
Cosmos System: Transmigration to the other world

[Looking for a romantic and heart warming story, or are you looking for an Mc who breaks his limits, Then check this story out. Journey with Feng Zhen as he becomes the COSMOS Supreme Ruler in another world] Being a Librarian in the modern world, The life of Feng Zhen were full with ups and downs, that was until he died. After reincarnating in another world with a System, Feng Zhen swore not to be trampled upon in his new life. Journey with Feng Zhen as he grows to reach the peak of martial art, watching over worlds, galaxies along with his system and becoming the Supreme Ruler of the COSMOS. [ Note that this novel is rated (18)] [Never judge a book by its cover] [Don't judge the book by its cover, try reading it to chapter 15, before you make your conclusion that the story is bad] Note: I have received complain about the mc being too lustful. Note that the mc is still young and impulsive.

Advance_Writer7 · Fantaisie
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138 Chs

Day 1 (Knowing that he would be hunted)


"Ouch! My head" slightly, groaned Feng Zhen as he opened his eyes and sat up.

As soon he sat up on the bed, he looked around and discovered that he was in a spacious room made of crystalline ice. Surprisingly the mattress, walls, ceiling, floor, pillow, bookshelf, mirror, chair, even the curtain and the door were completely made of crystalline ice.

"Wow!... Ouch!" groaned Feng Zhen as he spotted the sparkling crystal chandelier hanged on the ceiling.

Suddenly, a familiar notification sound rang through Feng Zhen's mind.

{Ding! Negative Energy Successfully Neutralize...}

'System, What happened' asked Feng Zhen as he couldn't fully recall some previous event, leading to his unconscious state.

{Ding! Responding to the host, retrieving data... Sending data's of event that occurred before the host went into the state of unconscious...}

At that moment, the system sent a series of events that occurred before Feng Zhen fell unconscious into Feng Zhen's mind.

The glitchy memories that weren't clear to Feng Zhen when he woke up started to mend itself as the system continued sending streams of data into Feng Zhen's mind.

Few minutes later, the previous startled expression of Feng Zhen changed into a serious expression as his previous hazy memories returned. Without even knowing it, his blood began boiling with determination.

'Three Month... System, where am I and how long have I been unconscious' asked Feng Zhen with a knitted brow, which displayed his serious expression.

{Ding! Responding to the host, Location: North east of Tarrin Country, Time passed after the host lost consciousness: One Month and three days...}

"What?" yelled Feng Zhen as he panickedly stood up from the ice bed.

'H-How have I been alive until now...' thought Feng Zhen as he rubbed his tummy with his hands.

'I-I don't recall eating anything or taking any water, how am I still alive' thoughts upon thoughts were running through the mind of Feng Zhen.

However, after a while he recalled that he was a cultivator with the cultivation of a Peak King Stage expert and as the cultivation of cultivator increase, so as the ability of the cultivator to live without food and water increase and also even if he couldn't live for a month without food, he knew that the person that brought him to this spacious room won't let him die.

After recalling that a King Stage experts could live more than a month without food and water, he sighed in relief.

Afterwards, he returned to the ice bed and sat cross-legged.

'System, Open the System's Library, with recommendation' requested Feng Zhen with a serious expression.

It wasn't that Feng Zhen wasn't concerned about where he was or what he might have done to be placed in such a place or who placed him, of course he was concerned, but the thought of the humiliation Tian Nizi did to him, he couldn't border about those stuffs.

{Ding! Opening Library...3....2…1....}

Recommended Books:

{Fire Dao} - 300,000 CP (500 Pages)

{Water Dao} - 300,000 CP (500 Pages)

{Darkness Dao} - 1,700,000 CP (8000 Pages)

{Space Dao} - 1,700,000 CP (9000 Pages)

{Deity's Anatomy} - 700,000 CP (1000 Pages)

{Light Dao} - 1,700,000 CP (8000 Pages)

{Earth Dao} - 300,000 CP (600 Pages)

{Wind Dao} - 300,000 CP (500 Pages)

{Metal Dao} - 500,000 CP (600 Pages)

{Diety's Psychology} - 700,000 CP (1500 Pages)

{Heaven's Aura} - 70,000 CP (8000 Pages)

{Comprehensive Lightning Art} - 70,000CP (20 Pages)

{Prefect Qi Control} - 120,000 CP (300 Pages)

{Anatomy of Artifacts} - 170,000 (10000 Pages)

{Anatomy of Runes} - 170,000 (30000 Pages)

{Anatomy of Formation} - 170,000 (40000 Pages)

{Anatomy of Alchemy} - 170,000 (60000 Pages)

{Anatomy of Tailsmen} - 170,000 (5000 Pages)

"Eh!" exclaimed Feng Zhen as he heard the prices of the books.

'What the fuck is this, W-Why is it so damn expensive' asked Feng Zhen as his previous serious mood lightened.

{Ding! Responding to the host, Tch, Read the synopsis of the book before making conclusion, Dick head...}

"W-What! D-Did you just call me a dick head' asked Feng Zhen with a startled expression. Currently, Feng Zhen was startled at the manner in which the system spoke to him.

{Ding! Responding to the host, the System does not know what the host meant by dickhead...}

'B-But... You... Didn't you call me dickhead'

{Ding! Responding to the host, the system doesn't understand what the host meant by dickhead...}

'Dammit, You're clearly denying it...' thought Feng Zhen as he gnashed his teeth in frustration.

