

Story of an immortal and their student exploring the universe. Oh yeah and there's magic and basic fantasy stuff too. And some time travel, like a pinch of it. (idk man. just gimme a bit to make a good cover for this story. plus this is my first one so have some mercy.)

_toasted_loaf · Romance
Pas assez d’évaluations
2 Chs


A small, cloaked person races down the hall, clutching a data drive. Behind him, a group of guards fire at him, determined to take him out and retrieve the drive. Right before they reach the thief, he tosses a small glowing orb that erupts into a hardened foam, immobilizing the guards in their tracks. Without stopping, the thief continues towards an open door and rushes through. Outside, a small shuttle is waiting for him, its ramp extended. With a quick glance back at the guards, the thief hurries inside, and the shuttle takes off.

He takes a seat in the small shuttle and takes off his cloak, reavealing his ginger hair and feline ears. A woman pops her head out from the cockpit and smiles. 

"So, didja get it?" she asks him. He holds up the data drive. 

"Good job, Hiro," she says. 

"Can we choose a different kind of job next time, Master?" Hiro whines. 

"Oh, but these jobs are so much fun~." the woman says with a grin. 

"Fun? Really?" Hiro says, frowning. 

"It was so tense back there! The guards were right behind and shooting me, I almost didn't make it to the shuttle… I was running with my life on the line for this thing!" 

"Well, maybe fun isn't the right word…" the woman says. "It was exhilarating. And you managed to pull it off in the end, didn't you?" 

"Well…" Hiro says, still frowning. "It was definitely exhilarating." 

The woman laughs. "But you're right, we could choose a different kind of task next time. What do you think?"

Hiro sighs and turns to look out the window of the shuttle. The shuttle enters space and heads for their ship, a Class-C Exploration vessel. The shuttle docks inside the hangar and lowers the ramp. Hiro walks out and heads for the quarters. He sets his stuff down and lies on the bed. His eyes grow heavy and his vision fades to black.