
Crazy Scripted Love

Camila Bolton is a hard-working young woman passionate about music who leads an ordinary life as a waitress in a small bar in Los Angeles, until after auditioning for talent program where she is chosen to become the next Hollywood pop icon. In order to fulfill her dream, she will have to rearrange her life and adapt to the luxuries and glamor that comes with being a big star, and she also has to try not to cross the line, since in her new adventure she will meet Shawn Houston, a ruthless boy and a daredevil who comes into her life like any other client but who will awaken a thousand emotions in her. Both have an unstoppable chemistry but numerous secrets will come to light in the midst of media chaos. Face a new reality as a star or get stuck in an ordinary life?

kevincronwell · Célébrités
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16 Chs

"Do the Right Thing"

"It was a mistake, Miranda, I'm very sorry I made a failed attempt at your flirt, it wasn't my intention...well, on the one hand, yes because it's very cute, but no, I respect my friends above all else. I think I'm not on the right track " Maggie said to herself as she went up some stairs.

Maggie approached Miranda's apartment and stood in her doorway waiting for Miranda to open it in her face. Miranda looked through the peephole and waited a few seconds, she sighed and opened the door.

"What the hell do you want now?" She arched an eyebrow, putting her arms on her hips. Maggie stepped inside her and looked at the floor in embarrassment.

"I need to tell you something or else I'm not a person." She took a deep breath.

"Go ahead but not for long. My parents are about to arrive and I'm supposed to be asleep." She closed the door and they went to the terrace where there was a dining table.

Maggie sat in the front and crossed her arms.

"I know it's not the right thing to do, let alone betray a friend, but I couldn't resist," she said with her head down.

"Girl, are you alright? Looks like you killed someone." She pulled up a chair and sat down to listen.

"I gave Sean a blowjob or almost, it ended badly and gave me a lot to think about." She bit her lip.

"What news do you bring me..." she rolled her eyes.

"I'm sorry," she said, very resentful.

"I don't care what you do with that boy," Miranda shrugged.

"Doesn't it affect you?" He frowned.

"Why does it have to affect me?" You are now with him, you are happy... go ahead. eat the world

"Happy, happy... what is said to be happy is not completely traced. Time to time.

"But I think it's good of you that you're honest and that you come to tell me in quotes because coming to my house at ten at night is not entirely normal.

"I spoke to Camila, very sorry and I couldn't be calm. She made me feel like a crazy whore." She made a disgusted face.

"If you see that you feel uncomfortable with him, let him go," she agreed.

"But sometimes he makes me feel unique," she yearned.

"The same thing that made me feel stupid," Miranda protested.

"Maybe what you say about him being the same with everyone will be true." She looked downcast.

"Believe me, it is. He played me, now he'll be playing with you and if he sees that you don't do what he asks, he'll leave you for someone else," she grumbled.

"He's a tease." She angled her gaze.

"A bastard," she added.

"A sewer rat.

"A scoundrel.

"A son of a bitch.

"That mouth!" shouted an old woman from the apartment next door.

"It's my friend Mrs. Westcott, we're drowning our sorrows." She smiled as she looked at Maggie.

"Go to sleep now," added the neighbor.

"Your neighbors are very cool.

"What you have to put up with every day." She sighed deeply.

Far from the omen and the nightmare that Maggie lived in her head as if it were a tidal wave, Shawn put a most succulent invitation on a tray that I couldn't resist. After a walk down Santa Monica Avenue, he decided to add the icing on the cake by taking me to a very lofty restaurant in Santa Barbara. In the open air, under a play of lights and several tables decorated with hand-woven tablecloths.

"You're beautiful Camila," Shawn said, waiting for me as if I were a bellboy at the bistro entrance.

"I'm not up to such a monument," I added, seeing him very strange. She was almost unrecognizable. I could even say that she had combed her hair. With navy blue pants, a light blue shirt, a vest with gold buttons.

"Shall we go in? You have to be waiting for us." He ran a hand behind my back.

"Of course, we have to be punctual." I agreed, touching my lips full of lipstick.

