
The End

Lisa left about six weeks later. We didn't spend a lot of time together before she left because we both had a lot to do. Her with making sure she had everything she needed, and me with getting everything in order to graduate. I told Tish about what happened and as my bestfriend she was pissed for me. She called Lisa some named I'd rather not repeat, but I know it was all for my benefit and she didn't really mean it.

I love thatbgirl and wish her the best but yes I was hurt. We never even talked about what we were before she left, so I assumed we had broken up. Tish however said "If she didn't say you guys were over, then assume she will be upset if she found out you are dating anyone else". I don't know but I really wasn't in the mood to ask either, so I avoided. I avoided all the way up until the time she left. I didn't even say goodbye in person. I called her on the phone and told her that I was tied up and hoped she had an amazing time. She didn't even sound sad, she sounded excited about going and talked about how she would call when she got there and whenever she was able after that.

Not going to lie, at that point I hoped she wouldn't because in my head I needed time to get over her.