
Crazy Royals And Their Crazy Lives

Filthy rich prince Taichi is kidnapped and sent to Japan by his father while he was taking a nap peacefully in his bedroom in England. He than dropped near a hill where he finds 3 of his siblings. He does a race with his brothers and crashes into a random stranger who then becomes his best friend along with 2 others. He comes across a lot of adventures and dangers on his way. what will happen to him now? let's see.

MLNH · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Kidnapped! Again?

"I must not lose to those fools," Taichi said. His heart and mind were completely on winning that he did not notice another guy as stupid as him running towards him. "I will kill that Fuyu, he will regret tormenting me the next time!" said the boy. Both of them were lost in their thoughts that they failed to notice each other until it was too late.

Both of them finally came to their senses when they were face to face with each other. "Move out of the way!" Screamed the boy. Taichi could see angles at that moment. He had nowhere to move. The other fellow lost complete control himself. He did not have brakes for his legs. Both of them were stuck in the middle of life and death. neither of them could shift away from this situation.

Both of them were fated to crash each other. And this what had to happen happened. Both of them crashed into each other. As I said fate. Taichi fell to the ground and hit his head on a rock. The other kid fell on top of Taichi. "Are you blind?!" said the boy. The boy got up and looked at Taichi, he was ready to start a fight with him. He rubbed his eyes and noticed that Taichi's eyes were shut. "Hello, you alive?" asked the boy. Taichi did not answer. "Is he dead?" the boy thought in his mind. his body shivered in fear as he thought this.

As you see he did not intend to be a murderer. Nobody would. He edged closer to him and checked his pulse. He sighed in relief as he found that Taichi was alive. He quickly picked him up and ran towards a side of the hill.

Our great hero Taichi finally opened his eyes. "where am I?" he thought. He looked up and saw a sealing that was completely unfamiliar to him. "how did I get, here?" he thought. "I was in the middle of a race then...an orange, no a boy with an orange basket or...an orange head, something related to orange and then we" he continued. His head began to hurt when he tried to recall further. "dam my head" he said ( in a faint voice ). Suddenly someone entered the room he was kept in. It was a girl. "you're awake" somebody said ( in a sweet voice ). A girl with brown braided hair holding a tray with a cup of hot water entered the room.

Taichi looked at her face as she was a completely new face for him. She edged closer to Taichi and forwarded the trey to give him the cup of water. "you'll feel better if you drink this up" she said. Taichi took the cup of hot water and drank it. He placed the empty cup on the tray after doing so. The girl smiled at him. "Who are you?" he asked. "I'm Yoshiko Rei nice to meet you" she replied. "Nice to meet you miss Rei. My name is Taichi Sakura" he said. Rei smiled at him.

Taichi was about to say something when a boy with orange hair dashed into the room along with a guy with grey hair and an uncle. "ah Yoshi" Rei said. "Is that pain in the ass up yet?!" Screamed Yoshi ( boy with orange hair ). "who're you calling pain fool!" screamed back Taichi. "Look the new guy already figured out that Yoshi is a fool," said the boy with grey hair. "Shut up Fuyu!" said Yoshi. "what I just told the truth," said Fuyu. "so where are you from young man?" asked the man who looked like an uncle. "that's not something you should be bothered about, uncle" Taichi replied. "Uncle?" said the man in a dramatic way. "he called you uncle Seiji" laughed Yoshi. "excuse me, young lad I'm only 26yrs old," said Seiji in a cold voice. "What does that have to do with me?" asked Taichi. Seiji's face became red with anger but he stated calmly. "hey brat tell me your homes number so I can contact your parents" said Yoshi. Usually, the kidnappers are the ones who ask for the parent's number so naturally, Taichi assumed that he had been kidnapped. "I see," he said bowing his head. "what do you see?" asked Rei. "I don't have the whole day you idiotic person!" shouted Yoshi. "How dare you," Taichi said ( in a cold voice ).

The other four stood there confused. "do you know who I am?" Taichi asked. "no" replied the four. Taichi stood up and asked," you don't know" "no" replied the four again. "you don't know," Taichi asked ( again ). "oi how many more times should we say no?!" screamed Yoshi.

"I'm Taichi Sakura, son of Akihiko Sakura and Tatsuo Sakura!" Shouted Taichi. "Nice to meet you I'm Kasiki Fuyu, son of Kasiki Fumiaki and Kasiki Sachiko." replied Fuyu. "I'm Kasiki Yoshi, Son of Ayame James and Kisaki Midori" followed Yoshi. Taichi stood up and said, "you fools, I am the son of a king and the crown prince of Kaminotani".

Yoshi looked at Taichi and said, "Rei San call the doctor right now." "I'm on it." said Rei. She ran out of the room. "He hit his head really hard." said Seiji. "yup" replied Fuyu. Taichi was really furious by seeing this. He had the urge to kill these people.

He stayed quite to see what will happen next. Rei came back up after a few minutes. She entered the room quickly and slipped. She fell on Yoshi.

As soon as that happened Yoshi grew cat ears and tail. "oh no" said Fuyu and Seiji. Taichi could not believe his eyes when he saw this. He was in a complete shock.

You know not many people transform into cat man's or something.

Taichi was a cat lover and he was obsessed with them.

Taichi stood up as if he was about to beat someone up. "um we can explain" said Seiji. Both Rei and Yoshi got up. All the four were a bit worried as Taichi got to know about their secret. Taichi walked towards Yoshi and patted his head. "What the hell" said Yoshi. "you're so cute and soft like a teddy. Fuyu and Seiji burst out laughing.

Yoshi got angry and and pushed Taichi. Taichi fell on Rei. As soon as he fell on Rei he transformed into a demon.

Taichi was shocked this. The other four were even shocked. Any one would be if they saw a person transform into a demon out in the blue.

what will happen next. Will the four call the police and expose each others secret or......let's see what fate has for them.

until then bye