
Crazy Villain Restores His Mind

The return of a crazy catastrophic villain. Disclaimer: I do not own this work, all rights belong to the author: Kim Hyun Woo, I am only machine translating this story.

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5 Chs

Chapter 5

This civil servant hunter exam caused a great sensation. In the practical exam, Lim Hae-cheol, the 6th grade officer, was smashed by the test taker. Reaching level 4, he was reserved for promotion to level 5 next year. He collapsed without doing anything like that. Choi Jun-ho, who appeared like a comet, has already subdued the unlocked group that was attacking the bank, and is continuing his relationship with the villain fighter Jeong Da-hyun.

'Estimated level 4, depending on the situation, it was the appearance of a talented person who could come out to level 5. only 25 years old. The government, which suffers from the outflow of talent every year, was in a position to bring it in. "The ethics subject of the Civil Service Hunter exam was a test to know the minimum sense of justice and the direction to pursue. This test never played a decisive role. But it was about to play a decisive role now. The reason for the conflict between them was simple. This is because of Choi Jun-ho's descriptive answer, which he wrote about the safety of citizens and the treatment of villains.

"Are you really going to get accepted?"

Defeating one villain can make at least 100 civilians safe, so killing as many villains as possible leads to the protection of citizens' safety. Seeing that evil grows exponentially, it is desirable to prioritize killing villains even if there is some sacrifice⋯⋯⋯]

"This is not the mindset that civil servant hunters should have! No, even hunters belonging to large corporations should not have this mindset! This is an extreme idea, literally a villain!""

"Why are you so extreme? It looks like you wrote your answer sheet to protect as many citizens as possible.

"What? Are you saying that the sacrifice of a few now should pass those who casually mention it?"

"If not? If we don't pass, it's obvious that large companies are good and we'll take them away."

"Take me!"

"Are you going to release talented people who have come into the arms of the state?"

Opinion among the judges was hardly narrowed. Inside the slaughterhouse, there was a mature man who quietly watched from the slaughter. It was radical. The man who scored one magnificent goal was Director Jeong Ju-ho, who was in charge of the National Guard Bureau. He is one of the five most powerful civil servant hunters, and he holds the highest position in this position.

Dahyun said that he is a person who takes advice from those around him and has a burning sense of justice. We'll take it and make it with a sharp knife."


Joo-ho Jung said that, so there was no further disagreement. An hour later, Joo-ho Jeong returned to the office and found Da-hyun Jung approaching as if he had been waiting. How did you know?"

"How did you know that the answer sheet would be a problem?"

"Once we said we'd bring them."

"It's great." Joo-ho Jeong sat down on a chair as if burying himself. Then he looked at Da-hyun with tired eyes. "Da-hyun Jung, Da-hyun Jung."

"Yes." Laughing Dahyun Jeong, who had deleted the , replied,

"I looked at the answer sheet, but I'm not a normal guy."

"I know. He saw how he took the unlock."

"Can you handle it?"

"I can. And the director knows that the number of villains is increasing day by day. Currently, it is difficult to reduce the number of villains in the manual anymore. If so... Jeong Da-hyun's eyes, who paused for a moment, became intense.

"Bring a sharp knife," he said. Even if my hand is cut." Jung Joo-ho shook his head at the madness behind him.

"If you say so, how can I stop you? Instead, don't be swayed."

"Of course."

"Don't wield it too much."

"Do you think I would?"

"Uh. You'll be fine."

"Because it's different from before."

"Are you bringing that sharp knife because it's different?" Jung Joo-ho's gaze turned to Jeong Da-hyun. "It's a waste to put it somewhere else."

"Anyway, I did what I could. You do the rest."


"You really passed?"

"Uh." Yunhyeon's bizarre expression evoked an innocent look. If I filmed with a smartphone right now, I'd be furious? Still, while I was seriously thinking about it, he still muttered with a shocked expression. I feel like my common sense is breaking down. To be able to pass even after writing such an answer..." "I guess it suits your taste."

