
Crash Into Hello

"You make me feel...you make me feel.." he roamed around the gym in sheer desperation, hands tucked into his hair, tugging at the roots wildly. "What?" I asked nervously but soon regretted it. His angry eyes pinned me against the wall. Suddenly charging at me, he spun me round, my front pressing firmly against the wall, his hard stoned body crushed hard against mine. I sucked in a sharp breath, a shiver rolling down my spine. "Can you feel this?" He whispered fiercely, making me quiver as he performed a desperate grind of his hard groin against my bottom. His hands dropping to roam my body, heavy and desperate. "Yes." I replied, my voice barely a whisper. My skin reacting to his touch and my heart hammering against my chest in a way I would never understand. "This is what you do to me. You're doing something to my insides, Genesis. You're making me deal with stuffs I do not want to deal with. You're fucking with my thoughts. You're stealing something from me. I'm beginning to trust you too damn much. You're scaring me and I want you to fucking stop. Now. This second." Abruptly, he recoiled. I thought he was done. I thought he would leave. Then, he screamed. An earthy growl, husky with anger, vibrating the walls of the entire gym room. "What do you want from me?" ~ Genesis Reeds, a plain, average 18 year old college girl with a top of the class reputation. Innocent and pure, she arrives college for the first time hoping to play by the same rules she had followed throughout her life-zero boys and abide strictly by the pages of her notebooks. However, her plans are instantly shattered when a certain arrogant, self centered, college, final year badboy with ink and piercings otherwise known as Dario Campbell crashes into her world unexpectedly. A disastrous encounter leads to a burning hatred between the two. Closer to his best friend, Keegan Scott, a whirlwind romance shoots up until one passionate night of lust changes everything.

LilyannKing · Adolescent
Pas assez d’évaluations
50 Chs


Genesis's POV


      We walked two miles downtown. It was seven forty-five in the evening and the roads, shops and restaurants were still as busy as ever as though it was still in the day. The roads and trees were blanketed with white by the snow. The distant blare of sirens and trumpets and the honk of myriad vehicles plying the streets boomed in my ears. Street vendors raspily shouting out their wares, captains in the nearby port sitting down with their bottles of beer in their hands while they played cards, children jauntily running up and down the snow. I closed my eyes for a brief moment and just breathed in the serenity.

"Aren't you affected by the cold?" I asked, turning to the side to look at Dario. He was just in his hood and a pair of black jeans which didn't seem to shield him enough if the way his lips trembled and the tip of his nose reddened was any indication.

He glanced at me and shook his head.

"I'm okay."

"I should take this off." I tried to take off the jacket he lent me but he immediately refrained me from doing so.

I frowned at him, "Why didn't you bring along another one? It's winter Dario."

"I didn't think you would come." He keeked at me and immediately looked away.

"You thought I'd stand you up?" I asked, slightly offended. "I would never do that."

"Here." He said, stopping in front of a small restaurant which seemed to still be in full swing. The lights were still on and low music played from inside.

Dario pushed open the door and held it open for me. I thanked him and entered. The atmosphere was warm, unlike outside which was chilly. I realized soon it was as a result of the numerous fire places set up at strategic angles to warm up the place. Everyone laughed as they ate. There was so much happiness in the air. I smiled at them.

The restaurant didn't seem like one which price will break the bank just for a meal. Dario took my hand and began moving towards the queue in front. I stood in front of him while feeling his chest slightly brush against my back every now and then. I ignored the chills it sent up my spine and focused my attention on an elderly woman instead. She was conversing with a woman with a large smile on her face. They laughed and hugged and kissed each other on the cheek while speaking a language which I recognized to be Italian. The way they interacted with each other suggested that they knew themselves more than a simple hello but I was more taken aback by the woman's aura. It was electric. There was something in the way she smiled, her show of warmth and kindness.

Then she turned and her long, blonde hair swivelled along. Her eyes widened and her smile broadened as she saw me. I smiled back at her. Soon, I realized it was because of who was behind me.

"Diego? Diego. Mio Dio, e da parecchio tempo." (My God, it's been so long)

Dario looked up and a faint smile etched his features, "Giada."

"Cosa e successo." The woman opened her arms for a hug and Dario went in. "Perche non vieni, amore mio?" (What happened? Why haven't you been coming, my love?)

