

"Hello Song Dei Si"

"What's up?" She asked when she heard Lee Jin Ho's voice. She was trying to sound casual as possible.

"It's been a while. I just want to invite you out on a coffee date after office hour. Hope you don't mind" Lee Jin Ho invited her without any hesitation on his voice.

She was taken a back by his invitation. Is it okay to go out with another guy after she got married to Yan Mor Tee? Thou their union wasn't binded by mutual love, by law she was his wife and it wasn't ideal to still entertain someone who was wooing her.

"Dei Si." Lee Jin Ho called out her name when he hasn't recieved any response.

Song Dei Si took a deep sigh.

"I'm sorry but I can't go out with you anymore"


"I am now married."

There was a long silence.

"Jin Ho.." she said when she heard nothing from Lee Jin Ho. "Jin Ho hope you understand. It is not possible anymore for the two of us. Hope you'll find the right woman for you. I am sorry I won't be that woman anymore."