"No matter how much a civil servant hunter would tolerate such a radical answer." "Anyway." If you look closely, it is meaningless. Shouldn't it have already been passed? I, too, am a full-fledged civil servant.

"I passed the exam, so let's go eat something delicious. What would you like to eat?" "The ghosts that ate and died have a fine color, so you should eat them. I'm beef ribs!"

"Yes, let's eat them." My brother and I went to a nearby beef ribs restaurant and had dinner. After having a cup of coffee at the cafe and going home, he said, "Oh, and help me prepare for the exam."

"A test?"

"Ugh. I think I can pass, but the results are not good. I think it would be a big help if my brother could help me. Huh?"

"I'll help."


"Uh, if your skills are good enough, you can pass. You just need to learn the tricks and the dog."

"Really? It's delicious if I pass.

"Yeah." My younger brother who couldn't blossom because of me in his previous life. I'm going to help him pass even in return for that. That was the least I could apologize for. ? It's disgusting." "..." Is this an expression of her sister's affection?

"This is Junho Choi." On the first day of work, I wore a suit and went to work at the National Guard Bureau. I thought it was a pretty stiff greeting, but the response was warm." Oh oh! You're new!"

"Finally, a new blood transfusion for us!"

If there are people who welcome you.

"Is that him? You made Lim Hae-cheol a bastard?"

"Just by looking at his face, he doesn't seem like such a talented person at all." "Isn't it luck?"

There are those who look at me with doubts about my abilities. What should I do in such a case? Do I have to hold onto each one and smashed them to show my skills? As I was contemplating how to get recognition, a noble voice broke my ear. The atmosphere was chilly, as if covered in cold water. He was a one-year-old middle-aged man. · This is Joo-Yeol Wang, the team leader of the special team." "This is Jun-Ho Choi."

"The original appearance of a new recruit is to watch quietly without showing off. Don't be mean and take your senior's words like the sky. That's all you need to do." Greed filled with lust in his slender eyes. He glared at him as if he was trying to put pressure on him.


"Is that what civil servant hunters do?" It is not. After all, no matter what you say, you are a public official. A civil servant hunter. Don't you have a sense of belonging to the organization and obey your superiors?" I quietly looked at Wang Joo-yeol instead of answering. It must have been an unrelated name, but it was strangely memorable. Then I heard a familiar voice from behind.


" oh! Jeong Da-hyun, secretary! Are you trying to ignore even the team leader because it's a parachute?"

"I never ignored it."

"okay? But why do I feel like I'm being ignored?" Wang Joo-yeol sarcastically sarcastically. "The team leader's misunderstanding. I'll guide Junho. Let's go."

"Well, you know what to do. Anyway, newbie, you better keep my words in mind." I stared at Wang Joo-yeol and followed Da-hyun Jeong, who grabbed her arm and pulled her. Joo-yeol Wang and Joo-yeol Wang. Except for my family, there are only two people I can remember by name: either he died at my hands, or he deserved to be killed. I followed Jeong Da-hyun, greeted the people of the National Guard, and moved to the cafe in the building, saying, 'I looked at Jeong Da-hyun until then.

I would be able to get wealth and fame without having to be busy on the front lines. I wondered what the source of her sense of justice was. the situation now as well.

"Are you on a bad relationship with Team Leader Wang?" Be careful." Dahyun Jung, who was rarely surprised, looked around and lowered her voice. "The position of Team Leader Wang in the National Security Agency is considerable. So, you have to look around and talk about it." "I'm talking about knowing that no one is there."

"As you can see, yes. I don't like it because I have aches and pains." Just by looking at it, Wang Juyeol had a bad smell. I could guess what kind of person he was. "If you are corrupt, arrest him." "...there is no evidence." "If there is no evidence, can we not arrest him?" "Because that is the rule. If there is no evidence, it is the superior, not the suspect." It was quite different from what I knew. When I was a villain, things I didn't commit were added to the list of crimes, but I still remember how Oh Jong-yeop, who was following me, giggled, calling me Hong Gil-dong, who drinks blood, and Pima-hong.

