your teacher today so don't disappoint me. Or else I will punish you tonight." He said with a sadistic smirk before leaving. I am going to marry that lord help me. I said before getting ready. I make it to the lobby to see the students getting ready to get on the bus. "Oh look the half breed whore is here. Are you excited to see your sugar daddy today. Oh that's right you have nothing to fear he won't expell you. Then who will keep his DiAh~" I punched Erina making her fall to the floor. She looked up at me holding her cheek. I walked past everyone all looking shocked. I could care less at the moment ,right now I didn't feel right.