"School. Work. Ho cercato di mantenere i miei voti sono aumentati." (Been trying to keep my grades up)

"Amore dio, sono dove dovrebbero essere. Hai lavorato cosi duramente. Ti laureerai l'anna prossimo. Aww, guarda come sei diventato bravo." She pinched his cheeks and pulled them, accessing him. I sucked in a laugh, watching him in distress, trying to escape from her clutches. (My love, they are where they are supposed to be. You've worked so hard. You are graduating next year. Aww, look how good you've turned out)


"Il mio amico sarebble cosi orgoglioso di te. Oh possa la sua anima riposare in pace." (My friend would be so proud of you. Oh may her soul rest in peace)

They talked some more and she pulled his cheeks some more and he unsuccessfully tried to get away some more. The queue went up a little and we moved up.

Then she turned to me and beamed, "Oh Diego, lei e?" (Oh Diego, who's she?)

He looked at me briefly and oddly cleared his throat. Then I knew the conversion had switched to me.

"Lei e un'amica."

"Oh." She took me by surprise when she embraced me. It was warm and tight and genuine and I hugged her too with equal amount of enthusiasm.

"Lei e bella. Sei sicuro che non sia la tua ragazza?" (She is beautiful. Are you sure she isn't your girlfriend?)

He groaned. I darted my eyes between them, wondering what they were saying.

"Che cosa? Non hai mai portato una ragazza qui prima. E carina. L'hai gia baciata?" (What? You haven't brought a girl here before. She is pretty. Have you kissed her yet?)

He groaned again.

"Cosa stai aspettando?" (What are you waiting for?)

She looked at me, "Il tuo nome cara?" (What is your name dear?)

"Lei non parla italiano." (She doesn't speak italian)

"Oh. Well, I was asking what your name is dear."

"Oh, okay." I smiled. "I'm Genesis."

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl. Genesis, do you love my boy?"

"Giada!" Dario cautioned her but she didn't even spare him a glance. I, on the other hand stood with my mouth agape for all of the flies to check in, unsure of how to respond to her.

I love him. I do love Dario. Friends loved each other right?

I opened my mouth but she went on, "My boy has been hurt by so many terrible people and I don't want him going through all of that again."

"Fermare." (Stop)

"He's been through so much and he is only twenty-one. Do you know about his papa? Has he told you?"


"Giada, per favore fermati. Questo non mi piace. Me ne vado se te ne vai." (Giada, please stop. I don't like this. I'm gonna leave if you go on)

"I'm only concerned for you." She inhaled deeply. "Forgive me then."

We moved up.

"Perche siete in coda?" (Why are you two in the queue?)

"Va bene." (It's fine)

"No. Venire. Aracely!" (No. Come). She took both our hands and we left the queue.

I nudged his arm as we walked, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm good."

"She was only worried."

"I know."

We were given a spot at a secluded place, far from the other customers and something told me it was because of Dario's persona. It was fine by me.

He was silent for most of the time and only ate in bits. I touched his arm and he jerked away and looked up at me, breathing deeply.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. We could leave if you want."

"No." He leaned back in his chair and scoured his face. "That ain't necessary. Just...some things she said brought back memories I'd rather forget."

"She didn't mean any harm. She seems like a good person."

"Yeah she is. She owns the place."

"Oh, really."


"How did you two know each other?"

"She was...my mama's best friend. Visited sometimes back in Italy."

"Mmm...the food's good." I licked my fingers off.


I took another bite and moaned, chuckling, "I don't even know what it is called."



He breathed out and stared at the ceiling. "Yeah."

"And you are not eating."

"Ain't hungry."

That made me abandon my food altogether and I focused on him.

"Dario." I started. "I don't know the story of your pain or the number of days that you've carried it around but I do know it changed the way you see yourself. It changed the way you see the world around you and that is a tragedy no one hears about. A beautiful soul that had to learn to live with a wounded heart."

He laughed. "You're mistaken. I swear to God, my soul is no where near beautiful."

"It is."

He folded his arms and rested them on the table and hooked his eyes to mine.

"How do you know that?"

"You give out pieces of yourself to people but never let them see the whole picture. I've seen it. I know who you are."

"Who do you think I am?"

