
Are you even real?

That is the worst day of our lives. The memories keep haunting us. Though I didn't know shit back then, I can feel every bit of what my mom went through. She always told the best stories. I empathized with her and believed her. And right from that moment, my mom and I became the best of friends. The incident stayed with me and whenever it gets into my head, I get all these random visions and it leads to me having a very bad panic attack. Therapy couldn't help me. I just got adjusted to it all.

I reach my mom's home. She opens the door with the biggest smile. I practically fall into her. She catches me in the most beautiful way. I bury myself in her warmth.


I reach Nick's home and see that he fell asleep. I see that he hadn't cooked today. I place the burritos that I brought in the fridge and sit down in front of him. I remove my coat and open my phone. I see a text from Oliver. "Text me your location." I smile and send him my location. He doesn't see the message. I keep my phone away and run my palms across my face. I get up and turn on the TV. As always, I open Netflix and watch Heartstopper. I can never get tired of this show. As soon as I turn the volume on, I feel Nick move. I cup his cheeks. "Had a good sleep?" He smiles and lets out his laziness. He sits up and looks at me. "When did you come?"

"It's been a minute but I put the burritos in the fridge. Wanna eat?"

He nods and I get the burritos out of the fridge. I sit down next to him. "Oliver asked me out."

He immediately turns to me. I giggle at his reaction. "What!? How? Tell me everything"

I start saying : "Well, I went down to the store today. He was right there and I went in. He asked me how I'd been. I asked him how he'd been. And then he told me that I was not a bad dresser. You know I'm bad with compliments right!? I said I had the energy to look cute today. And then we went through dresses. I picked two and he picked three. I paid the bill and told him that the dresses were perfect. They made me feel good. And then, his expression shifted. I can't read faces but his face gleamed with love. I've never seen anyone express like that for me. He asked. "You said that the dresses make you feel good. You know what would make me feel good?" I shook my head and he said "I'd love to spend an evening giving company to your beautiful eyes. I know a cafe nearby and they have two empty seats. Will you fill them with me?" And though I was brimming with excitement, I asked him "Are you asking me out?" He shrugged. I said "I'd love that. I really like you, Oliver." I said that bitch. I said that. Can you believe that? And then, he said "I really like you, too Charlotte."

Nick's eyebrows shoot high. "What!? He likes you?"

I smile. "And then, I went back to work. I was done. I left. While I was coming down here, I stopped at the store again. He hugged me. I asked him what I should wear for the date tomorrow night. He suggested I wear something he picked out. I hugged him bye and came down here." Nick's whole face gets lit with amusement.

"So, you got yourself a date tomorrow night. Good for you. I hope you get laid."

I chuckle and nudge his arm. "Wait! You asked him what to wear? Fuck you. I always made that choice for you. Why didn't you ask me bitch?"

He sulks. "Stop being so dramatic. I'll bring the dresses so you could select one. I'll get ready and leave from here."

He smiles. "I'm happy for you, Char. I hope you both get together as soon as possible."

I nod. We finish our burritos and I leave. My heart's bursting with excitement. My body's overflowing with curiosity. Curiosity about how Oliver's gonna look, curiosity about what he'll talk. Curiosity about what his eyes will talk to me. I try to suppress my thoughts with music but everything I hear, everything I do reminds me of him.


Telling mom about the date really eased all the emotion that has been welling up in me. I'm starting to feel a little better. My mom brushes my hair as I lie in her lap. She lets out a sigh. "I can only hope for you two to get together. You are the one who does the talking and attracting. Be careful and do not let her know about your anxiety. It's too soon and you might scare her. Just make sure everything goes well for tomorrow. "

I nod. "Yeah mom. I know what you mean. I'll be careful. I love you, Mom. I think I should get going. It'll take me a minute to reach. "

She smiles and kisses my temple. I smile and kiss her hand. I take my coat and get down to my car. My mom waves me bye and i start. I put on music. I go through my playlists and arrive at the only playlist I ever use "comfort yourself". I press play and folklore by Taylor Swift starts playing. I keep singing the beautiful lyrics and driving. "peace", my most favorite song off the album comes on and I reach. I park my car in the garage and plug in my earpods. I continue listening to "peace". I hit the shower and doze off.

I wake up and see that the time is seven AM. I start getting ready for work. I take a shower and brush my teeth. I walk into my wardrobe. I had selected my date outfit yesterday. My mom approved of it within one second. Now, for work, I want to pick something chill. I go through my shirt collection. I pick a light blue shirt with white stripes. And then, I go to my pants collection. I pick a navy tailored pant. They go well together. I decide to ditch a jacket because I'll be wearing one in our date. I put on my shirt and pants. I take my car keys and start to work.


