
How could you not remember

This time around I couldn't help but moved back what he said was a bit startling "don't come close who are you and who is Dawn?" He was still staring at me and for a moment I could swear I see his eye turn a bit darker but then he kept his composure "I guess they haven't taught you anything at all as regards to what you really are". I looked at him directly in the eye and all the feeling of him being handsome suddenly disappeared all I could see was a dangerous, scary-looking beast in a handsome man's body.

For some reason, I was scared to my bones and I began to feel so much cold. "And you are supposed to know who I am, how?" He didn't say anything, all he did was just look at me and it made me really uncomfortable, "I'm leaving" "there's nowhere to run to now that I have you, I'm never letting you go ever". This was bad and I knew it, this was not the kind of person I'm supposed to be with right now but since he wouldn't let me go, I decided I'd rather die fighting than stay captured with this unknown man so I charged towards his and tried as hard as I could, but I didn't even get to touch his clothes say more his body. I was getting tired and weak so I began panting so hard it felt like I just did heavy labor "what exactly do you think you are doing?"

He looked at me with one brow raised up and I couldn't help but feel astonished 'are you kidding me, you scared me and you are asking why I'm trying to run away?' at first, I really wanted to curse at him but I held myself back because with how horrible I fought just now, it's obvious I'd never be able to win against him "if you go back you'll die" I suddenly heard him speak and then he was coming close again.

If there was nothing to notice in this guy, one thing was for sure he sure didn't know how to keep his distance. "Let me go" "I can't do that" "why?" I asked already frustrated. Though for some reason I knew he wasn't going to hurt me if he would, he would have done that already but I didn't know what his motive was for all this.

"If I let you go, you are going to die, and id never let that happen, not again". I just looked at him and said "what do you mean not again? I've never died before and we've never met before". He chuckled I know I saw him chuckle it wasn't for long but it was there. "You are my wife Dawn the sharis were able to kill you before but they won't do it ever again not on my watch". 'His wife haa this guy is a lunatic' "I'm sorry young sir but I'm not your wife, I'd know my husband if I ever met him" suddenly his face became all gloomy as if he was very angry this sent shiver down my spine I couldn't help but ask "did I say something wrong?"

"You told me you'd never forget, you said you would feel my presence even when you reincarnate so how could you not remember?" I saw the pain in his eyes as he spoke I could see that he was not a bad person he was just not a human and he was looking for his love that was supposed to come back into this world but why exactly does he think I'm his wife, do I look like her or did he feel the so called connection? "did you feel it?" he looked at me as though asking what are you talking about "I mean the connection, did you feel it when you saw me?" He was silent for a while before saying "no but I could never forget your face it's the only thing I could never forget".

It wasn't me, I wasn't his wife and I knew it but correct some reason I couldn't bring myself to tell him that maybe because he was already convinced at least that's what I told myself "what is your name, mister?" He looked at me so anxiously probably hoping I would say it was me "I'm Jay a demon, listen I understand it if you don't remember me but stay with me, I'll train you and help you fight those people who are trying so hard to kill you. I know back then you weren't Dawn and you were killed because of a piece of wrong information that's probably why you came back as her this time around, but don't worry I didn't protect you then but I'm willing and ever ready to do it now".

I just kept looking I suddenly went speechless and though I knew it wasn't me at all I felt maybe just maybe it could be me. Just as I was deep in thoughts I heard a large noise coming from the other side of the door it was scary almost like a roar. I immediately looked at him "are we in danger?" he smiled and it felt like his mood lightened up a little bit "no we are safe that's my pet, it was yours before but after you died, I raised her".

"What was she like I mean your wife" I didn't know if it was appropriate but I enjoyed talking to him even though I didn't notice it much yet. "You were human" I couldn't understand it "so why did the Sharis kill me?" he looked at me and asked me to sit which I did because I was really tired. " I know you've seen the Sharis face to face and probably had an encounter with them, if you have then you would know that they never spare anyone who gets in their way". I was eager to hear more of it. "That day you said you wanted to prepare me a nice dinner so you rushed out I offered to follow but you said no. When you went out I felt danger so I dashed out and followed you but when I found you, you were already dead" I looked at him and said "if you met me dead, how did you know it's was them who killed me?" "they always leave a mark on the wrist of the one they kill, it's always a black butterfly".