"Why?" I smiled. "So you can tell me I am mistaken again?"

"No. I wanna know what you think of me."

"We...well...you are a beautiful piece of broken pottery put together by your own hands and a critical world judging your cracks while missing the beauty of how you are making yourself whole again."

He swallowed hard and straightened his back on the chair, eyes dead set on me like a predator staking out his prey. He said not a word and his face was void of any emotion. I should have been bothered but for some reason, I wasn't. I was getting used to his abrupt shifts in his emotional state.

On our right, some group of girls were laughing and whispering to themselves. I turned to them and quickly realized the cause of their giggles and weird excitement. They were swooning over Dario and giving him the glad eye, trying to get his attention. Attractive in every sense of the word and in very nice clothes, their lecherous eyes were mentally tearing his clothes apart and going straight for the prize down south. I turned back to Dario. He was gazing at me. I tipped my head at the girls.

"Looks like you've got yourself some admirers."

"And it looks like at your free time, all you do is analyze me and create assumptions in your head."

I laughed, "But I am right and you know that."

"Why Oklahoma?"


"Why Oklahoma? Why the college?'

I shrugged, sipping my drink. "I've always wanted to come here. I've always wanted to study here. After high school, this was where I wanted to continue my education. It was a dream. What about you?"

"No reason."

"There's a reason why everything happens."

"I don't know. Unlike you, I didn't care where I was going, as long as it was better than where I was coming from."

"And you opted for psychology?"

"Yup." He stretched his legs. "I closed my eyes and picked a major and oops, it was it."

I chuckled and he smiled.

"That's a lie." I threw a fry at him. He caught it and popped it into his mouth.

"I like how the mind works. A person's mind interests me. Their stories, their thoughts, their memories. The secrets that lay dormant in their head, waiting to be told. I find it so interesting. And I'm just fascinated by other's struggles."

"Everyone has their own struggles. I love learning about someone's life too. How they came to be the person they are today, why they act or talk the way they do. It's just very interesting."

"And something tells me you are analyzing me again."

"What?" I tilted my head back in laughter. "I am not. I was never actually."

He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Truly. When did you get your nose ring?"


"And your lip ring?"


"What about the tattoos?"

"The first tatt was after I turned fourteen."

"And your parents were okay with it?"

"Dead before then. "

"Oh. It didn't affect school?"

"No. I could have taken it out." He held one segment of his lip ring with one hand and the other part with the other. Then he pulled the two parts away and it came off. Then he smiled. "But then I didn't."

"It wasn't a problem?"

"At the beginning, yeah."

"You were rebellious, huh?"

"Not exactly. I obeyed the other rules and did my homework well, trust me."

"What was it about?"


"Your first tattoo."

"It was my mama's name...the name you saw on my chest. Soledad."

"Was it painful?"

"Which one?"

"The two of them."


"I hear it is."

His shoulders bopped, "Depends on their level of tolerance for pain. Most people get theirs 'cause others are, some for the love of art or sentimental related reasons."

"What about you? Why did you get yours?"

He stared at me for a brief moment before responding.

"Because I didn't wanna forget."

The lady who had served us our meal came back again. I think her name was Aracely. She and Dario conversed in Italian and soon after, she left.

"You wanna leave now?"

"Yeah, yeah. Sure."

A moment later, she returned with a brown take away pack and Dario gathered his food into the pack and paid for both meals.

"Aww, you said you weren't gonna pay for mine." I crooned, grinning from ear to ear.

"Tell no one about it."

I chuckled slightly, "Thank you. I told you I know who you are." I opined, prodding his arm.

"And I said you are mistaken."

We didn't leave until we said our byes to Giada and she made us promise to come back again. I  liked her. I loved her restaurant. It was quiet and warm and they served delicious foods. It was the kind of place I felt like I actually did belong. I felt welcomed.

We crossed the road and started out north. Dario left my side and walked over to a beggar who sat by the roadside with an empty hat beside him, turned upside down and crouched down. He kept the brown pack containing his uneaten food on the ground, at the beggarman's elbow and whispered something to him. The blind man smiled and moved his lips.

Dario dropped a note into his hat and left, coming up beside me.

My heart warmed. I smiled up at him, "That was so nice of you."

He said nothing and walked on.


I personally love this chapter and I hope you would too.