'There is no difference between 100 crimes and 101 crimes.'

"All right." "Junho will be moving with me for a while. If you have any questions or don't know anything, please ask me." "Okay." "And there will be a reception today."

"Welcome party?" "Junho is a newcomer after a long time."

"Everyone doesn't want to come here."

"To be honest, yes. Yes. The villain task force is very dangerous." Then look into my eyes. Even if you don't say anything, you hear it from Yoon-hee and know it. Although the status of the National Guard Bureau is high, the standards for accepting internal personnel are very strict. It is said that a vacancy occurs when there is a vacancy, but those who do not meet the standard cannot even enter. The intensity of hard work and the level of risk also played a part in this. "I'm sorry I couldn't tell you in advance."

"it's okay. I know it's dangerous."

"Really?" "The department that arrests villains is, of course, dangerous." Of course, civil servant hunters who are assigned here must also have skills and a sense of duty to arrest villains. And among civil servant hunters, there are not many such talents. 'This is what I was thinking, but I think Dahyun Jung was pretty dazed. "I'm glad you understand, Mr. Hyun."

"Yes, Junho."

After drinking coffee, I went up to the office and started to familiarize myself with the work I had to do. After looking at simple documents and looking at the internal and organizational charts of the National Security Agency, time flew by and it was time to leave work. The place I was drawn to after being drawn out was a high-class Korean beef restaurant.

"Well then, welcome to the new recruits."

"for!" chatter A reception was held to welcome me in the safest center of town. Loosely loosen the defenses and watch the colleagues for the day, who told them to pour and drink. Eat and drink freely. It is unfamiliar to me, who was always chased and away from the splendor of the city. 'Ironically, these feelings made me realize that I had stepped into this realm. 'Jung Da-hyun approached me like that.

"They're good people."

"Is that so."

"Yes. Basic treatment and incentives are lacking. The work is hard and exposed to risks. Nevertheless, I am burning with a sense of duty." In the end, I realized that it was nothing more than a fire moth. Adapt to the organization and act with a sense of justice. I don't mean to laugh, but I don't want to sympathize either. In the end, Jeong Da-hyeon was also of the same kind, and he went out to kill me and died at my hands. If I hadn't had faith, I wouldn't have stepped forward even if I knew it wasn't enough. I became a civil servant hunter to stay within the framework of public power. I don't want to experience the experience of being chased and worn out. Then I never know when the monster inside of me will appear. I want to live a normal life like now. What broke the atmosphere that was about to become serious was the appearance of Jung Ju-ho, the head of the National Security Agency.

"What are you talking about so seriously? Come on, newbie! Get a drink."

"thank you."

"What is it that you're going to have a lot of trouble with in the future?" With a sullen face, he poured a lot of alcohol into my glass,

"Well, today is the welcome party, so shall we take some time to find out about the new recruits?"

"About me?"

"Yeah! They're back-to-back colleagues, so you should get to know each other well. What are the newcomers good at?"

"What they are good at." I paused for a moment. People's eyes were focused on me. Come to think of it, I went crazy with greed and could not take care of my family. My shortcomings are clear. I am patient.

"Then what are the strengths? Being good at what I am doing and experiencing a hematoma are my strengths in the end, but after organizing my thoughts in my head, I opened my mouth." _

"I am confident in chasing, surviving and escaping. Eyes are good too. You can sort out villains.

The thing I'm most confident about..." Just then, his eyes met with Joo-Yeol Wang. For some reason, he smiled.

"It's a kill."

Killing someone is the best thing I can say. The least confident thing is It's about capturing the opponent without injury.

"I'm more confident than anyone in finding and killing villains. Please trust me in the future, Director."


Jung Joo-ho, who had blown away without a trace of a mere sign, held out his glass with his hardened eyes. I smiled and clapped the glass, then took a one-shot. But people's eyes were focused on me. What did I do wrong?