
Chapter 17 : No Return

Raquel’s POV

“Who are you? Answer me, demon!”

The demon, wearing the skin of a Sidhe King, tilted his head to the side, sun-bleached hair falling over one golden shoulder. It narrowed its blind eyes but otherwise did nothing. That was enough to vex my foolish Prince. Magic exploded across Regulus’ skin, mimicking the loops and curls of his wyrm tattoo.

“By order of an heir to the Night Court and soon-to-be commander of the Wild Hunt, I demand you speak, demon. What is your name!?”

“Pipe down, child,” the demon tutted, and his voice caressed the air like velvet over naked skin. He looped his arms around the Prince, laughing at Regulus' pitiful attempts to hurt him. They wrestled, the demon seizing Regulus around the wrists like one might do to a child throwing a tantrum. The demon held his fake nephew close, pressing their foreheads together as the Prince cursed him in all languages he knew.