
Formless (Part 2)

The sector barricade is manned by a local. The police do not bother with them anymore.

"What's going on?" He gave the sentry a light fist bump.

"Same old shit, different day. As usual, they are waiting for anyone to cross so that they can fill their quota. You going to the Arena?"

He nodded.

The Arena is an underground fighting area run by a powerful corporation. It also serves as the black market especially for items like the 'Jump' - a pill that gives a temporary boost to a person's natural abilities.

It is rumored that it does more than that but his kind do not have access to these kinds of items so he wouldn't know.

Of course the Jump is popular among the fighters in the arena. He suspects that the powers-that-be allow this to document the random effects of the drug.

It certainly makes for an interesting fight when a fighter suddenly levitates in the air for a few seconds or when he turns into smoke.

He reached a secluded area with a dumpster kept in a strangely immaculate fashion. This is one of the secret entrances to the Arena. He glanced around and when satisfied, he pushed a button on the side of the dumpster.

The Arena is a sight to behold. It is literally an underground arena but it is built like a sports coliseum. Hundreds or even thousands of people come here everyday.

If he is lucky today, he might be able to bring home food that will last them a couple of days.

He looked for a bookie.

"Yo, Chris, got anything for me?"

The bookie checked his phone briefly.

"We got a couple of trash matches scheduled. There are two open slots."


"Ukyo the Slime or this newcomer named Anino."

"Damn it, the Slime takes the watered down Jump pills like afternoon snacks. Who's the other one? Is he big?"

"Dunno man. I haven't seen that one yet. Just registered today."

"What are the points for these?"

"3000 credits for the Slime and 500 for the newbie. The Slime offered a side deal. You want it?"

"The usual? I'll take the loss. That's another 1500. We can eat for a week."

"I don't know why you keep trading your losses for extra credits. You could have boosted your likes and be earning more than twice that after a year."

The bookie shook his head to emphasize his disappointment.

"Likes are totally unreliable and you know it. One loss can take you from the top to the bottom real quick if you are not careful. I will take the credits. They are more consistent. Besides, climbing that ladder means taking less credit for a longer time. If I were doing it just for myself, it would be an easier decision."

"It's your life man. It's just that I haven't seen someone who does not even take the Jump and perform as well as you do. You could have been in the middle-tiered fights years ago. Who knows, with a sponsor, you could have climbed even higher."

"I'm not that good. I just know how to take hits. You put so much faith in me."

"I'm not turning gay on you, bro. I have a good eye for these things, that's all."


The Eye of Bathala. The one that can see truths hidden in the world. Where could he be now? Where could all of them be? He would pay a lot to see them once again.

And perhaps even go on another adventure. Away from this hellish place.

"The Slime then?"

He nodded absently.

He is good for one match. His body can't take much more punishment but he didn't dare to stop. The people at the shelter would starve and within a month, they would all die.

Perhaps the bookie is right. He should have gambled on climbing the ladder. Maybe his 'likes' would be in the millions by now. Good enough for at least 30000 credits per month.

He sighed. Four years. He had been taking the hits for four years.

It's a wonder he hadn't suffered any major injuries.

The Slime was hitting him with a smug look on his face. This bastard really enjoys inflicting pain on people.

For a moment, he wanted to wipe that smile off his face. There was one brief moment when he forgot himself and took one punch squarely in the jaw and clenched it harder than intended.

When the punch landed, it was The Slimes turn to wince as his fist felt as if it struck an unyielding rock. The smile faded from his lips and he turned pale.

"You took the deal, you sonofawhore" he hissed.

Vince shrugged and promptly took the loss.

He didn't mind the 'boos'. He got what he came here for.

As the bookie transferred credits to his account, he slumped down to a bench and watched the next fight.

It was over before he could catch his breath. The one called Anino took one quick step, chopped the back of his opponent's head with one hand and won just like that.

"Whoah, it's a good thing I didn't fight that dude," he said to the bookie.

"Uh, what? Oh, Anino? Yeah, that win was nasty."

That flash step reminded him of someone.

"You think he is taking the Jump?"

"Definitely. And 'he' isn't a dude. That's why she covers her face like that. It's unusual for girls to compete. Except for the higher level boss, Reaper. That one is a bad mother. Okay boss, next time."

"Wait, she is a girl?"

"That's what I said. What, you interested in her? Forget it. As good as you are, I think she could put you in a body bag faster than you can say 'ouch'."

He looked around but Anino was nowhere to be seen.

"Forget her. Hey, think about what I told you, will ya? I'll be your manager. We could make millions."

"How much is the Jump going for these days?"

"You wanna take some? I have a few if you want. Finally, you are thinking. Although if I were you, I'd forget about the fucking Jump. There are hundreds of counterfeit pills out there. Diluted shit. If you wanna climb the win ladder, you gotta take what the big boys are taking."

"The fake pills, I've heard before but it's my first time hearing about the other stuff."

"It's top secret shit. The big boys are not gonna risk losing their place by freely gossiping about what kept them there."

"And you know this, why? More importantly, you are gossiping about it now."

"Simple. I wanna climb the ladder too, my friend. I wouldn't tell this to anyone. It's just that for two years, I saw you fight hundreds of opponents and you are still here talking to me fresh as a cucumber."

"So what's this other stuff, and can you get your hands on them?"

"That, my man, is the problem. You cannot get that from the streets. They are not even selling it."

"Why tell me about it then?"

"There used to be a way to get them. There were miners. Now, they are all but gone. Those who managed to get hold of them, now occupy the top spot in the arena. You can tell why. These people are monsters."

"Again, what use is this info to me?"

Chris got serious. He looked Vince straight in the eye.

"These monsters have one thing in common. They slightly glow red when they use their special abilities."


"It's not easy to detect but I told you, I have the eye for these things."

"You are still not telling me shit."

"You glow red when you take hits."

Vince looked unconvinced.

"For some unknown reason, you are acting disingenuous and I understand that. But you have taken the stuff. My eyes don't lie. I have been begging you for ages. This could change both our lives."

"What stuff are you talking about?"

"The fabled Maharlika Blood Crystals."

Vince looked at Chris blankly but his heart was racing.

"Alright, man. If you change your mind, you know where to find me."

Vince left the bookie and went to the restroom. He stared at the mirror for a long time.

Maharlika Blood Crystals.

He locked the door after making sure he was alone.

For fifteen years, he didn't think to check. When he came back to the real world, he didn't even consider it.

Now, the words of Grace, one of his companions, came back.

You can take them out from the game.

He didn't think it possible but for the first time since coming back, he said,

"Cradle of the Valiant, Show Menu."

Nothing happened.

He laughed softly, feeling foolish.

He looked at the mirror again.

In front of him in large, luminous letters.

Cradle of the Valiant

Game Menu

Name: Vince Guiller Padilla

Weapon: Kampilan

Job: Warrior

Elemental affinity: Earth

HP: 1500/1500

MP: 200/200

Vitality: 45

Spirit: 30

Strength: 42

Speed: 21

Intelligence: 28

Skills: Kabalan, Revitalize

Summon: Lam-ang of the North

Skill points: 0

Game Currency: 0

MBC: 121.4