Unknown to Feng Zhen that the reason the system called his dick head was to lighten his mood.

'Haa! (Sighed Feng Zhen) Anyway, show me the recommended book details' asked Feng Zhen

{Fire Dao:


If the host should completely comprehend the dao of fire/flames with the nine birth of Nirvana,

(-) With a mere thought, the host could manipulate and create flames

(-) The host would gain the ability of invulnerable to flame

(-) The host would gain additional life, that is, if the host is killed, the host would be reborn in a 1,000 years.


{Water Dao:


If the host should completely comprehend the dao of ice/water with the nine birth of Nirvana,

(-) With a mere thought, the host could manipulate and create ice/water

(-) The host would gain the ability of invulnerable to ice/water

(-) The host would gain additional life, that is, if the host is killed, the host would be reborn in a 1,000 years.


'Wwwwwwhaaaat, are you kidding me'

Instead of responding of Feng Zhen, the system revealed another detailed information.

{Darkness Dao:


If the host should completely comprehend the dao of darkness,

(-) With a mere thought, the host could manipulate and create darkness

(-) The host would gain the ability of invulnerable to darkness

(-) The host would gain the ultimate ability of invulnerable to death. However, the host has to battle Mr. Death for the death key.

(-) Invincible in darkness

(-) Exist without Existence. However, the host has to battle Mr. Death for the death key.



This time, Feng Zhen was speechless for a while by the details of the comprehensive book of darkness dao.

After a while, Feng Zhen pondered and asked the system, 'system, I don't understand, what do you mean by collecting a death key from Mr death, how would comprehending a darkness dao make me invulnerable to death, and also I thought Gods were immortals'

{Ding! Responding to the host, Of course Gods are immortals, but that is only applicable to lifespan. If a god is stabbed in the heart by a god killer weapon, it is certain that the god would die. However, even after the death of the god, the solid soul of the gods would still exist...}

'Hmm, Interesting, wait a minute, do you mean that only a specified weapon could be used to kill a god' asked Feng Zhen with a puzzled expression.

{Ding! Responding to the host, Indeed... Long ago after the Armageddon that took place in the nine heavens of the heavenly domain in the God Realm, gods killer weapons were all hidden and kept from the reach of others, while some god's killer weapons were lost during the war (gods killer weapons are very rare weapons). However, it has been made known that any who by any chance finds a gods killer weapon should immediately return it to the heavenly domain without soul-bonding the gods killer weapon and receive rewards for returning the gods killer weapon...}

'Return it, Bullshit, Why should anyone return such rare weapon, that could even be effective against gods' thought Feng Zhen.

{Ding! Responding to the host, the reason is because, if the person refuses to return the gods killer weapon or the person mistakenly formed a soul bond with the gods killer weapon, even if the person decides to return the weapon, the person would be labeled as a threat and would be hunted and eliminated...}

'Hmmm, hunted and eliminated by the gods from the god realm, cik cik cik cik, unfortunate, really unfortunate. Well, that would be faith of the person that would be unlucky to encounter any god killer weapons, w-w-wait a minute, I remember you told me that I could kill Tian Nizi if I used the {Evil God Rage Technique}, I-I don't understand, does the {Evil God Rage Technique} have some kind of weapon that could k-kill gods?'

thought Feng Zhen as his expression changed.

At first the system hesitated to respond, but after a while the system responded.

{Ding! Responding to the host, No...}

"Haaaaaaa!!!!!!" hearing the response of the system, Feng Zhen sighed so long that it was as if it was his last exhaled breath.

'Pardon me for asking system, but why did you hesitate before telling me' asked Feng Zhen with the most respected way he could have ever asked the system.

Same as last time, the system hesitated to respond, but after a while the system respond. However, the response the system gave was different from what Feng Zhen was expecting.

{Ding! Responding to the host, The system request that the host shouldn't ask, as that this information might traumatize the host...}

'Traumatize me, Nonsense, nothing in this world could traumatize me' thought Feng Zhen with his chest raised, and his head raised up high, as he displayed a confident expression.

{Ding! Responding to the host, The system still insist the host reframe from asking...}

'Hmmm, don't worry about what might happen to me, isn't it just an information, how much could it affect me or would the information kill me' thought Feng Zhen with a puzzled expression.

{Ding! Responding to the host, the information, would not kill the host but might cau-}

Without even allowing the system to complete its words, Feng Zhen interrupt, 'Stop beating around the bush, and just tell me'

{Ding! Responding to the system, okay... The current weapon in the host's possession {Evil God Spear} is a god killer weapon...}

'Eh!' exclaimed Feng Zhen in disbelief.

{Ding! Responding to the system, The system would repeat itself... The current weapon in the host's possession {Evil God Spear} is a god killer weapon...}

Suddenly, Feng Zhen recalled that he soul-bonded with the {Evil God Spear}, relating it with the words for the system an explosion occurred in Feng Zhen's mind.


Unable to speak, talk, Feng Zhen just sat on the bed, expressionlessly, while pondering about everything the system said.

The more Feng Zhen tries to avoid having any relativity to the gods killer weapon, the more evidence he would receive from the experience with the Evil God Spear.

Without even knowing it, Feng Zhen has already created a massive foundation for his hunted life in the realm of the gods before even entering it.


{Thanks for reading...}

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