
Court of Rebirth: The Conqueror (KnB)

He was a man who held immense passion for basketball but had faced deep frustration as his talent reached his limits due to starting the sport later than his peers. However, his life took an unexpected turn when a nuclear strike hit him after receiving a mysterious letter! He found himself being reborn in Kuroko's Basketball world, where he could have a fresh start from the beginning. ---------- Follow me on X (Twitter): mythoast Support me at: patreon.com/mythoast

mythoast · Anime et bandes dessinées
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295 Chs

Chapter 17: K.O.

The group's leader sneered in response, saying, "You've got quite the nerve to believe you can handle me on your own."

"I'm not just dealing with you. I'm dealing with all of you," Tsuna replied, calmly clarifying his intentions.

Laughter erupted from one of the teens who had previously slapped his companion on the back. His laughter rang out as if he had heard the most amusing joke. "Kid, you've got guts. You could at least show some respect for your senior. You're just a middle-school student."

Although they were high school students and Tsuna was still in middle school, the difference in their heights wasn't that significant as Tsuna was notably tall for his age.

Tsuna's smile persisted as he retorted, "They say wisdom comes with age, but it looks like it missed you."

"You asked for this, you fucker!" Hearing this, one of the teenagers lost his temper and charged at Tsuna.

Tsuna swiftly assumed a boxing stance, ready to defend himself. The group's leader merely laughed in amusement at Tsuna's stance, taunting, "Knowing a bit of boxing won't save you in a street fight."

His taunts were abruptly halted as his friend lunged at Tsuna, throwing a punch on Tsuna's face. Tsuna seamlessly dodged the punch as he slid in, moving closer, and immediately retaliated with a hook punch to the teenager's face. The force of Tsuna's punch sent the teen tumbling to the ground, unconscious.


"I'm sorry. Could you repeat that?"

Tsuna turned to face the group's leader, a touch of mockery in his tone.

"You little..." The leader's words were cut short as he charged towards Tsuna.

Observing this, Tsuna couldn't help but smirk. He smoothly transitioned into a fighting stance, poised to respond. As the leader unleashed a flurry of punches, Tsuna effortlessly evaded each one, much to the leader's growing frustration.

"Is dodging all you've got?" the leader taunted.

Tsuna shook his head slightly at the leader's attempt to provoke him. Tsuna then quickly moved, lunging forward with a jab aimed at the leader's face. However, the leader deftly sidestepped, evading the blow.

In the brief pause that followed, the leader seemed ready to mock Tsuna for his failed punch. But before any words escaped his lips, his eyes widened in astonishment. He barely had time to react as Tsuna smoothly shifted to the left, following up with another punch directly to the leader's face. The impact left the leader momentarily stunned.

Stumbling backward, the leader fought to regain his bearings after the forceful punch that disoriented him. Tsuna wasn't easing up, though. He swiftly followed up with an uppercut to the leader's chin, sending the leader crashing into a nearby trashcan.

Silence settled in the alley as the leader remained motionless, clearly knocked out by Tsuna's powerful blows. The only one left standing was a trembling teen, fear evident in his every movement.

"Can I just go?" the teen's voice quivered as he addressed Tsuna. He seemed to recognize the stark reality that Tsuna would easily overpower him if he dared to fight.

"...Do you think I would let you go if you were in my shoes?"

Tsuna regarded the teen with a direct gaze, genuinely curious about the teen's question. The air was tense with the unspoken understanding that escape wasn't likely.

"I guess not..."

The teen heaved a sigh, understanding the inevitability of the situation.

The silence was broken by another sound, a thud that marked the fall of yet another unconscious body in the alley.

Observing the scene in the alley, Tsuna sighed inwardly, shaking his head. His attention shifted back to Momoi, who had rushed to his side, seeking solace in his embrace.

"Are you okay?" Tsuna's concern was genuine, but he realized the obviousness of his question as Momoi clung to him, unable to reply. He chuckled softly at his own question. "Right, I guess that was a silly thing to ask."

Now faced with the issue of the troublemakers in front of him, Tsuna pondered his options. He took note of the area's lack of security measures, with no visible CCTV cameras around. Calling the police might not yield results without evidence.

Using his family's influence crossed his mind, but he dismissed it. It would trigger alerts back in the US and wasn't the best approach.

Dialing a number on his phone, Tsuna called Sebas, explaining the situation briefly and requesting his assistance. He also made a specific request. With a gentle motion, he disengaged from Momoi's embrace.

"Wait here for a moment. I'll take care of this."

"...Are you planning to kill them?" Satsuki's voice was shaky, still recovering from the ordeal.


Tsuna paused, taken aback by her question. His thoughts chimed in, 'That's a pretty chilling thought. But honestly, if I were her, I might feel the same.'

He spotted a coil of rope tucked in a corner and decided to use it. Carefully, he arranged the troublemakers in a circle and secured them with the rope.

As Tsuna bound them, Momoi inquired, "Are you going to call the police?"

Tsuna sighed, "I wish I could, but it's hard to keep them detained without evidence. I have a plan to give them a taste of their own medicine, though."

Shortly after, Sebas arrived with a large container of water. Tsuna motioned for Momoi to join them and get into the car.

"Sebas, pour the water on them," Tsuna instructed, his voice calm.

"Of course," Sebas responded with a nod, carrying the container into the alley where the teenagers were held.

Observing the state of the teenagers, Sebas understood that they would probably remain unconscious throughout the night. Dousing them with water would likely lead to them falling ill, and considering how long it would take for them to be discovered or free themselves from the rope, they were in for a difficult time.

Sebas remarked in a casual tone, "A tiger cub is still a tiger, it seems."

He alluded to Tsuna's firm handling of the situation, implying that even someone seemingly gentle could assert their strength when needed.


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