
11. Chapter 11

Jay stared down at the photograph in his hand. The man staring back at him looked familiar except for one major detail.

"Olinsky, this Charlie guy…" Jay gestured to the photo. "Did he just get out?"

"A couple of months back. I think three months… maybe eight weeks. Not long."

"That's long enough to get a tattoo done though, right? Like one on the neck." Jay asked. He flipped through his phone to find the description of the bird tattoo the guy from the movies – and the one who'd hit him – had displayed on his neck. "It was like a swallow or something." He read out from his message to Ruzek.

"It's likely." Olinsky agreed. "Well, we may as well just assume that Charlie's the guy who hit you in the alley and the one from the movie theatre. We'll have to get Erin to confirm that somehow."

"Erin told me she didn't know who the guy in the movie theatre was." Jay said. "I knew she was lying but part of me hoped she'd feel comfortable confiding in me, especially if she was scared."

"I've known Erin a long time, Halstead. I love her like she was my own daughter, but she can lie as well as anyone. As much as I would hope that she would tell me or Voight if Charlie came back, I can totally understand her not wanting to. The whole mess between Voight and Erin was something that they worked really hard to get past, and Charlie was the main catalyst for that part of their lives. He didn't make it easy on them at all. It's probably something Erin doesn't want to have to deal with again."

"She could have told me." Jay grumbled, a little annoyed at himself for not pushing Erin more to tell him the truth about the guy.

"Jay, she didn't have to tell you anything. She's known you a couple of weeks and you're a new person in her life. Would you have told someone you had just started dating that you once dealt coke? Would you tell them your convict ex is back?" Olinsky sighed. "As much as we both would think we would be honest, when it comes down to it, it's all a little grey."

Olinsky looked deep in thought and Jay's mind flicked back to Ruzek telling him that Olinsky recently discovered he had fathered a girl while he had been undercover.

"So, where do we go from here? Does Voight have a plan?" Jay asked. "We should probably have one now we know who it is."

"Voight's organizing something. We're beefing up security around Erin."

"What does he want me to do?" Jay asked eagerly.

"He said he wants you to keep your cover with Erin." Alvin told him. Jay narrowed his eyes.

"Is he serious? Al, we know who it is now. We can get him and keep Erin safe. He's been going to her house and threatening her. We need to get her away from him!" He exclaimed.

"I know but Voight's the one calling the shots. Look, we're both on thin ice with Voight. The only reason you're still in this unit is because I'm taking the heat for you." Olinsky told him firmly. "Now, you may not like having to lie to her, but if that's what Voight wants you to do, you better damn well do it."

Jay sighed in frustration. "What if I-" Alvin's phone buzzed and interrupted Jay.

"Voight wants us upstairs. We better go." Olinsky opened the car door and turned back to where Jay was still sitting. "Halstead, you better wipe that scowl off of your face. I know you don't like it but this is what it is. You want to know why I'm telling you about Charlie in my car rather than upstairs? It's because Voight is pissed – at you, at Erin, at Charlie. He's angry and I'm trying to make sure you stay unharmed." He glanced down at Jay's injured wrist. "Mostly, anyway."

"I don't want-"

"No-one cares what you want. Now we're going to go back upstairs and listen to how Voight wants us to proceed. And you're going to be quiet and agree to whatever he says, okay?"

Jay reluctantly nodded and followed Olinsky out.

He felt helpless. He was concerned about Charlie, mad at Erin for not telling him about her past, angry at Voight not letting him voice his concerns. He hated this entire situation and the last thing he wanted was to go back undercover, knowing what he knew about Erin now. He wasn't sure if he'd be able to pretend he didn't know who was following her and who could hurt her.

When they returned to the office, the rest of the unit was gathered around the board where Voight had put up a photo of Charlie. He looked at both of them and, for a moment, looked as if he was going to say something. But he paused and turned back to the rest of the detectives; preferring instead to ignore Jay and Alvin.

"I've got officers all around Erin's apartment. We've got a live feed so we'll know if anyone gets near her door. Mouse has a couple of last know addresses for Charlie Pugliese; one of which is his younger brother's address. Dawson, you and Atwater check them out. Ruzek, I need you to make a list of associates and we'll go through them in case he's with any of them. Al, I need you to contact any of your informants, especially those who were incarcerated with him. Mouse is working on getting stuff like credit card charges to try and pinpoint his possible location."

Voight glanced again at Jay and Alvin.

"That's it. Everyone get going." The team broke away and began their respective tasks, leaving Jay standing in the middle of the bullpen on his own.

Jay watched Voight write some information on the board and begin retreating into his office. He saw Alvin shake his head but decided to ignore him and head after Voight.

"Uh, boss, can I talk to you?" Jay called out as he approached the office door. He was met with the door slamming shut in his face. Jay could feel the others watching him.

His hands clenched into fists. He wasn't going to go back and lie to Erin. Not anymore. He was done with it. He wanted to help.

He knocked twice on the door before letting himself in.


"Halstead, the last time I checked this wasn't your office and I didn't invite you in. Get out." Voight glared at him.

"Sir, respectfully-"

"Respectfully?" Voight repeated incredulously. "You do not get to barge into my office and demand my attention when you deliberately disobeyed my orders and went behind my back."

"I did what Olinsky advised me to do."

"Olinsky isn't your Sergeant. I am. You take orders from me." Voight bit out angrily. "Get out of my sight."

"I want to help." Jay replied, meeting Voight's stare. "I'll do anything to help. I don't want to go back undercover anymore. We can get Erin somewhere else, somewhere safe." Jay said.

Voight considered him for a moment.

"You can stay here and help Ruzek." He said finally.

"What about Erin?" Jay asked.

"I'll get her somewhere safe." Voight assured. "Now get out."

Jay clicked through several mugshots before shaking his head and crossing a name off of the list on his desk.

The phone on Mouse's desk rang and Mouse picked it up on the second ring.

"Hello? Uh… yeah, one sec."

Jay watched as Mouse got up and walked over to Voight's office, knocking twice and pushing the door open. When Mouse walked back, he gave a quick glance towards Jay before picking the phone up again and speaking to whoever was on the line.

"He said it's not a problem. I'm coming down now."

Mouse hung up and went down the stairs to the lobby. Jay's head was turned when Voight appeared at the doorway to his office.

"Halstead. My office."

Jay did what his was told; grateful for the opportunity to get up from his desk. He had forgotten how boring grunt work was.

Jay closed the door to Voight's office and faced his Sergeant, who was leaning back in his chair.

"Your assignment is over. You won't be going undercover anymore." Voight said. "I'll get Olinsky to close your cover. You'll have to sign some documents."

Jay wasn't quite sure what to say. Did he thank him? They were still working on the case. What he about to be suspended? Fired?

"I've got a special assignment for you for the rest of this case."

Jay heard some commotion behind him. Before he could register what it was, Voight's office door flew open and Erin burst in.

"DAD, WHAT THE HELL-" Erin stopped as she suddenly registered Jay's presence in the room. "What are you-"

"Erin, I believe you've met Detective Halstead."