"Excuse me, reserve a table in the name of Houston, Shawn Houston," Shawn said, leaning on the counter bar. The young woman looked at her screen to confirm her request.

"A table for two, right? With olive bread and dipping sauce for a starter," she said before amending.

Yes, exactly..." she laughed as soon as the young woman named the details of the menu that Shawn had requested.

"Have I told a joke?" said the young woman raising an eyebrow behind the counter.


"Well...the table you've asked for, Mr. Houston, is right at the back, near the fountain." He pointed the way and Shawn nodded. Holding his hand, we went to the table he ordered and sat down at the waiting for a waiter to show up.

"Very good option to put starter bread with their respective sauces. Everything very much like Shawn." I smiled seeing the bread basket in the center of the table.

"My mother always ordered the same thing when we went out as a family to eat at expensive restaurants.

"High-end guy, amazing." I nodded, picking up a glass while Shawn opened the bottle of wine.

"Yes, in his day I lived quite well... I couldn't complain." He poured some wine into my glass.

"And what happened for you to end up in a motel? With all the forgiveness that causes me".

"Don't worry, many ask me and well... things change. The family dissolves, we grow... you know".

"And Mark?" With all the money he has he hasn't been able to help you. How do you allow something like that?

"Friends help each other, I think."

"Yeah, but Mark is totally different from me." He shrugged.

"If I put Mark next to you...you'd look like brothers.

"It's the clothes that make me very stylized.

"I don't deny it, it looks like a brush on you, come on...if I had a canvas and I was a painter, you would be the best tool in my entire arsenal." I raised my hands.

"Don't tell me those things, you know I love them," he said, blushing with flushed cheeks.

"If I were a singer, you'd be the best microphone ever used on stage." I winked.

"Stop, you're going too far." He tied his tie as he looked both ways.

If I worked in a sex shop..." I raised my index finger.

"Camila no..." he made me stop with one hand.

"...you'd be the best vibrator in the whole store." I bit my lip as I brushed my stiletto heel against her leg.

"Do you want me to attend to you at another time? There is grilled fish, and it will take a while to be served," said an embarrassed waiter after listening to us.

"Ouh! No...we were just waiting for a waiter to show up here. Camila, what do you want to drink?" she leaned on one arm.

"How gentlemanly, because I want a well-ironed sirloin steak with a dose of French fries and for dessert, a tiramisu." I smiled after looking at the menu.

"And for the boy?" I look at the waiter.

"The same." He smiled as he picked up the menu card.

"I think it's perfect, enjoy your stay." The waiter agreed, picking up the cards.

"Thank you. Camila, you've crossed four cities," he sighed.

"Sorry, I came too high." I fanned myself with my hands.

"You almost suffocated me," Shawn said, moving his shirt.

"I thought you had, you know…" I looked sideways.

"It doesn't fit in my pants. It's not my size," he said very seriously.

"That's why I saw your butt so emphasized." I laughed.

While the champagne odyssey served the starter plate, that same night Mark went to Hollywood Records on a matter of Camila Bolton, in quotes and dry. Two producers and a production manager were at a table, sitting next to some ashtrays while dropping their fearsome butts. Mark with a wrapped roll, left on the table the last photos of Camila for her promotional image and the finished recording of her first song.

"Is this what you want to sell us?" He looked at all the material with disgust.

"It's more than that. You have to see the contrast with the background. Here I see... a new pop petal." he imagined.

"Too many beautiful gardens I have seen throughout my career".

"Listen to the first song of hers. It could work as her first single".

"Crying In The Club?" guys save it beforehand to take a look.

"Camila Bolton, the new pop singer signed by Hollywood Records. She will be many of the headlines of this record company".

"Time to time Mark. Your artists have not given us what we wanted from the beginning and bump after bump, not that we have much faith in you".

"I promise you this is redemption for everything that has happened. It will be a gold mine for everyone".

"You want to sell us some cheap singer who has shown up at your studios and recorded a pop song? We've got plenty of that".

"But her heart is worth much more than all that... believe me".