I just came in and slept last night. I didn't have the energy to stand and shower. I wake up to see that the time is six thirty am. I immediately brush my teeth and hit the shower. I take a nice long shower. I raid my closet and pick the simplest outfit. I pick a white shirt and blue tailored pants. I pair it with a denim coat and put on my sunglasses. I take my car keys and start to work.

I reach within twenty minutes. I see that the time is forty minutes past eight. My work starts in twenty minutes. I stop by a cafe and eat some pancakes as breakfast. I hit my office by nine am.


Why is time passing by so slow? There have been so many customers today but the only thing I can focus on is the time left for our date. I can be a professional when I want to but today is just not one of those days. I go through the customers quickly.

The day finally gets over. I take my keys and rush home. The time is six pm. I told Charlotte I'd pick her up at thirty minutes past seven. I reach home. I immediately start getting dressed. I picked a White button down shirt and Black leather pants. I paired them with a Red coat. I put my outfit on and start curling my hair. The iron takes forever to style my hair. Once I'm done, I set my hair with a hair gel. Then, I put on my silver encrusted Black Louis Vuitton shoes. I put on a silver bracelet and a silver chain. I put on a little makeup. I smile looking at my reflection. I can only hope to look good enough for Charlotte. I look at the time and it's seven pm. Perfect. I take my wallet and start driving to Charlotte's home. I told her that it's a cafe but I'm taking her to a fancy restaurant. I text her :

Hey! Just started :)


I picked the red floor length strap dress that Oliver picked for me. I paired it with a silver clutch and silver loubotins. I straightened my hair and let it fall on my shoulders. I look at my reflection and smile. Something's missing. I put on silver earrings and some extra red lip gloss. I hope I'm not underdressed. I check my phone and see that Oliver texted me ten minutes ago. I smile looking at the text. He'll be here any minute now. I look at myself once again. I do look cute. Fine I'll just let my charms do the work for today.


A car honks outside my home. I see that it's Oliver. I immediately pick my clutch and get down the stairs. I go down to see him standing outside his car. He looks like he came straight out of Lana Del Rey song. He's wearing a white button down with black leather pants and a red coat. He looks incredible. I go up to where Oliver's standing and place a kiss on his cheek. He smiles and looks right through me. I smile. He places a kiss on my hand. "You look gorgeous, Charlotte. I'm extremely fortunate to be able to spend time with you. Ready? "


"Thank you Oliver. That's really sweet. You look extremely handsome. Let's go."

I smile and help her into the car. I start driving. We reach in about a half hour. I get down and help her get down. She gets down the car and looks at the restaurant. She lets out a cute little gasp. "Oliver! What's this? Oh My God, is our date here?

I nod and she blushes. The best shade of red I've ever seen hands down. "Why did you not tell me? Oliver! I am underdressed."

I take her hands in my hands. "Charlotte, I wanted our first date to be special. And you look perfect. It's fine." I kiss her hand.


He kisses my hand. "Thanks, Oliver. I appreciate this."

"Shall we?"

I nod and he takes me into the hotel. I look around and try to take in the gravity of this. The hotel gleams with grandeur and it's so fucking huge. Oliver leads me to the elevator and presses the button for the seventh floor. I close my eyes and try to breathe my nerves away. Oliver looks at me and rubs his palms against mine. It works. I become calm. A layer of familiarity wraps around me. I smile at him. He looks into my eyes and smiles. I look at him. He keeps looking at me. He closes his eyes and brings his face close to mine. He lingers there like that. Before I lean into him, the elevator door opens. I see that the restaurant is completely empty. There's a table at the center and it's decorated with tulips. It's lit up in the most romantic way. It is so beautiful. We step out of the elevator. Oliver drags a chair out for me. I sit down. He sits across from me and looks through me. "Charlotte, I wanted to tell this to you after a few days. But I can't hold it in any longer. I have had feelings for you ever since I saw you. You are the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen. Even if you don't like me, I will never regret doing any of this."

Am I in a Colleen Hoover book? Am I in a romance film? This can't be real.

I wipe my eyes and see that Oliver's still here. "Oliver, oh my god. Are you even real? It seems like maybe I just made you up. You are so sweet. And you are perfect. I had feelings for you the moment I saw you. I'll never regret any of this cause even if I fall in love with you, if you don't like my personality or if I fuck us up, my heart will never get broken. I really really like you."

Unable to hold it any longer, I bring his face close to mine and place a peck on his lips. He blushes. The best shade of red I've ever seen hands down.