
Chapter 28 : Any Last Words

Regulus’ POV

There was a very high possibility that within the immediate future—as in a few scant minutes—that I was going to incur bodily harm of a most catastrophic nature. Possibly so bad that it could kill me. Or, make me wish I was dead.

The little bastard of a mage had snapped his fingers and transformed the stage into a ring, complete with a roped-off section around it to better enclose the two of us in. He claimed it was for the safety of the audience, so the fight wouldn’t spill off the stage and into the crowd.

But I had a feeling—less of a feeling and more of a ready-to-prove fact—that

the stupid mage had only created the fence to keep me from running and not doing his stupid apology. I was a prince for fuck’s sake! I did not apologize to the help—to commoners!