
Chapter 4



So, today is the day, Ellie and I are flying down to Florida, I'm so freaking excited, the last time I was in Florida was probably when I was around thirteen, to fourteen years old, I can't wait to see Grandma Rochelle. Grandpa Gerald passed away a couple of years ago. We were all sorrowful about it, especially Grandma Rochelle.

"Quinn! Ellie's here!"

"Okay, I'll be right down, mom!"

Here we go. I grabbed my suitcase and ran downstairs.

"Here you go, I made you some snacks." My mom always did this whenever Ellie and I would go on road trips with our brothers, but recently, it's only been Ellie and me.

"Be safe, I love you guys."

"We love you too, Tell dad I said bye and that he shouldn't worry too much."

"Will do, don't forget to call me when you get there, okay?"

"Yeah, don't worry, I will." My mom suffocated me with one of her bear hugs.

"Mom, please let me go, I can't breathe."

"Sorry, honey, it's just that I'm going to miss you so freaking badly."

"You won't even notice that I'm gone."

"That's not true!" I just laughed at my mother. Ellie cleared her throat next to me.

"Sorry, to break up this precious moment, Aunty A, but we really should get going."

"Yeah, I know." We said our last goodbyes and left for the airport. The airport was about 30 minutes from my house.

Ellie's father said that she should just leave her car in the parking lot of the airport. He would just pick it up after work.

"Quinn, are you okay?"

"Yeah, of course I am. I can't wait, this summer will be wonderful." At first, Ellie gave me a worried look, but she eventually smiled at me.

"Miami, here we come!" Ellie and I screamed at the same time.

We finally arrived at the airport. This was going to be at least a 5-hour-long flight from Los Angeles to Miami.

There was this very nice middle-aged lady sitting in between Ellie and me. She told us that she was visiting her son for the summer.

Because she really misses him, and her daughter-in-law just gave birth, she was so happy because she finally became a grandmother. It was one of the best things I ever heard. I like to see and listen to happy people.

I fell asleep for like 2 hours.

When I woke up, I noticed that I laid with my head on the kind lady's shoulder. I quickly apologized, but she just laughed.

"Don't worry, dear, it's honestly no big deal." I just smiled at her. She really is too kind for this world. She told us that her name was Doris.

We finally landed, Ellie's grandmother's chauffeur, Simon is going to pick us up, yeah, I said chauffeur. I might have forgotten to mention that Grandma Rochelle was stinking rich. Her house was an hour's drive from the airport, she lived in a house near the beach, the beach is literally a walking distance from her house.

We made it to Grandma Rochelle's house. We barely made it through the door before Grandma Rochelle tried to suffocate us with too many hugs and kisses.

"Ellie, Quinn, you're finally here!"

"Grandma Rochelle, we really missed you." Ellie and I both said with big smiles on our faces.

"I missed you girls too, I baked some cookies. Do you want some?"

"Hell yeah, I missed your baking, grams." I said with a big grin on my face.

"Eleanor, I'm so glad you two are friends."

"Granny. You know I hate it when you use my real name." Granny Rochelle laughed and turned back to me.

"So, how was your flight, girls?"

"It was ok, but really exhausting." Ellie replied with a smile.

"Quinn, I'm delighted you could make it. You know you two are my favorite between you and your mothers." All three of us burst out laughing, Granny Rochelle is a real joker sometimes, she always manages to make us laugh, this is a great start for the next three months, that's to come.

Ellie and I were both so exhausted from our flight that around five in the afternoon, we both fell asleep on the couch while watching TV. Around seven, Granny Rose woke us up to let us know that diner was ready.

Ellie and I were so excited, Granny Rose's cooking was the best, even though she was rich, she loved cooking and cleaning herself, all services she really used was her chauffeur Simon, but mainly only because she's got too old to drive herself.

After our diner was finished, Ellie and I both hid upstairs to take a shower and go to bed after, we had a busy day ahead of us tomorrow. I was really excited. We are going to the beach tomorrow, Ellie has a friend, Ryan. He was throwing a beach party and he invited us.

I can't wait to consume more alcohol. (For the record, this is fake excitement)